This week Kati offers tips on how we can take care of our mental health if we have to move back in with our parents. She also dives into narcissistic personality disorder, what it is, how it starts, what it means to have narcissistic tendencies, whether she believes NPD is treatable or not, and if those with NPD or sociopaths are worthy of love. Kati also discusses how to process or overcome cutting off an abusive or toxic family member, and the difference between NPD and other mental illnesses. Kati Morton is a licensed marriage and family therapist, and each week she answers questions about all things mental health and life related.

Ask Kati Anything ep. 129 | Your mental health podcast, with Kati Morton, LMFT

Audience questions:

1. What tips do you have for moving back in with your parents/family? I’m 21 and love living on my own. My therapist and I agree that my mental health (depression and anxiety) is a lot better when I am on my own, away from family. Now that my circumstances warrant me moving back in, what...

2. I just wanted to know how npd starts? Like does it start small as a child and build up or is it just who they are in general? Hope this makes sense just very curious, thank you for being so amazing...

3. Recently I've worried that I have narcissistic tendencies. This would be a nightmare for me because the last thing I want to do is hurt people the way I've been hurt. I talked to my therapist about it and she said narcissists don't worry that they're narcissists, so there's no way I have NPD. Is this true??

4. I’m not sure if this is on topic but I often wonder if narcissists and sociopaths are worthy of love. And if they are, why? My therapist says EVERYONE is worthy of love regardless of how difficult they are. But if this is the case, then people who do terrible terrible things to others are also worthy...

5. What is the difference between someone with npd and someone with narcissistic traits? How can you differentiate between these two kinds of people? (COMMENT: I'm wondering this also. My parents have some traits but not sure it's actually NPD. I actually think it's...

6. I argue with a lot of people about if NPD is treatable or not. Since BPD was deemed untreatable for a long time I believe that every disorder is treatable to some degree at least and for the right people. What do you think about the treatment of NPD? Can it work or...

7. I was wondering how you suggest dealing with the pain of cutting off a close family member. About six months ago, I cut off my sister because since our dad died over 3 years ago, she's been increasingly abusive and controlling. The problem is she means the world to me. We went...

8. I’m hoping you can give us an overview of what NPD actually is. I notice that a lot of people say that someone in their life - usually a parent - is a narcissist. While I know the definition of the word, I don’t really understand NPD clinically. What’s the difference (if there is one) between being...

Kati's books: Traumatized   Are u ok?

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