This week Kati talks about processing trauma in an unsafe environment, how she navigates therapy when a patient can’t talk or stay present in session, and how trauma can manifest in the body. She also discusses attachment issues, when a mental illness becomes a disability, and why some symptoms seem to lessen when others get worse. Finally, she talks about eating disorder development, relapses in ED recovery, who deserves therapy, and how to get over a breakup. Tangents and tools galore in this week’s episode!   

Ask Kati Anything ep. 127 | Your mental health podcast, with Kati Morton, LMFT 

 Audience questions:  

1. I know it's impossible to process trauma while still in an unsafe environment (i.e. still living at home, bullying at work, people dying just to name a few) and my therapist decided to put a pause on any processing type work. She said she wants to stabilize me for the next couple of years...  

2. Do you have any therapist strategies on how you would navigate a patient that struggles to speak in sessions? I struggle making eye contact and speaking with my T on triggering topics - generally I shut-down/dissociate. I tend to write in session, which has been...  

3. Is it possible that trauma manifests in the body? I was physically and sexually attacked by a guy while i was running and since then my legs go numb when I go for a run (which is very unfortunate, as running is my preferred coping mechanism for depression). I've been to several...  

4. I tend to attach to older females in my life, including my therapist, but I have a mom who is very supportive and loving. We have a good relationship, but I never really open up to her about anything that I’m going through. not because she doesn’t want me to- I just don’t feel...  

5. When is ptsd/mental illness considered disabling? Is there a set of qualifications that therapists use to determine that or is it very case specific? (COMMENT: As an add on: Are there some mental illnesses that are considered disabilities and others that aren't? I have been told that my ptsd is...  

6. I have noticed that as soon as I get one symptom under control, other symptoms get stronger. For example, one of my symptoms is that I generally have trouble keeping my apartment tidy because my depression tells me that I don't deserve a nice apartment. In the last week...  

7. Is it possible to knowingly develop a restrictive eating disorder in a week? I have had body image issues off/on my whole life (I’m 27), but always told myself that I “don’t have enough willpower” to develop an ED. I recently told my therapist that I unintentionally hadn’t eaten very much that...  

8. How do I recover for myself, instead of for others? I thought that I had realized that I cannot recover for anyone except myself, but when my therapist went on vacation for two weeks (during a time when I have been going through immense transitions, including a new job, an apartment move, mom being in the hospital, etc.) I found that my ED (which had been sort of 'in remission') came back full force...  

9. Hi Kati! I really enjoy your podcasts and your approach to explaining issues. I'm a (relatively) healthy 62 yo divorced man, with dead parents and grown children. I still work full time, but personally my friend pool has diminished considerably, and I spend a lot of time alone...  

10. How can I move on and stop obsessing over someone who dumped me? While we were dating everything felt so nice and mutual till slowly he became distant and then ended things. I loved his personality and our connection felt...


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