On this week’s episode of Enneagram IRL, we meet with Tyler Zach, author and certified Enneagram coach with 18 years of experience coaching students, adults, couples, and business teams. He has grown a vibrant community of over 47K Enneagram enthusiasts on his Instagram account @GospelForEnneagram. He is writing a faith-based 40-day devotional for every Enneagram type which you can grab on Amazon.com. 

To test drive your type's book, download a free 5-day devotional on his website at https://www.tylerzach.com/free.  

🔗 Connect with Tyler Zach!

💻 https://www.tylerzach.com

📷 Instagram: @GospelForEnneagram

🎥 Youtube: @gospelforenneagram

📱 Facebook: @gospelforenneagram

🐦 X/Twitter: @gospelforgram

🔗 Connect with Steph!

💻 https://ninetypes.co/

📷 Instagram: @ninetypesco

🎥Youtube: @stephbarronhall

Here are the key takeaways:

My mom follows Tyler’s InstagramHow we (as Threes) sometimes mistype ourselves based on how we want to beMaking the decision to leave ministryLoss of identity and identity work as a ThreeChanging his perspective from his previous ideas (Joke about Wayne Grudem, IYKYK)Opening up to different perspectives of himself and who God isHow we use our types to harm others unintentionally, and how the Enneagram can improve our relationshipsSixes as protectorsFeeling like we’re drowning as Threes when we try to slow down The EnneaSummit: how it came to be and why Tyler is excited about itTip for Threes: Practice slowing down. It doesn’t feel great at first, but it’s necessary.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

The EnneaSummit: Love & Relationships EditionTyler’s History of the Enneagram Course https://www.tylerzach.com/history The Road Back to You by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne StabileEnneagram 2.0 Podcast by Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio PaesFacets of Unity by AH Almaas (the book Steph mentions on Holy Ideas)Here on a Mission by Donald Miller

Schedule a consultation to learn more about booking an Enneagram training for your team! All trainings are led by Stephanie Barron Hall (M.A. Organizational Communication & Leadership, Chestnut Paes Enneagram Certified, Integrative9 Accredited Enneagram Professional). https://ninetypes.co