Welcome back to Enneagram IRL, the weekly podcast where we go beyond Enneagram theory and dive into practical understanding, new clarity, and fresh insight. We’re talking about how each type is in REAL LIFE so you can remember – you’re more than just a number. 

On this week’s episode of Enneagram IRL, we meet with Jessica Denise Dickson, a life empowerment coach who believes that when Black women heal, the world heals. She believes that the path to personal and collective healing comes through embodying our Enneagram and liberation work. Jessica supports clients, through groups and one-on-one work, with the reclamation of our full humanity - healing work that leads us to equity, justice, and freedom. We discuss that when we do this work, we live more authentically with self-trust, self-safety, and fully-embodied freedom, and this echoes into our communities and changes the world. We explore Jessica’s beautiful and powerful experience as an Enneagram Eight whose love for life, people, and justice is so evident and quite contagious! 

Follow Jessica on Instagram:
@jessicaddickson & @jessicaddicksoncoaching 

Looking for our key takeaways? Jump to them here:

Discovering the Enneagram and core type: Am I a Two or Eight? [13:37]“Is this my trauma or is this my type?”: Acknowledging outside factors [22:19]Gaining perspective and asking the right questions as a leader [35:43]How to recognize the passion of lust & cherish the virtue of innocence [49:54]About Jessica’s services & how you can connect [01:01:41]

*Quick note: Jessica explains how a black male type four may differ from stereotypical descriptions of this Enneagram type. She uses an example based on one specific individual and is not intended to reflect the black community as a whole. [43:08]

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Definition of Social Identifiers [03:42]Difference Matters by Brenda J. Allen [3:57]Where We Stand Class Matters by Bell Hooks [04:06]Definition of Whiteness [04:18]Jessica’s Orientation Course [07:18]

Other helpful Resources:

Life on Vulnerability Community with Jessica D. DicksonHistory of Whiteness: Through the Looking Glass Tedx TalkThe Origin of Race in the USA

This Week’s Guest Picks:

Healing Developmental Trauma by Heller & LaPierre [01:06:43] The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer [01:08:02]Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Estés [01:08:58] 

Enneagram Resources for YOU!

Learn more about subtypes! Download my free subtypes guide here.

Schedule a consultation to learn more about booking an Enneagram training for your team! All trainings are led by Stephanie Barron Hall (M.A. Organizational Communication & Leadership, Chestnut Paes Enneagram Certified, Integrative9 Accredited Enneagram Professional). https://ninetypes.co