On this week’s episode of Enneagram IRL, we meet with Kimberly Reese Sherman, LCSW. We talk about what it’s like to be an Enneagram Three, emotionality and being in the heart center, the Type Three approach to losing, failure, and achievement, and learning to do things we’re bad at. Find the full show notes here: https://ninetypes.co/blog/enneagram-irl-podcast-interview-episode-5

Follow Kim on Instagram:

Therapy Practice @kreeselcswPodcast @enneagramforthecultureEnneagram Page @melanatedenneagram

Enneagram for The Culture Podcast https://www.enneagramfortheculture.com/
Melanated Enneagram https://www.melanatedenneagram.com/

Looking for our key takeaways? Jump to them here:

Kim’s first reaction to learning her type [8:12]Why Kim became a therapist [17:47]Kim’s thoughts on being emotional and a Three [27:01]Connect with Kim and her work [44:40]

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Enneagram for the Culture Podcast

Want to keep the conversation going? Join me on Instagram @ninetypesco to keep learning and chatting about how our types show up in REAL LIFE! 

Learn more about subtypes! Download my free subtypes guide here.

Want to keep learning? Join my Enneagram in Real Life course to start applying all this Enneagram knowledge and begin your inner work journey today. Check it out here:  https://www.enneagramirl.com

Communication Clarity: The Enneagram Lover’s Guide to Relating with Ease
It’s going to be Saturday, August 13th 8am-1pm PST or 11am-4pm US Eastern time.

This fun, relaxing, reflective retreat will equip you in incredibly practical ways with your nerdiest Enneagram friends.

You can learn more and save your seat at enneagramirl.com/communication but don’t wait! This one time event is coming soon, and you don’t wanna miss it.