Nara Herbowy Callanan is The Legacy Designer™, a NYS & MA licensed attorney who specializes in helping busy female professionals and their families navigate and understand the legal nuances of protecting and planning for family wealth. Female professionals and entrepreneurs are often overlooked, and spoken over when it comes to discussing wealth, legal planning, and building businesses. 

The Legacy Designer™ works with female professionals and their families to level the playing field when it comes to understanding the process and the choices that each of us are allowed to make as individuals, and as families. Through thoughtful education in comfortable settings, Nara helps clients DISCOVER all of their assets (financial & human). She then DESIGNS legal plans that will work now, in the future, and when they are really needed (in case of emergency). 

Nara's ultimate goal for each of her clients is EMPOWERMENT through education. She aims to provide clients with peace of mind in knowing that their families and their business will be protected and taken care of when tragedy strikes. You can either work with Nara on a step by step basis, or in a more comprehensive manner - retaining her as your Personal General Counsel. 
Nara believes that by planning for the unexpected and/or the inevitable, we are all able to embrace our best lives now.

You can learn more and connect with Nara at,

In this episode Nara educates women on the legal documents they need for greater peace of mind to ensure that their choices for health and family are executed in line with their desires.   

Thank you so much for tuning in! If you are dealing with panic and looking for a process that will allow you to break free from this crippling fear state I want to invite you to check out Jennifer's Panic Attack Survival Guide. Grab a FREE copy HERE.