Astrology had Celeste at hello.

Understanding her celestial design unlocked the mysteries of her personality, deepened her relationships with others and provided a beacon for her life’s purpose. Since living in sync with the celestial cycles, she is happier, healthier and achieved new heights of success in her career.

Celeste feels a calling to guide others on their paths. She has studied with many highly respected astrologers and completed advanced training programs with Rebecca Gordon Astrology and Debra Silverman Astrology.

She also has a successful sales and marketing career at Fortune 500 companies spanning over 25 years. She routinely negotiates multimillion-dollar contracts and is proud of her work in the bioscience and medical device field which brings life-saving therapies to patients. She has an undergraduate degree in Integrative Biology from UC Berkeley and an M.B.A. from St. Mary’s College.  Learn more about Celeste and book reading at (enter 'anxietyproof15' at check out to get 15% off)

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