Self-Care - a buzz word that's been becoming increasingly more popular over the last couple of years. 

But what even does it mean? What does it look like? How do I do it? 

We'll dive into these questions on today's episode and talk even more about the type of self care we should really be doing!

check it out and let me know how you're going to care for yourself today on Instagram!


visit for more information on the 7 pillars we talk about in today's episode. 


I am NOT a licensed mental health professional. this episode is in no way meant to help you overcome any mental health challenges. these are ideas that work for me and other people that I have spoken with. 

and if you're looking for professional help, please seek it.

go to if you're looking for a place to start!


if you vibe with this episode, screenshot and share in your stories! and TAG ME (@leen_cuisine27and@anchorwithinpodcast) so I can personally thank you and SUPPORT you 💙💚


>>> interested in diving deep into your mindset with me?!