A little life update of a REALLY HARD season I have to navigate through right now and the lessons that I'm learning as I go through it. 

This isn't a typical pump up episode, but it's one that I needed to share as I realized that I am learning a lot of valuable lessons. lessons that can be applied to any part of life, whether you're going through a hard time or not. 

tune in & as always let me know what you think!



also - I mentioned Kacia Fitzgerald at the beginning of this and she is one of the most incredible humans ever so connect with her here:

instagram: @kacia.fitzgerald

podcast: EmpowerHER




if you vibe with this episode, screenshot and share in your stories! and TAG ME (@leen_cuisine27and@anchorwithinpodcast) so I can personally thank you and SUPPORT you 💙💚


>>> interested in diving deep into your mindset with me?!