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Black motherhood has long been stigmatized in a negative light.  When we think of black mothers' the images of "Big-Momma", "Teen Moms", and overbearing black women are often conjured in the minds of the masses.  While these images are sometimes true, there is a much larger population of well-healed, well educated, well-traveled, stylish, adventurous, and downright cool black moms.  Amerikan Therapy breaks the stereotypes to talk about building a tribe of cool and supportive black mothers, and what that means for our mental and emotional health.

In this episode, we sit down with District Motherhued, an organization whose purpose is to bring black millennial moms together in order to build a supportive tribe of women.  District Motherhued's mission is to engage black millennial moms with candor while empowering and equipping them with resources and support. District Motherhued provides a safe, judgment-free place to celebrate (or commiserate – depends on the day of the week) motherhood, and connect with other like-minded moms.

Link:  https://www.districtmotherhued.com/

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