You know how the story goes.
Boy swipes right.
Girl swipes right.
Boy and girl meet.
Boy and girl date, ghost, and repeat.
It’s a modern love story, no?
If you’re feeling defeated and romantically stifled, there is a better way to date.
If you've become apathetic with the prospect of meeting a genuine soul to connect with, conscious dating is for you. 
Conscious Dating is not altogether a new concept. But thanks to individuals like Kaila Perusco, it’s an approach to dating that’s becoming more popularised amongst Generation Y.
Kaila heads the The Conscious Dating Co, which runs a unique kind of speed dating event in Sydney and Melbourne. It attracts self-aware 20-30-somethings who are looking to engage in stimulating conversation, and leave with their dignity in tact. Rather than play musical chairs with 10-15 different people, Kaila organises fun group activities and questions designed to reveal a person’s character. Attendees leave feeling fulfilled, respected, and have even gone on to find their long-term partner.

Want to try conscious dating for yourself?

Sign up to one of Kaila's events.

You know how the story goes.
Boy swipes right.
Girl swipes right.
Boy and girl meet.
Boy and girl date, ghost, and repeat.
It’s a modern love story, no?
If you’re feeling defeated and romantically stifled, there is a better way to date.
If you've become apathetic with the prospect of meeting a genuine soul to connect with, conscious dating is for you. 
Conscious Dating is not altogether a new concept. But thanks to individuals like Kaila Perusco, it’s an approach to dating that’s becoming more popularised amongst Generation Y.
Kaila heads the The Conscious Dating Co, which runs a unique kind of speed dating event in Sydney and Melbourne. It attracts self-aware 20-30-somethings who are looking to engage in stimulating conversation, and leave with their dignity in tact. Rather than play musical chairs with 10-15 different people, Kaila organises fun group activities and questions designed to reveal a person’s character. Attendees leave feeling fulfilled, respected, and have even gone on to find their long-term partner.

Want to try conscious dating for yourself?

Sign up to one of Kaila's events.