Last year I found a group of women online who not only focus on promoting their professional identities, but simultaneously (and perhaps not intentionally), work to remove the shame and stigma of erotic labour. There’s room for selfies, humour, friendship and sharing values, and we’re invited to watch and participate. It’s a world that’s open to the general public, and the ease in which you can find these communities makes them easy to access.
So, I reached out to a few and heard crickets. Of course, these women can be targets for the perverse, and sometimes the well-intentioned but ultimately ignorant. 
After a few exchanges with Estelle, I realised I fell into the latter. I wanted to be a good ally, but here’s the thing: you can’t just email escorts on the internet for quotes.
So I struck up an email exchange with Estelle, and eventually we agreed to meet. It was obvious to us both that my standard, superficial questions wouldn’t form the basis of a good interview. 
Instead, we spoke about identity politics, gender politics, the meaning of love and intimacy, cultural values and so much more. 
This is not an interview about what sex work is. Instead, it explores a multitude of dimensions to further enrich your emotional intelligence.