Episode Highlights: 

*We'll navigate through the distinctions between 'Childless' and 'Childfree' while discussing the importance of self-identification and reclaiming our narratives. *

Discover the nuances between 'Childfree by Choice' and 'Childfree by Circumstance' and gain insights into the diverse experiences within our community. 

*Explore familiar acronyms like DINK and SINK, as well as lesser-known terms like TTC and Empty Nesters, unraveling the complexities of modern lifestyles. 

*Journey with me as I share personal anecdotes about embracing the childfree lifestyle in Portugal, offering a glimpse into the joys and occasional complexities of living life on your own terms. 

***BONUS! I’m inviting you to join the conversation and celebrate the diverse identities within the Unapologetically Childfree Community at our FREE social Hour March 1st, 2024 @ 9pm Lisbon time. Register free: https://unapologeticallychildfree.com/registerfree 


ep. 012—Timestamps 

00:00 Introduction to Childfree Terminology 

00:25 Understanding the Difference Between Childless and Childfree 

01:01 The Importance of Identifying as Childfree 

02:27 Exploring the Terms: Childfree and Childless 

04:18 The Significance of 'By Choice' and 'By Circumstance' 

07:46 Understanding DINK and SINK 

08:43 Other Important Terms: TTC, Empty Nesters, Step Parents, and Pre-Parents 

10:34 The Importance of Differentiating Childfree and Pre-Parenting 

14:09 Living the Childfree Lifestyle in Portugal 

15:59 Conclusion: Embracing the Childfree Community 


Mark your calendar for our upcoming free social hour on March 1st, 2024, and connect with fellow childfree people. https://unapologeticallychildfree.com/registerfree 

Meetups: https://unapologeticallychildfree.com/meetup 

Instagram: https://unapologeticallychildfree.com/instagram 

All the Links: https://unapologeticallychildfree.com/links 

Join my email list for additional Childfree Content: https://unapologeticallychildfree.com/emaillist 

Childfree Woman’s Path: Friends, not FOMO (My ebook and journal) https://unapologeticallychildfree.com/childfreepath


Unapologetically Childfree! 

Hey there, Maggie Dickens here, thrilled you’re part of the Unapologetically Childfree Community– your go-to spot for finding the childfree community you never knew existed and can no longer live without. We cover all things childfree, where we share laughs, explore, and embrace life without kids and without apologies. 

Our Vibe: Imagine a cozy chat with a friend who gets the childfree lifestyle – that's our channel. From breaking stereotypes to sharing hilarious experiences, we're a community celebrating life without kids. 

This isn't just a podcast; it's a place for friends. Our guests are our friends, mentors, authors, experts, and listeners. Real people, real stories, and real talk about choosing a childfree life. Get ready for inspiration, camaraderie, and a few "aha" moments. 

Why Subscribe? Whether proudly childfree, considering the lifestyle, or curious, we've got something for you. Expect laughs, empowerment, and genuine stories from real people navigating life without kids. 

Important Notice: 

Please Read This Is Not Therapy: - Although I'm a therapist, this channel is NOT a substitute for mental health care or therapy. The content provided is for educational and entertainment purposes only. 

Your Well-being Matters: - Your mental and physical health are top priorities. If you're in crisis, please reach out to local emergency services or a mental health helpline immediately. 

Disclaimer: This description was created in collaboration between me and AI.