The air's a little cooler, the days a little shorter and pumpkin-spice everything is everywhere which is a sign that it's Fall and 2020 will soon be coming to a close! Walk into almost any retail store and you'll see Halloween and holiday season displays which means candy and calories galore. 2020 has been bad enough, this Quick Fit Tip will help you to identify some strategies to stay fit and healthy so that you can avoid the traditional holiday weight gain that happens this time of year. 
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The air's a little cooler, the days a little shorter and pumpkin-spice everything is everywhere which is a sign that it's Fall and 2020 will soon be coming to a close! Walk into almost any retail store and you'll see Halloween and holiday season displays which means candy and calories galore. 2020 has been bad enough, this Quick Fit Tip will help you to identify some strategies to stay fit and healthy so that you can avoid the traditional holiday weight gain that happens this time of year. 

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