Most of us know what we want, but there are 3 things that are holding us back from creating the life we dream about.

1) we don't know how to achieve it
2) we don't believe we are worth it
3) we won't allow ourselves to go after it

This is your chance to stop standing in your own way and give yourself permission to dream again.

In this solo episode of the Align & Hustle podcast, I talk about identity and how it determines the results you achieve in life.

I give you the tools to set your own bar- so that you are actually going after what matters most to YOU.

And I share the two things that, if you start doing now, will make quantum shifts in your life!

As well as, the new things to look forward to this season on the podcast!

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE, so that you don't miss an episode!

For the Episode Show Notes CLICK HERE

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Thanks for being here!
xo, k

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