“Your brain needs a good cleaning just like your house, your car, your trunk.”

“When you sit in the silence of your own brain, and you give it space for the really good stuff, the ‘who am I?’ is no longer a gentle meditation, something you sit quietly with, but it sets your life to scream ‘that’s right that's who I am, I’m a badass who can do anything I want!’”

“Your mind doesn’t have to keep thinking every moment.”

“Never stop trying, just keep looking inside.”

“I’ve failed way more than I’ve succeeded but I’m better on building on and moving forward.”



In this episode, Alexa talks about how meditating can make you a badass! She explains how the practice of giving our brains some space and silence can eventually enable us to achieve anything we want and help us be aware of how great life truly is.

Alexa explains the art of self-inquiry during meditation. She shows that by looking within ourselves, we can discover peace, courage and compassion. Through her own personal experiences, Alexa demonstrates how meditation can lead to our greatest potential, waiting to be realized and manifested.



2:37 Self-inquiry and meditation

5:11 Alexa tells a story

7:56 Being quiet

10:50 Alexa shares part of her journey


