In this first episode of the Alexa Z Show, Alexa tackles why people can’t or won’t meditate. She enumerates the top ten common excuses people come up with, which what she likes to call “excuse du jour”.

 Alexa gives real-life examples of how these excuses manifest from people she knows, including her husband. She analyzes these excuses and gives solid tips on how to overcome them. Alexa gives encouraging words to people who have been struggling to keep up with their meditation practice, as well as people who actually haven’t given meditation a shot.




3:14 Having no time

4:22 “Stopping the mind”

5:53 Sitting still

7:25 Stress and not being quiet enough

9:57 Being too busy especially in the morning 

10:36 Trying it “twice” and not being good at it 

12:06 Being too tired

13:20 The present moment



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