Welcome back to another episode of "Affirming Truths" with your host, Carla Arges. Today, Carla invites us into reflection on service and humility in the face of suffering, drawing inspiration from Jesus washing his disciples' feet. 

In a society where such a task was considered the lowest of the low, Jesus’s actions before his crucifixion offer us a powerful model of compassion and selflessness, even when one is burdened by hardship and suffering.

In this episode, Carla encourages listeners to look beyond their suffering to bless others, highlighting the transformative power of following Jesus’s example of servanthood. 

Join Carla as she shares three vital takeaways from the story of Jesus washing feet, challenging us to embody Christ-like service in our daily lives, no matter the situation. Let's dive in and see how we can apply these lessons to our own lives.


Renewing Hope Course  Info & Enrolment: https://www.carlaarges.com/renewing-hope

Did you know that Carla is a Christian Mental Health and Life coach? See if working with her is what you need in your current season.  Book a discovery call today!

Connect With Carla:

Book a Discovery call with me https://calendly.com/cmsarges/discoverycall 

Come hangout on IG with me @carla.arges

Check out my blog and more at www.carlaarges.com



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