In this episode Donna and Sahar explore the question of the inner voice, and how to recondition it so that it is our soul voice that speaks and that we listen to, rather than the voice of the inner critic. The awareness that our primary patterns are first created from the ages of 0-7, we invite you to consider how your perceptions have been shaped, your world views, and how you would like to reshape your primary patterns and conditioning. Adulting provides us with the opportunity to re-write our scripts, and to recondition ourselves according to our conscious choices.

How do we recondition ourselves? This is where most people get stuck and give up, and the voice of the inner critic continues to be the dominant voice that continues to shape your reality, keeping you stuck in loops. We have to first become aware of the stories and unprocessed things we carry from the past, in our backpack, an insightful analogy that Donna shares with us in this episode. She also has us consider what we want to let go of and what we desire to carry, as we continue our journey of life.

Conscious adulting means awakening the inner leader, connecting to the voice of our soul, unpacking the stories of our past by using methods that are transformative. Rapid Transformational Therapy(R) and Intentional Creativity(R) are two modalities that Donna and Sahar use personally and offer professionally, to catalyze conscious lasting change, from inside out, in a faster time frame.

The journey of conscious adulting requires compassion and forgiveness as a necessary tool in your backpack. Donna highlights the importance of not blaming the individual and self when we do this self exploration work, because many of us may not have been nurtured from birth with the tools and knowledge of how to listen and operate from our true selves.

While we recognize that the onus falls on the general community and collective, we also acknowledge that as adults in the modern world, we have access to a lot more knowledge, tools and communities, to provide us with the support of doing our inner work of self-actualization.