In this episode we explore what it means to increase our self worth, as high value women. Plus, what are the tools we use to increase our sense of value and worth, and how can we evolve in this area of life as we grow into the true version of ourselves. We ask such questions as: Where are we allowing our sense of worth to come from, external sources or from our own internal resources? What do we learn about the value of our self worth from our most formative years, in family, in the education system, in our societal environment? How does our self worth change, enhance and get empowered through the decades of our personal growth? Plus, how does the law of radiation align with our vision of our self worth? Do we have a unique set point for self worth? Why do some people seem to more easily be able to believe they are worthy of abundance while others need to work more at increasing their personal worth and understanding their inherent value? It’s a power-packed episode exploring a question and concept we all ask ourselves at some point, and one that we all need to look at if we expect to be more successful, more impactful and more influential in our communities.