This episode builds on the previous episode regarding Upgrading Your IOS. Stories are beliefs, ways, and patterns that live in all areas of our lives, which becomes our programming that guides the way we live our lives. Stories shape our identity. So being aware of our stories by becoming the conscious author and storyteller of our lives is how we do the work of upgrading our IOS, so that our lives can feel fresh, aligned and updated with who we are in the present moment and who we desire to become.

As transformational coaches, we emphasize the importance of the transformational work that has to happen to change our stories. We share practical tools of how we override and over-write old stories and create personal transformation. We discuss the modalities we use personally and professionally, such as Rapid Transformational Therapy® and Intentional Creativity®, as well as meditation and other tools, as ways to drop into the subconscious mind and do the rewiring on a deeper level.
We discuss the importance of aligning the subconscious and unconscious mind by referencing an example from Deb Erikson’s (founder of ICAN Institute) work, so that we direct our energy towards empowering the new stories we wish to live out in our consciousness and in our lives.

We invite you to become the conscious storytellers in your life, because adulting in the modern world allows for possibilities in ways that was not available before, especially for women to be authors of their own lives! As we write and live the new stories in our own lives, we create change in our collective as well.