Previous Episode: Smile
Next Episode: Create the Need

Happy Monday! Hope you're having a great start to your week so far?
__________ What is your answer to that?
The way you answer that question will tell me a few things.
What was your answer?
How is your tone?
How is your energy?
Are you excited or are you not?
Are you happy or are you sad?
In sales sometimes the prospect forgets we (the sales people) are human as well and can be super aggressive to anyone trying to sell them anything.
Therefore an ice breaker allows us to
1. Show we care
2. Not talking about the sale, product, or service YET.
3. Gauges the client and lets us know what kind of client we are talking to and how they are feeling at the current moment.

Next time you start your conversation to an ice breaker, pay super close attention to the response in all aspects from the answer, the tone, the physiology and anything else you can catch.

#AcezAcademy #PhoneSales #Sales 

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