believe the way you start a sale is almost just as important if not MORE, then the way you end/close a sale. The first minute determines someones interest in your product or service and their likability towards you. 

So how do you do it, well first lets get into the basics:

-Sound alive/look alive, energy, tone, appearance, all need to be at a all time high in your introduction. 

-Preparation, you shouldn't be stumbling you should always be ready to start your sale the same way.

and for the formula 

1. Ice Breaker - Break the ice and humanize your self. Example "Hey Kathy, Happy Thursday! Hopefully you're staying safe in our crazy world today?"

2. Make them feel special - if someone feels special (important) they are more likely to feel engaged! Example "I am actually reaching out today because you were flagged for a PHENOMENAL opportunity to save some money!"

3. Find The Need - if they have a need for you, your product, or service, they are now fully engaged. Example - "So if I can save you money what would be your biggest benefit from that?" .. This will get them thinking about what your product or service will do for them.. 

ETC. This is just one example but join the course for more!

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