Why are team standards important?

It's what you fight forComradery What you coach to

How to establish?

Meet with your team on zoom virtually or in personTalk about how this is not the leader's team, it is our team. Cancel the team standards you have already if you do have one or just create new ones if you don't have one. Ask every person on the team to create the team standard they would use if it was their team (because it is) , and ask them publicly why they picked that standard and what it means to them.Go around and answer this activity with every person you have. Then Vote on the TEAM'S favorite standards together. That is now your new identity that you can fight for, get closer with, and coach to. 

The action items after

Make sure the team standards are visible - get gear for the team, get signs if you're in the office, send an email if you're virtual, constantly make traditions to keep the team name brought up and keep reminding your people what it means and what you stand for. Talk about the team standards while you're teaching/coaching. Share individual stories and share group stories about the team name and how it plays a role in everything you do. Have your team members repeat the same activity ^^^^ and get them talking about the team standards and how it plays a role in their lives. Every meeting on the first slide or first page should always be the team name and standards. Every new team member that comes in should be trained on the team name and standards first. 

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