Most of us who became volunteer or career firefighters, paramedics or EMT’s, did so for a specific reason – to help people. As the late Chief “Bruno” taught us, our job is to take of Mrs. Smith on her worst day, even if that day is her cat up a tree. And that lesson, really does cross all the lines of first responders. However, sometimes the people we are supposed to help are not so happy to see us.

My guests on this podcast are Jason Brooks, PM and Kevin Onorevele. Through their company DT4EMS, Inc., they teach across first responders across the country how to avoid certain situations that could become violent, with a patient or family members. If you have not had or seen that experience, consider yourself lucky! It is more common that you probably realize. We hope that this podcast will help you watch for the key signs that your call may “turn south” in a heartbeat.

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