Health, wellness and fitness-for-duty. These words ring loudly for any first responder - the firefighter, the law enforcement officer and the paramedic or EMT. Some are careful with what they eat; others exercise on a regular basis. Yet, none of us have the ability to look inside of ourselves to see what might be going on; something that may not be known until it requires immediate and significant treatment and even that, may come too late. Today though, you will learn that the above scenario can be altered and produce a positive outcome.

My guest today is a strong supporter of this podcast and dear friend, Todd LeDuc, former Executive Assistant Chief of the Broward Sheriff’s Office-Fire Rescue Services. Todd retired from that job and quickly was named the Chief Strategy Officer for Lifescan Wellness Sciences. In this relatively brief podcast, Todd with explain to you how medical science has advanced to the point where we can indeed look inside you, using a blood sample, ultrasound and EKG/Stress Test, to determine if there is an unknown or hidden medical condition that needs to be addressed immediately. And if so, they give you all the results to bring to your physician or specialist. That way you can be treated and hopefully, be back on the job in no time at all. This episode could very well save a life!

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