What direction does your fire, law enforcement or EMS department have for its future? Do you have a timetable for your apparatus, vehicles, equipment, etc.; how long will, what you now have, last and what will you do when it’s time to replace it? Sometimes, it might be similar to how you may have learned to cook spaghetti – throw a few pieces against the wall – if they stick, it’s time to eat!

On this podcast, I welcome my friend, Capt. John Dixon. Capt. Dixon is a well-known instructor on the national, regional and local levels. And, as a former U.S. Marine, John brings a great deal of that experience to his work in the fire service. He discusses the value of creating a Strategic Vision Plan for your department and shares numerous hints that you can follow so that all the members will feel that they not only have had a say in the plan, but the role they will play once the plan is set into motion. Your voice will have a say in the future of your organization.

(You can also visit the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation’s website, https://www.everyonegoeshome.com/2017/11/30/strategic-vision-guide/ to view the Plan’s PDF document for download.)

Follow Capt. Dixon on Twitter @JohnDixon263 and on Instagram @JohnDixon_263 or visit his website, www.instructorjohndixon.com.

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