Andy & Lorraine Brown only started running on a regular basis a few years ago. Despite missing the first ever one they have since run 127 of the 144 Trelissick Park Runs - and they have usually volunteered on the runs they have missed. They are trail runners by choice and completed all the runs in the 2018/2019 Cornwall Multi Terrain Series with Lorraine finishing 3rd in her category. In this episode they share their running story including their White RAT run in August and their plans to run the Grizzly and the Red RAT in 2020.

The Running 44@60 podcast began as a learning / motivational tool for host Trevor Lee in his quest to run a first ever ultra - the Classic Quarter in 2021

It now has over 100 episodes and is aimed at those thinking about and committing to their first ever ultra.

Trevor wrote a book : 12 Business Lessons from Running an Ultra Marathon - all proceeds go to the Children's Hospice South West