You've heard us talking about teenagers and the struggles they have faced most recently, particularly since the pandemic hit us.
We thought it was time we spoke to one fo them to truly understand and hear in their own words what living in the current world means for them, and we could have not spoken to someone more kind, courageous, grounded than Pearl Prime.

Pearl was kind enough to open her heart and speak candidly about her struggles and the struggles teenagers face broadly speaking. From social media to comparison and loosing touch with your friends, hers is a journey of understanding herself, the world she lives in and how we (each and every one of us) play a role in the way we move forward.

We know young adults and teenagers are a group hardly hit nowadays, so please, if this resonates with you and feel you are struggling and in need of help, know you are not alone and you do not have to do this alone. Reach out, to friends, family, loved ones... or a professional, but please do not struggle in silence. We would love to help: [email protected]

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