Making time for you, reconnecting with yourself is one of the most important things you can do.
Why? because we live in a world of noise, where everyone (friends, family, media...)has an opinion, an opinion that influences us, shapes our lives, sometimes unconsciously.
We may feel like, on paper, our lives "should" be great (we've got a house, a family, a partner, a job...) yet somehow our lives don't fulfil us, don't bring us joy.
Taking time to check on ourselves, proper time to listen to our own voices and discover what we want and how we want it is the key to awaken our inner strength. And we cover this for you today!

But, also, as you will hear, we have an exciting announcement! We are hosting our first ever UK Retreat! Awaken Your Inner Power (you can find us on facebook) and we will be delighted to have you there!
One edit though, the retreat is in The Lodges at New House Farm, in East Sussex (not Kent!) and places are going really fast, so if you want to join us please make sure you book with us asap! We look forward to seeing you there!

Happy listening!