Latest Zukunft Podcast Episodes

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#136 Von Schmetterlingen zum Pupsen - drei Jahre Lou und Markus.

LOU - March 05, 2024 13:08 - 49 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Kennt ihr das? Am Anfang machen die Schmetterlinge im Bauch Überstunden. Und dann, irgendwann, klopft der Alltag an. Wie hält man in einer Beziehung die Balance zwischen dem Verliebtsein und der alltäglichen Routine? Was zeichnet eine intakte Beziehung aus? Markus und Lou sprechen in der aktuell...

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#135 Ein Neuanfang für uns

LOU - February 13, 2024 06:53 - 40 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Wir wagen einen Neuanfang und verlassen Berlin. Das hat ziemlich viel mit den letzten Monaten zu tun und war so nie geplant. Wie genau dieser Neuanfang aussieht, besprechen wir in dieser Podcastfolge. Außerdem verrät Markus, welches gehypte Buch er nicht so gerne gelesen hat und wir sprechen übe...

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#134 Depression in einer Beziehung: Realtalk.

LOU - December 20, 2023 17:12 - 46 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Wenn ein Mensch an einer Depression erkrankt, zieht die Krankheit ins Leben mit ein. Aus diesem Grund sind oft auch Angehörige von der Krankheit indirekt betroffen. Markus und ich sprechen deshalb heute darüber, wie sich die Depression auf unsere Beziehung auswirkt, warum wir ein gemeinsames Coa...

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? artwork

Dimension #11 – What if we had enough clean energy?

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? - November 23, 2023 04:00 - 26 minutes
When we think about energy these days, it is usually in terms of crisis, climate change and anxiety. Energy has become a hotly debated commodity. But energy is so much more than those concepts. Energy is always in flux. We can actively decide how much we use and where we get our energy from. Toda...

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? artwork

Dimension #11 – What if we had enough clean energy?

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? - November 23, 2023 04:00 - 26 minutes
When we think about energy these days, it is usually in terms of crisis, climate change and anxiety. Energy has become a hotly debated commodity. But energy is so much more than those concepts. Energy is always in flux. We can actively decide how much we use and where we get our energy from. Toda...

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? artwork

Dimension #10 – What if memories shaped our future?

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? - November 16, 2023 04:00 - 25 minutes
In a world that’s changing at lightning speed, being sentimental about the past goes way beyond holding onto people and places in the past. Rather, it has become a powerful force, influencing pop culture, product design, and the entire trajectory of our lives. In our tenth episode, we're travelin...

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? artwork

Dimension #10 – What if memories shaped our future?

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? - November 16, 2023 04:00 - 25 minutes
In a world that’s changing at lightning speed, being sentimental about the past goes way beyond holding onto people and places in the past. Rather, it has become a powerful force, influencing pop culture, product design, and the entire trajectory of our lives. In our tenth episode, we're travelin...

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#133 Mann, o Mann!

LOU - November 10, 2023 11:19 - 48 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Warum reagieren Männer so empfindlich auf Klowasser? Wie attraktiv sind männliche Tränen? Und können Männer sich eigentlich entschuldigen? Markus und Lou sprechen in der neuen Podcastfolge über toxische Männlichkeit, Lou's Klowasser- Debakel und stellen sich der Frage, wie unangebracht Weihnacht...

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#132 Funktioniert das mit der Selbstliebe?

LOU - October 30, 2023 13:12 - 50 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
In der heutigen Podcastfolge sprechen Lou und Markus über Selbstliebe und die Herausforderung seinen eigenen Körper in einer kapitalistischen Welt zu akzeptieren und schön zu finden. Hier findest du mehr über mich: Instagram LinkedIn Website Hier findest du mehr über Markus Ehrlich: Insta...

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? artwork

Dimension #9 – What if gaming and reality became one?

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? - October 26, 2023 03:00 - 22 minutes
Millions of people around the globe play video games. Gaming has become an integral part of daily life, and already now, we’re seeing how games transform how we work, socialize, and learn. In our ninth episode, we’re going one step further – and see how the seamless merging of gaming and reality ...

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? artwork

Dimension #9 – What if gaming and reality became one?

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? - October 26, 2023 03:00 - 22 minutes
Millions of people around the globe play video games. Gaming has become an integral part of daily life, and already now, we’re seeing how games transform how we work, socialize, and learn. In our ninth episode, we’re going one step further – and see how the seamless merging of gaming and reality ...

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#131 Flachlandtiroler und der Weltschmerz.

LOU - September 13, 2023 04:47 - 48 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Ein bunter Topf an Themen diese Woche bei Markus Ehrlich und mir. Wir sprechen über Basketball, Markus' Wanderschuhe, Frustration, Weltschmerz und Bauernhöfe. Lasst euch berieseln, schickt uns Feedback und dann schauen wir mal was wird. (was wird.) Hier findest du mehr über mich:InstagramLinke...

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#130 Meine Erfahrung mit meinem Burnout.

LOU - September 01, 2023 10:00 - 55 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Ende Mai hatte ich einen Zusammenbruch, der wahrscheinlich mein Leben verändern wird. Diagnose: Burnout. Ich spreche in dieser Podcastfolge gemeinsam mit meinem Freund über die letzten drei Monate. Mir ist wichtig zu betonen, dass ich mit dieser Folge keine Tipps geben möchte. Jede psychische E...

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? artwork

Dimension #8 – What if urban mobility were smooth and effortless?

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? - July 20, 2023 01:00 - 27 minutes
By the year 2100, an estimated 10 billion people will be living in cities. In an urban future where more than twice as many of us commute, go shopping, take kids to school, visit parents in the suburbs and have goods shipped to the doorstep, city planners might be driven to their limits. After al...

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? artwork

Dimension #8 – What if urban mobility were smooth and effortless?

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? - July 20, 2023 01:00 - 27 minutes
By the year 2100, an estimated 10 billion people will be living in cities. In an urban future where more than twice as many of us commute, go shopping, take kids to school, visit parents in the suburbs and have goods shipped to the doorstep, city planners might be driven to their limits. After al...

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? artwork

Dimension #7 – What if AI let us grow beyond ourselves?

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? - July 06, 2023 01:00 - 25 minutes
The rise of tools powered by state-of-the-art artificial intelligence allows us to create texts, images, videos or ideas with just a few clicks, and the technology is making giant leaps forward every day. In our seventh episode, we explore how this rapid evolution might change our society – and w...

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? artwork

Dimension #7 – What if AI let us grow beyond ourselves?

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? - July 06, 2023 01:00 - 25 minutes
The rise of tools powered by state-of-the-art artificial intelligence allows us to create texts, images, videos or ideas with just a few clicks, and the technology is making giant leaps forward every day. In our seventh episode, we explore how this rapid evolution might change our society – and w...

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? artwork

Dimension #6 – What if we dove into music from head to toe?

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? - June 22, 2023 01:00 - 24 minutes
Enjoying that vibrant feeling of a live concert … everywhere you go, even in your car? In our sixth episode, we tune in to the future of music – and to the sound innovations both we as listeners and the artists we love can look forward to. Ricardia meets a pianist who takes his classical pieces...

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? artwork

Dimension #6 – What if we dove into music from head to toe?

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? - June 22, 2023 01:00 - 24 minutes
Enjoying that vibrant feeling of a live concert … everywhere you go, even in your car? In our sixth episode, we tune in to the future of music – and to the sound innovations both we as listeners and the artists we love can look forward to. Ricardia meets a pianist who takes his classical pieces...

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? artwork

Dimension #5 – what if work turned into our greatest passion?

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? - June 08, 2023 03:00 - 24 minutes
All over the world, many people are increasingly dissatisfied with their jobs. They are quietly quitting. And they are actually quitting. But what if the future of work offered much more room for individual choice? What if it were full of opportunities? In the fifth episode of Future Dimensions, ...

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? artwork

Dimension #5 – what if work turned into our greatest passion?

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? - June 08, 2023 03:00 - 24 minutes
All over the world, many people are increasingly dissatisfied with their jobs. They are quietly quitting. And they are actually quitting. But what if the future of work offered much more room for individual choice? What if it were full of opportunities? In the fifth episode of Future Dimensions, ...

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#129 Zwischen Klimaklebern, Leberwurst und Küchenarbeit.

LOU - December 15, 2022 07:55 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Die letzte LOU Poodcastfolge in diesem Jahr wird ein bisschen länger, denn es gibt ein kleines Special mit Markus Ehrlich und mir. Ein kleiner emotionaler Abriss durch die letzten Wochen zwischen Klimaklebern, Leberwurst und Küchenarbeit. Hier findest du mehr über mich:InstagramLinkedInWebsite ...

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? artwork

Special Dimension – what if we thought of even more Future Dimensions?

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? - December 15, 2022 05:00 - 1 minute
This year, Ricardia has already embarked on a journey through the luxury universe, ventured a look into the future of travel, visited pioneers who showed her how we could build houses from mushrooms and learned how fiction and reality inspire one another. So far, so amazing – but what “Future Dim...

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? artwork

Special Dimension – what if we thought of even more Future Dimensions?

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? - December 15, 2022 05:00 - 1 minute
This year, Ricardia has already embarked on a journey through the luxury universe, ventured a look into the future of travel, visited pioneers who showed her how we could build houses from mushrooms and learned how fiction and reality inspire one another. So far, so amazing – but what “Future Dim...

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#128 Luisa Thomé - Konsumkritik muss man sich leisten können!

LOU - December 08, 2022 07:05 - 42 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Konsumkritik muss man sich leisten können. Über diesen Satz habe ich in letzter Zeit ziemlich viel nachgedacht. Sich vor einen Primark-Store mit einem Schild zu stellen und mit dem Finger auf die Menschen zu zeigen, die dort einkaufen gehen, ist nicht der richtige Weg, sagt Luisa Thomé. Luisa i...

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? artwork

Dimension #4 – what if fiction became reality?

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? - December 08, 2022 05:00 - 31 minutes
What came first – space stories from the 1990s or the smartphone? The fourth episode of the "Future Dimensions" feature podcast by Mercedes-Benz demonstrates how fiction and reality consistently inspire one another. Ricardia talks to architect and film director Liam Young about why fictional worl...

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? artwork

Dimension #4 – what if fiction became reality?

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? - December 08, 2022 05:00 - 31 minutes
What came first – space stories from the 1990s or the smartphone? The fourth episode of the "Future Dimensions" feature podcast by Mercedes-Benz demonstrates how fiction and reality consistently inspire one another. Ricardia talks to architect and film director Liam Young about why fictional worl...

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#127 Christoph Hempsch - Wie grün ist DHL?

LOU - December 01, 2022 06:53 - 51 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
In Zusammenarbeit mit DHL stelle ich in dieser Folge die Frage: Wie ernst nimmt DHL Nachhaltigkeit wirklich? Wenn ich ein Paket verschicke, dann eigentlich immer mit DHL, weil sie den GoGreen Service anbieten. Aber wie nachhaltig ist das denn wirklich? Auf der Website wird mit klimaneutralem Ve...

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#126 Jan und Nixxon - Queer sein ist kein Trend!

LOU - November 24, 2022 10:21 - 51 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Queer sein ist kein Trend, sondern eine Lebensrealität, die in unserer Gesellschaft oft noch immer keinen Platz findet. Jan und Nixxon sind verheiratet, queer und sie berichten regelmäßig aus ihrem Alltag. Welchen Herausforderungen und auch Anfeindungen sie da tagtäglich ausgesetzt sind, erzähl...

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? artwork

Dimension #3 – what if we grew homes from mushrooms?

Future Dimensions – what moves the world tomorrow? - November 24, 2022 05:00 - 27 minutes
Houses made of mushrooms and textiles grown organically? The third episode of "Future Dimensions" focuses on how we can harness the power of innovative materials to change the way we deal with our resources. As part of the episode, Ricardia asks founder Caroline Till to tell her about the whole ...