Latest Writeofpassage Podcast Episodes

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How to Engineer your Business into a Consumer's Only Choice

Write of Passage Fellowship Podcast - September 14, 2020 18:20 - 33 minutes
Read Adrienne's 10,000 word essay here. The common narrative is that a startup founder needs to have certain qualities and run their company in a certain way in order to succeed, but the fact of the matter is that these things vary greatly depending on the type of company you are building. Spec...

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Rethinking human-AI interaction

Write of Passage Fellowship Podcast - June 09, 2020 03:22 - 34 minutes
Read Jessy's 10,000-word essay here.  In response to mounting concerns about the effects of AI on society - job loss, safety, fairness, and more - there is a counter-narrative, an optimistic vision of "human-centered AI" that augments humans instead of replacing them. But what does this entail?...

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We Need To Talk: Marriage Counseling with Capitalism Itself

Write of Passage Fellowship Podcast - May 22, 2020 00:45 - 57 minutes
Read Rhys' 10,000-word essay here. Rhys' essay is titled We Need To Talk: Marriage Counseling with Capitalism Itself. It explores our post-capitalist future through playful dialogue (and VR scenes) with Humanity, Capitalism, and Post-Capitalism. The essay outlines the four crucial components of...

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Conjuring Scenius

Write of Passage Fellowship Podcast - May 18, 2020 19:25 - 36 minutes
Read Packy's 10,000-word essay here. Throughout history, much of the world's progress has come from particular combinations of place, people, and time. Ancient Greece, Renaissance Florence, and Silicon Valley are just a few of the examples of this phenomenon, which Brian Eno dubbed "Scenius."   ...

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Universal Basic Income and the Capitalist Production of Consciousness

Write of Passage Fellowship Podcast - May 01, 2020 16:09 - 1 hour
Read Oshan's essay here.   This essay explores how universal basic income intervenes in the hyper-capitalist distortion of human development.    Perhaps the most neglected product of modern economies is the human being. When digital technologies enabled the conversion of attention into c...

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Walt Disney - City Architect

Write of Passage Fellowship Podcast - April 25, 2020 00:35 - 29 minutes
Read Suthen's 10,000-word essay here. We live in a world of unprecedented urbanization. Cities have brought society huge rewards, including record-high economic growth and value creation. Yet, cities are in a world of trouble. Their archaic infrastructures are showing cracks and their streets ar...

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E Pluribus Unum: A Case for Compulsory National Service

Write of Passage Fellowship Podcast - April 20, 2020 18:49 - 30 minutes
Read Joe's 10,000-word essay here. When you hear the words compulsory national service, your head might fill with images of the draft. But the issue extends beyond World War II and Vietnam. When you turn on the news (which I don’t recommend) what do you see? National disunity. The student debt c...

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