Latest Wedding coach Podcast Episodes

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How to Use Black Friday to Boost Your Wedding Business in 2021

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - October 14, 2021 06:00 - 27 minutes
As we count down the days till Xmas it means that Black Friday is just around the corner and in my world the prepping for what we’ll be offering has already started. And the wedding industry is no exception to this shopping frenzie. Just because most people are shopping for holidays & Xmas pres...

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How to Kick Procrastination to the Curb and Get Productive

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - October 07, 2021 06:00 - 56 minutes
How many times do you wish there were more hours in a day? Or wish you could have achieved more than you did within a certain timeframe? I’d say most of us have experienced this at one time or another.  There are so many things that hold us back from getting things done but the worst, the most c...

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How to Turn Leads into Clients Using Your Fab Factor

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - September 30, 2021 06:00 - 22 minutes
We all want to know how to convert more leads into clients. It’s the holy grail of any business. Afterall, without any clients all we have is an expensive hobby. The big question is how? We’d all love to be connecting more with our leads, making them feel special and building relationships dail...

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How to Create a Quiz that Converts for Your Wedding Business

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - September 23, 2021 04:00 - 41 minutes
Did you know that the hottest lead magnet in 2021 is a quiz? I mean who doesn’t love a quiz? But I’m not talking about the Buzzfeed type of quiz telling you which Harry Potter House you’re in or what type of cocktail you might be. I’m talking about a results based personality quiz that not only...

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7 Easy SEO Tips to get Your Blog Posts Found in Google

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - September 16, 2021 03:00 - 25 minutes
If I told you I had 7 Easy SEO Tips that would see you getting found in organic search results would you implement them? We all know that SEO isn’t the sexiest subject around. It’s something we push to the bottom of our ‘To Do List’ because it’s not fun. However, we’re all fighting for airspa...

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How to Master the Marketing of Your Wedding Business

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - September 09, 2021 01:00 - 32 minutes
So many of us in the wedding industry have a love hate relationship with marketing.  We know we need to do it because we need traffic, leads, bookings and sales. At the end of the day without any couples to fill our diaries all we have is an expensive hobby. But how do you keep up with it all? ...

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Growing Your Business by Embracing Your Competitors

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - September 02, 2021 04:00 - 56 minutes
How often have you been guilty of thinking about your competitors as the enemy? Maybe you’ve stalked them on social media to see what they’re doing and then got a case of the green-eyed monster when it looks like things for them are going swimmingly whilst it’s all quiet on the western front for...

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9 Ways to Make Your Blog Posts Work Harder for You

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - August 26, 2021 05:00 - 32 minutes
How do you make your blog posts work harder? That’s the million dollar question. I don’t know about you but sometimes it feels like all I do is create content for my business. It’s a hamster wheel that just keeps going around, and around, and around. As wedding business owners we wear so many ...

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How to Supercharge Your Productivity & Get Motivated

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - May 14, 2021 06:00 - 32 minutes
Do any of these sound familiar? I don’t seem to have enough hours in a day. I’ve got lots of ideas but not enough time to do anything about them. I get really easily distracted. As a creative entrepreneur I know I have some days that are more productive than others. And I think that’s true of m...

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What if I fail? Scrub that...what if I succeed?

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - May 07, 2021 13:00 - 29 minutes
Fear of Failure has to be the biggest thing holding people back from moving forward with their wedding business. Nearly every day I receive an email from someone asking me how to get over that crippling fear of failure. And I can tell you right now it plagues us all. There’s no one size fits al...

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Why Advertising your Wedding Business is a MUST not a MAYBE

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - May 03, 2021 06:00 - 59 minutes
Can I ask you a question? Do you know the difference between marketing and advertising? It doesn’t matter if you don’t because that isn’t a fair question. Advertising is actually a component of your marketing and not something that sits separately. It’s just as important as posting on Instagram,...

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How to Write Content that Books More Clients

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - April 11, 2021 05:00 - 37 minutes
How many times do you sit down to write a blog post, or anything that involves writing copy, and draw a complete blank? Or worse still you write the post and then have no idea how to come up with a title?  If you want to get clients to invest in you, buy into what you do and become raving fans ...

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Crisis Recovery: Top Marketing Tactics to help your Wedding Business Post Covid

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - April 05, 2021 06:00 - 59 minutes
Slowly but surely the world is starting to open up again one tentative foot at a time. But the playing field has changed. Since Covid we’ve all started to consume media in a different way.  The goals posts have moved, our values and what’s important has shifted and the way we do business is cha...

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The 101 of Instagram Reels for Wedding Pros

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - March 28, 2021 11:00 - 51 minutes
This episode is all about Instagram Reels which clearly aren’t going anywhere fast. After just over a year in lockdown entertainment has taken a different turn – the average person has turned into a star of the small screen and personally I love it.  I really enjoying seeing people’s personalit...

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You Had Me at Hello… How First Impressions Close the Sale

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - March 21, 2021 06:00 - 52 minutes
First impressions count and as the old saying goes you only have one chance to make a first impression, so you better make it count. But how much attention do we pay to first impressions as wedding pros?  We’re so busy worrying about whether our logo is the right shade of pink and whether the i...

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Networking Without Attending Mixers (PLUS tips for social distancing)

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - March 12, 2021 09:00 - 39 minutes
Be honest, does the thought of attending a networking event where you don’t know anyone send you running for the hills? You know these events are important, and you want to meet new and exciting vendors to collaborate with in your wedding business, but you just can’t get over the nerves and ever...

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Harnessing the Power of Your Personal Brand

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - March 05, 2021 07:00 - 54 minutes
As Wedding Pros, we are our brand due to the personal nature of what we do. I know it’s hard to put ourselves out there and let people in and show them the person behind the business. It’s so tempting to hide behind our logo or business name and not show ourselves to the world. But embracing who...

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Ways to add Passive Income to Your Wedding Business

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - February 26, 2021 10:00 - 30 minutes
The phrase Passive Income deserves to be named phrase of the year for 2020. I’ve lost count of the number of times I heard wedding pros talking about it last year. And with good reason. It took a pandemic for many of us to realise the importance of diversifying and finding additional sources of...

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Overcoming Your Inner Demons to Get Business Success

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - February 19, 2021 12:00 - 49 minutes
The wedding industry, like so many other industries in 2020, took a huge hit. For many this has not only affected their financial stability but their mental stability as well. It can be so very hard to stay positive, believe in yourself and your own unique abilities during a time like this. My ...

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Why Launching Before You’re Ready is the Key to Success

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - February 12, 2021 09:00 - 35 minutes
Have you ever heard the saying ‘Done is better than Perfect?’ Well my guest today is living proof that this is a saying you should take seriously. As with so many wedding businesses in 2020 Samie had to pivot quickly if she was going to survive.  Procrastination was a luxury she couldn’t affor...

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Supercharge your Marketing & Increase Conversion Rates

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - January 05, 2021 12:00 - 1 hour
How many times do you put something out there as part of your marketing and wonder if anyone has actually seen it? Is anyone even listening, reading or watching what you’re doing? I think we’ve all felt that worry that our marketing is falling on deaf ears and that nobody is interested. Then o...

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How to Become a Trendsetter in the Wedding Industry

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - December 29, 2020 08:00 - 34 minutes
Have you ever wondered how trends are decided upon? What higher power deems A or B to be trending now? Perhaps you’ve thought about becoming a wedding trendsetter and what that might do for your business and brand. Love them or hate them trends are an integral part of the wedding industry. And ...

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How to go viral on TikTok with your Wedding Business

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - December 07, 2020 12:00 - 39 minutes
I want you to be honest now. How many of you have looked at TikTok as a Wedding Pro and thought, nah this isn’t one for me? I don’t need to be on there it’s for kids doing silly dances. Well it’s certainly what I thought. In fact, I’ll let you into a secret, I’ve never been on and I have absolut...

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How to Make Your Wedding Business Website Work Hard for You

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - November 30, 2020 09:00 - 56 minutes
For most wedding pros, unless you have a bricks and mortar store, your website is your shopfront. It’s the virtual equivalent of your retail space in a shopping mall. So what you do with it is beyond important. First impressions are everything and you want your first impression to be a standout ...

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How to Blog Consistently in your Wedding Business

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - November 23, 2020 16:00 - 44 minutes
As wedding pros we are the CEO of our small business and we wear a ridiculous amount of hats. We’re the accountant, salesperson, receptionist, marketer, personal assistant, FB expert, IG Queen, chief cook and bottle washer. So how on earth do we not only find time to blog but know what to blog a...

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Inbox Strategies to Supercharge your Wedding Business

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - November 16, 2020 10:00 - 38 minutes
As wedding pros we work incredibly hard to get our names out there and get booked by our ideal couples. What we don’t do on a regular basis is make our lives easier by working smarter instead of harder. We’re so busy doing ‘all the things’ that we forget to implement strategies that are going to...

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How Vision Boards can Help You Achieve Your Marketing Goals

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - November 09, 2020 08:00 - 48 minutes
We all know 2020 has been a challenging year, that goes without saying. I don’t believe in wasting my time or energy stressing over things I have no control over. However, my mindset is one thing that belongs to me, one hundred percent. A positive mindset is in the DNA of successful creative ent...

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Lights, Camera, Lipstick! How to Get Visible with Video

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - October 05, 2020 10:00 - 38 minutes
It’s no secret that I absolutely LOVE video and it’s completely changed the trajectory of my business. But I also know that a lot of wedding pros just don’t know where to start with it and the very thought of getting in front of a camera sends them running for the hills. Well it’s time to get o...

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How to Grow your Wedding Business using Instagram Stories

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - September 25, 2020 15:00 - 56 minutes
It’s common knowledge that wedding pros love Instagram and so do their couples. Newly engaged couples will spend many happy hours scrolling through their feed drooling over wedding images. But how do you turn those browsers into actual paying clients? I think we’re all guilty of spending an hou...

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How to Target Your Dream Couple Online

The Wedding CEO Podcast Show - September 21, 2020 10:00 - 53 minutes
We’ve all heard these words before, ‘you need to target your ideal couple in everything you do’. But how exactly do we do that? How do you target your dream couple online?  Sometimes it feels like the holy grail of marketing your wedding business. Luckily for you, my guest today is an absolute ...

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