Latest Selling online Podcast Episodes

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EP#38 - The realities of taking an invention to market: $600k product launches, factory disputes & working on the line xmas day.

The Livelihood Podcast - August 13, 2020 07:00 - 41 minutes
Join us as we talk with Jim Rhodes, who along with Barney Mason, designed, crowdfunded and manufactured their product. We discuss the highs and the lows of running a hugely successful product launch and then the realities of getting the product manufactured.  Jim reflects on the 3 year journey t...

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EP#37 - What to do if your Business is in a Slump - How to Cross The Chasm of Stress, Uncertainty and Stagnation

The Livelihood Podcast - August 10, 2020 10:00 - 39 minutes
If you are a small business owner you have probably felt the feelings of being stuck in a rut or that your business is stagnating. It often creates an overwhelming stress in your life that can have a negative impact on your own mental health and relationships with those around you.   So, How do ...

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What to do if your Business is in a Slump - How to Cross The Chasm of Stress, Uncertainty and Stagnation

The Livelihood Podcast - August 10, 2020 10:00 - 38 minutes
If you are a small business owner you have probably felt the feelings of being stuck in a rut or that your business is stagnating. It often creates an overwhelming stress in your life that can have a negative impact on your own mental health and relationships with those around you.   So, How do ...

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EP#36 - Lean into Public Speaking - Get Over Your Fear and Sell Better, Present Better, Speak Better and Feel More Relaxed Whilst Doing It

The Livelihood Podcast - August 07, 2020 08:00 - 48 minutes
In this episode Alex takes us through how he's gone from a nervous / petrified public speaker to feeling a lot more relaxed and feeling confident. You get to hear the most embarrassing stories from when Alex fell apart on stage and how he's used some simple tips to train his brain to feel more r...

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EP#35 Why Capitalism is Good for Everyone...Even Socialists

The Livelihood Podcast - August 04, 2020 19:00 - 43 minutes
In this episode we argue that capitalism is a force for the good of society, by driving innovation which has given us an incredible quality of life compared with our ancestors. WARNING: This is an opinion piece. We are not experts on the subject of economics or politics, we just think it's impo...

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EP#34 - 7 Ways the World of Work is Changing & How you can benefit over the long term

The Livelihood Podcast - August 01, 2020 10:00 - 32 minutes
In this episode Luke and Alex discuss the ways that world is changing, how businesses shifting to working remotely more and more, and how this will eventually effect how you get paid. Without location holding people back, they're free to roam the world and capitalise on countries with much lower...

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Ep#33 - Get Guaranteed Free Money by Matched Betting. 7 Tips to Get £1,000 in Less than One Month

The Livelihood Podcast - July 27, 2020 09:00 - 38 minutes
Matched betting is a way to turn bookmaker sign up offers into risk free profit. Matched betting is a completely risk-free method, where you place a bet at a bookmaker to trigger a free bet. You then bet against that outcome at a betting exchange, meaning that you don’t lose any money. The boo...

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EP#32 - Property Investing for Dummies - How it takes Less Money than you Expect to get Started in Property Investing.

The Livelihood Podcast - July 24, 2020 09:00 - 42 minutes
In this episode we run through the different ways you can make money investing in property. Some ways require a hell of a lot of work upfront, whereas some ways can pay you straight away with a smaller amount of money than you might expect! We discuss the following points: Dan Pena says any idi...

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EP#31 - The 6 Best Cities to Live as a Digital Nomad

The Livelihood Podcast - July 19, 2020 17:00 - 45 minutes
In this episode we look at some of the best cities in the world to live as a digital nomad. We factor in a few criteria to why you should live there - price to rent a one bedroom apartment in the city centre, price of a beer, price of a meal for 2 at a mid range restaurant, internet speed, visa ...

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EP#30 - Facebook Ads Challenge - Why striking emotion in advertising could be the key to setting yourself apart from the competition.

The Livelihood Podcast - July 15, 2020 22:00 - 43 minutes
Our second fast bucks challenge has ended in failure, but we've learnt a lot during the process. We've spent over $1000 and overall not made a profit, but we have some lessons that can save you money in the past.  We reflect on advice from marketing guru behind the UGG brand, Brian Smith, who te...

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EP#29 - Why Balancing Exercise and Work Makes You a Better Worker and Business Leader, Improving Clarity and Focus

The Livelihood Podcast - July 12, 2020 11:00 - 36 minutes
Luke and Alex discuss the importance of exercise when trying to work efficiently. Alex reflects on his use of running and strength training whilst working as a way to clear his mind from distractions and regain focus on the task at hand. Luke discusses his approach over the last three years from...

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EP#28 - Amazon FBA Product Research - there's a good reason why finding good products is hard! What are the key metrics to be aware of before committing to selling the product yourself?

The Livelihood Podcast - July 09, 2020 05:00 - 35 minutes
This episode we do a deep dive on Amazon FBA product research, which is the most important first step into selling on Amazon. Becoming good at this is the difference between being a million dollar business and failing. Product research is about finding a profitable product, with a low supply an...

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EP#27 - How You Actually Get Rich. Cutting Down Spending and Increase Earnings - All About Entrepreneurial Minimalism

The Livelihood Podcast - July 02, 2020 17:00 - 35 minutes
In this episode we talk about the importance of cutting back your spending, and some techniques to help you manage your personal finances better.  WARNING: We are no money saving experts, but Luke has to save money out of necessity and Alex has learnt a lot over lockdown. The difference betwee...

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EP#26 - From Surf Camps to B2B Tech Businesses, Embracing Indonesian Culture in Business with Chris Burns

The Livelihood Podcast - June 28, 2020 08:00 - 56 minutes
Today we’re joined by Chris Burns, who is a serial entrepreneur based in Bali. Chris  is currently involved in two tech companies - Bali App, Omniup. As well as the online shop for Revolver Espresso in Bali. Chris has multiple other businesses, including Secret Sumatra (surf camp in Krui), prop...

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EP#25 - $1m Product Launch and How to Get in GQ, High Snobiety, Daily Mail & Hype Beast. Ft. Josh Renouf

The Livelihood Podcast - June 25, 2020 13:00 - 56 minutes
Today we’re joined by Josh Renouf, who is now closing his second crowdfunding campaign.  The original campaign raised close to $800,000 and the latest one has just broken £100k. He runs the business with co-founder Markus and today we’re going to dissect how to smash a product launch.  The Bar...

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EP#24 - Is Apple a good business name? Did Hitler come up with the name Volkswagen?! Naming your business and why it’s as easy or as difficult as you want to make it.

The Livelihood Podcast - June 21, 2020 09:00 - 42 minutes
What’s the perfect name for a business? *Disclaimer* If you haven’t got a product yet, call it anything remotely sensible and don’t listen to this episode. It's a waste of your time - focus on your product first.  Have a clear indication of the message you are trying to portray and what your b...

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EP#23 - Why The F*ck are Facebook Ads So Hard? How To Make Your First Profitable Ad. ft. Arun Thangavel

The Livelihood Podcast - June 18, 2020 08:00 - 47 minutes
Arun is good friend of Alex’s, they worked together on a crowdfunding campaign back in the day. Arun and his team slogged away at running facebook ads and has some amazing experience with them. Today we’ll be mostly either complaining about them or asking some difficult questions about the subje...

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EP#22 - Creating Your Perfect Lifestyle & Building a Surf Empire - Meet Chris McLaverty, who quit university and set off for Indonesia with two friends. Ten years later they run one of Indonesia's most popular Surf Camps, but it hasn't been plain sailing.

The Livelihood Podcast - June 14, 2020 13:00 - 53 minutes
Chris runs the Mandiri Beach Club Surf Camp with his two business partners. It's based on a remote beach on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. Chris talks us through how they not only didn't have a business plan, but ended up falling foul to a notorious con artist in the area. The first few years...

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EP#21 - How Can you Use FaceBook Ads to Unlock 1000s of Sales? FaceBook Ad Fundamentals & Fast Bucks Challenge No.2: Can We Turn a Profit on FB Ads in 2 Weeks!?

The Livelihood Podcast - June 12, 2020 07:00 - 33 minutes
This episode is a perfect starting point for anyone who hasn't ran a facebook or instagram ad before; or for people who haven't ran any successfully. We go over the fundamentals of why facebook ads are so powerful, and the simplest building blocks of the ads. This is the first part in a longer ...

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EP#20 - Recognising Success or Admitting Defeat. Have We Done Enough to Keep the Lockdown Livelihood Podcast Going?

The Livelihood Podcast - June 06, 2020 15:00 - 42 minutes
When we started the show we made a deal. We make 20 episodes, sit down and review whether it's worth carrying on or to quit. We launched our first episode on 5th April 60 days before this, which marks our 20th episode! To date we have had 850 downloads, some phenomenal guests and have consistent...

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EP#19 - C*nt Empire - How Shitting on Trump's Face Built Elliott Hawkins' a Six Figure Income

The Livelihood Podcast - June 03, 2020 20:00 - 43 minutes
In this episode we talk to Elliott Hawkins, the man who built a 6 figure e-commerce empire, adding a brutal twist to everyday items.  Elliott started the Brutal Gift Company back in 2017 when he had a month off work. He explains how we discovered a gap in the market for balloons printed with ru...

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EP#18 - Can we turn a profit on Etsy in 2 weeks? Fast Bucks Challenge (Part 2 of 2)

The Livelihood Podcast - May 31, 2020 17:00 - 37 minutes
Find out how we did in our two week long Etsy challenge. Is it possible to start from nothing and make a profit on Etsy in two weeks? Luke and Alex chat through their strategies (or lack of) as they take their first punt on Etsy.  We discuss:  How much money we made (or lost) by creating a sto...

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EP#17 - What’s in a box? The magical world of packaging and how it can make all the difference.

The Livelihood Podcast - May 28, 2020 18:00 - 38 minutes
Who should be listening to this? If you’re thinking about selling a physical product then these tips and tid bits should help you out? What is the point of packaging? Two aspects - to protect the product in transit and to present the product nicely on arrival. To give those tingly Apple unboxin...

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EP#16 - How can you possibly start a business in less than one day?! An introduction to print on demand using Printful

The Livelihood Podcast - May 24, 2020 10:00 - 30 minutes
Yep, it's true. If you've always wanted to sell products and didn't know where to start this is the episode for you. If your dream is to start your own clothing line or street wear brand don't do anything until you listen to this ep.  We discuss: What is print on demand? What are the best site...

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EP#15 - How to Make Money Freelancing. Leverage Your Skills To Earn from the $455bn Gig Economy.

The Livelihood Podcast - May 23, 2020 07:00 - 31 minutes
Freelancing is the process of selling your work/expertise on a project or contract basis. Usually you and the client will define a scope of work, and you will either work on a single payment based on the project or on an hourly rate. Freelancing can cover everything, but in this episode we are ...

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EP#14 - Can we turn a profit on Etsy in just two weeks? Fast Bucks Challenge (Part 1 of 2)

The Livelihood Podcast - May 17, 2020 10:00 - 42 minutes
Is it possible for us to turn a profit on Etsy in less that two weeks? Join us as we discuss our game plans as we start our very first Fast Bucks Challenge. We attempt to setup an Etsy store in just two weeks. Is it possible to start an ecommerce business fast? Find out as we explore Etsy's pl...

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EP#13 - How One Side Hustle Turned into the Biggest Side Hustle Podcast on the Planet ft. Nick Loper from The Side Hustle Show

The Livelihood Podcast - May 12, 2020 21:00 - 54 minutes
Nick Loper is host of The Side Hustle Show podcast, one of the most popular small business podcasts out there. On the show he interviews guests who have had success with their own side hustles. The Side Hustle Show has been going since 2013 and released nearly 400 episodes. Accompanying the pod...

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EP#12 - Manufacturing Your First Product with Architect turned Product Designer Matt Gilbert

The Livelihood Podcast - May 10, 2020 18:00 - 41 minutes
Matt has successfully crowdfunded two projects, the Crane Lamp and the Solstice Clock together raised over £100k on Kickstarter. Join us as we talk about the highs and lows of manufacturing in the UK and in China.  If you had advice for someone wanting to make their own product, what would it b...

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EP#11 - Welcome to the World of Fiverr: How to use it to inject speed & get shit done! ft. Special mystery guest, Victor.

The Livelihood Podcast - May 06, 2020 20:00 - 41 minutes
Fiverr is one of the best resources for entrepreneurs to build businesses quickly. Need something translated? Use Fiverr. Need a quick logo? Fiverr. Need a guest for your podcast? That’s right - you can find it all on fiverr. Listen in to hear our top tips on how to get the most out of the platf...

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Lockdown Livelihood Trailer - Why Did We Start a Business Podcast?

The Livelihood Podcast - May 03, 2020 08:00 - 7 minutes
The Livelihood is a podcast that follows two entrepreneurs, Luke Emery and Alex Peet, as they run and launch businesses online. It's an inconsistent, real and unfiltered look into what it's really like running businesses and being financially independent.

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