Latest Robertperry Podcast Episodes

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GENTLENESS & JOY: 10 traits of the spiritually advanced (part 3 of 6)

Exploring A Course in Miracles - February 06, 2023 11:40 - 55 minutes
In this episode we cover the fourth and fifth characteristics of the spiritually advanced: gentleness and joy. However much we may admire gentleness, we worry that in a stubborn world it’s simply too weak to get the job done. But could it be that we have underestimated what the Course calls the ...

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GENTLENESS & JOY: 10 Traits of the Spiritually Advanced (part 3 of 6)

Exploring A Course in Miracles - February 06, 2023 11:40 - 55 minutes
In this episode we cover the fourth and fifth characteristics of the spiritually advanced: gentleness and joy. However much we may admire gentleness, we worry that in a stubborn world it’s simply too weak to get the job done. But could it be that we have underestimated what the Course calls the ...

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HONESTY & TOLERANCE: 10 Traits of the Spiritually Advanced (Part 2 of 6) - Exploring A Course in Miracles

Exploring A Course in Miracles - January 31, 2023 09:21 - 49 minutes
This episode of Exploring A Course in Miracles covers honesty and tolerance, the second and third characteristics of the spiritually advanced in the Manual for Teachers. Perhaps we see these as beginner traits, far below the spiritual heights, but the Course grants them a much loftier significan...

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HONESTY & TOLERANCE: 10 Traits of the Spiritually Advanced (Part 2 of 6)

Exploring A Course in Miracles - January 31, 2023 09:21 - 49 minutes
This episode of Exploring A Course in Miracles covers honesty and tolerance, the second and third characteristics of the spiritually advanced in the Manual for Teachers. Perhaps we see these as beginner traits, far below the spiritual heights, but the Course grants them a much loftier significan...

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TRUST: 10 Traits of the Spiritually Advanced (Part 1 of 6)

Exploring A Course in Miracles - January 23, 2023 22:41 - 49 minutes
With this podcast we are embarking on a six-episode series, something we haven’t done before. The series is on the remarkable section in the Course on “What Are the Characteristics of God’s Teachers?” This section lays out ten character traits of the spiritual advanced. What kind of person are w...

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What A Course In Miracles Says About Goals

Exploring A Course in Miracles - January 16, 2023 18:29 - 56 minutes
We often think of goals as being out of keeping with spiritual awakening.  A Course in Miracles, however, believes in the importance of goals.  It encourages the same kind of goal-directed behavior that an Olympic athlete might use, except that now we set and pursue spiritual goals, rather t...

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The Case For Life After Death With Jeffrey Mishlove

Exploring A Course in Miracles - December 12, 2022 17:25 - 40 minutes
This podcast episode features Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D., the first-prize winner of the Bigelow Institute contest for essays on the evidence for survival of physical death. He was the host of the long-running PBS series Thinking Allowed, and is currently the host of the YouTube series New Thinkin...

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What We’ve Learned About Holy Relationship in A Course In Miracles

Exploring A Course in Miracles - November 28, 2022 15:11 - 57 minutes
We hope you will join in for a conversation that is more personal than usual to learn practices that will benefit your own relationships. Holy relationships are a bit of a mystery. What makes them work? What throws them off track? In this podcast, Circle founder Robert Perry and executive ...

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Part 2 - Manifesting & ACIM: Does God Supply Our Material Needs?

Exploring A Course in Miracles - November 21, 2022 15:12 - 57 minutes
Wouldn’t we all love to have our material needs effortlessly supplied by God? What does the Course say about this idea? In the second of our 2-part series on “Manifesting and A Course in Miracles,” Robert and Emily discuss places in the Course that address trusting God with the physical jour...

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Part 1: Manifesting and A Course In Miracles

Exploring A Course in Miracles - November 07, 2022 17:59 - 53 minutes
One of the most influential spiritual teachings of our time is that our thoughts create our reality and that we can use our thoughts to manifest the things we desire.  We do this by employing “the law of attraction.”  Does A Course in Miracles teach anything like this? Does the Course address...

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The Insanity of Being Well Adjusted to an Insane Society

Exploring A Course in Miracles - October 24, 2022 16:02 - 50 minutes
We consider being well-adjusted to be the epitome of mental health. But what if we are adjusting to an insane world? Could we be like good cult members who learn to blend right in with the craziness around them? What is the origin of our obsession with adjustment? Listen as Robert and Emil...

Exploring A Course in Miracles artwork

The Insanity of Being Well Adjusted to Society

Exploring A Course in Miracles - October 24, 2022 16:02 - 50 minutes
We consider being well-adjusted to be the epitome of mental health. But what if we are adjusting to an insane world? Could we be like good cult members who learn to blend right in with the craziness around them? What is the origin of our obsession with adjustment? Listen as Robert and Emil...

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BONUS: Living Jesus' Love Ethic

Exploring A Course in Miracles - October 12, 2022 19:59 - 19 minutes
In this bonus episode, Circle of Atonement executive director Emily Bennington shares how Jesus' original message changed our world and asks, "Are we willing to make our lives, even in their most ordinary details, a witness to our care for others? Can we truly reorient ourselves towards living h...

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The Way Out of Fear with A Course In Miracles

Exploring A Course in Miracles - October 10, 2022 15:33 - 50 minutes
Fear is an emotion that undermines all of us, draining our strength and ruining our peace.  Thank goodness, then, A Course in Miracles contains extensive teaching on fear—on its cause and its solution. We tend to believe that fear is caused directly in us by outside events, and that the only w...

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The Golden Rule in A Course In Miracles

Exploring A Course in Miracles - September 26, 2022 14:41 - 52 minutes
The Golden Rule (e.g. "do unto others as you would have them do unto you") is found in all the world’s great religions. The language used may be different, but the wisdom behind it is the same. Accordingly, it's safe to say there is something about The Golden Rule that has commanded humanity’s...

Exploring A Course in Miracles artwork

Which Journey Are You On? Physical or Spiritual?

Exploring A Course in Miracles - September 19, 2022 16:29 - 41 minutes
We see ourselves, quite naturally, as being on a physical journey in which we are constantly trying to control our external circumstances in order to erect a good life.  But while we are engrossed in that project, we are simultaneously on another journey, a spiritual journey.  In this podcas...

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What Does A Course In Miracles Say About Prayer?

Exploring A Course in Miracles - September 12, 2022 17:23 - 1 hour
There is no more basic and universal response to the Divine than prayer.  Yet we all have questions about how to do it.  Whom do we pray to?  What do we pray for?  How can we pray most effectively?  These questions can be especially confusing for students of A Course in Miracles, who oft...

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BONUS EPISODE: Fumbling Jesus' Legacy: We Can't Let It Happen Again

Exploring A Course in Miracles - September 05, 2022 13:34 - 20 minutes
Author's Note: "This is an edited version of a very long email I sent to the Circle board on January 30, 2002. I had recently discovered the guidance Helen received on December 31, 1975, in which Jesus spoke of the Course growing 'from infancy into a helper of the world.' This guidance electr...

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What A Course In Miracles Offers to Christians Leaving the Church

Exploring A Course in Miracles - August 29, 2022 13:40 - 1 hour
Millions of people are streaming out of the Christian church these days. Most of them are unaware that A Course in Miracles may be the perfect landing spot for them. The Course was intentionally written to those who were rooted in the Christian tradition yet also need healing from it. It bri...

Exploring A Course in Miracles artwork

What Does the Course Say About Oneness?

Exploring A Course in Miracles - August 22, 2022 18:05 - 1 hour
A Course in Miracles says that Heaven is “merely an awareness of perfect oneness.” Yet it also talks about God, Christ, Sons of God, our creations, the Holy Spirit, and angels all being within that oneness. So how do we resolve that? Are those names just different ways of talking about the...

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Is God in Nature? Spirituality of Nature, Plants and Animals

Exploring A Course in Miracles - August 09, 2022 16:31 - 54 minutes
Many students ask us what A Course in Miracles has to say about plants and animals? If the world around us is an illusion, what does that mean for nature? Should we just ignore it? We usually assume that humans have great worth and intelligence, but we don’t tend to grant that same assumptio...

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Roger Walsh on A Course in Miracles and the World's Great Spiritual Traditions

Exploring A Course in Miracles - August 01, 2022 20:36 - 1 hour
Roger Walsh, professor of psychiatry and religious studies at University of California at Irvine, has been with the Course from nearly the beginning and has practiced the Course on a daily basis for decades. He brings a breadth of learning into how the Course relates to the world’s great spiri...

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What is Leadership? Definition from a Spiritual Point of View

Exploring A Course in Miracles - July 25, 2022 21:46 - 51 minutes
This is a time in which good leaders are desperately needed, and our collective ideas about leadership are changing dramatically. In this heartfelt discussion, Emily Bennington and Robert Perry discuss what ACIM has to say about leadership, and asks how we can be the kind of leaders it is aski...

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What is the Holy Spirit?

Exploring A Course in Miracles - July 18, 2022 16:19 - 1 hour
If you're a Course student, you've likely approached the Holy Spirit many more times than you have approached a conversation with God. "Ask the Holy Spirit." "Turn it over to the Holy Spirit." These are such common phrases in practice, but we still see a lot of confusion around who and wha...

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INTERVIEW: Dr. Sharon Hewitt Rawlette - Evidence for Spiritual Truth

Exploring A Course in Miracles - July 11, 2022 16:34 - 1 hour
A Course in Miracles is a very practical path, but its practicality rests on some extremely unconventional views about the nature of reality. Is there evidence for those views? That is what we discuss with philosopher and writer Sharon Hewitt Rawlette. Sharon is a recent prize winner in the ...

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What is the Real World? Spiritual and Metaphysical Understanding

Exploring A Course in Miracles - June 27, 2022 12:59 - 54 minutes
Perhaps we remember our parents saying, “Wait till you get out into the real world!” We know that world, where life is a struggle because no one gives you a break. But according to A Course in Miracles, that’s the illusion, and we can look past that illusion “into beauty that will enchant you,...

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Shadow Figures

Exploring A Course in Miracles - June 21, 2022 19:07 - 1 hour
"Shadow figures” is the term A Course in Miracles uses for the images we carry of people from our past who didn’t give us the love we craved. These “ghosts” haunt our present. We project them onto individuals in the present, so that we relate to those present individuals as if they were the ghos...

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Cult of Self: Living in the Age of Narcissism

Exploring A Course in Miracles - June 13, 2022 19:34 - 1 hour
We have witnessed an unprecedented focus on the self for the past few decades. This focus has permeated society, mainstream spirituality, and the ACIM community. Circle founder Robert Perry and executive director Emily Bennington call this “the cult of self” and in this podcast episode, they e...

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The Pull of God

Exploring A Course in Miracles - June 01, 2022 15:53 - 44 minutes
In the old days, it was “a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Now, we just worry that it’s unsatisfying. A Course in Miracles teaches that it is neither. The Course says that at the foundation of our being we feel an irresistible attraction to God, which it calls “the pull ...

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Is Belief in God Necessary?

Exploring A Course in Miracles - May 16, 2022 13:49 - 53 minutes
“God” is a word that appears throughout the pages of A Course in Miracles. But how important is it for us to believe in God? Do we have any real evidence that God exists? Is belief in God necessary for making progress on the spiritual journey? In this episode of Exploring A Course in Miracles, C...

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