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The Truth About YouTube's New Children's Channel Rules - LLDIY Ep #37

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - October 18, 2019 10:35 - 15 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
Taken directly from the newest video our our YouTube channel and ripped directly from the headlines, this episode of the podcast is all about digging into the truth about the new rules YouTube has put in place for channels creating children's content and how it REALLY effects creators.

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4 More YouTube Myths That Are Hurting Your Channel -LLDIY Ep # 26

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - October 04, 2019 08:30 - 38 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
This week Shawn from Negrorlando joins us as we tackle 4 more YouTube myths that might be hurting your youtube growth!

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How Often Should I Publish a New Podcast Episode (and a Big Announcement) LLDIY EP #35

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - September 20, 2019 07:00 - 16 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
Doing a little research for my own show, I'm sharing my findings and my thoughts of on just how often you should release a new episode of your podcast, as well as how long a podcast episode should be!

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Should I Use a Free Service Like Anchor FM for My Podcast? LLDIY EP # 34

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - September 13, 2019 07:00 - 30 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
One of the questions that I have seen come up more than almost any other podcasting question is whether or not it makes sense to host your podcast on a free hosting services like Anchor.FM. Today we'll take a dive into what people are saying about Anchor.FM and whether or not it may make sense f...

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Do I Need a Website For My Platform - LLDIDY Ep # 33

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - September 06, 2019 09:49 - 21 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
With all the options available to podcasters, artists, YouTubers, and other creators these days, the idea of paying for (or creating) a traditional website might sound more daunting than what is needed. Do you really need a website these days, or is a free option like a social media account enou...

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Is YouTube or Podcast Sub4Sub Really That Bad? LLDIY Ep# 32

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - August 30, 2019 09:00 - 21 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
One of the oldest debates for YouTube Creators and Podcasters is whether Sub4Sub is a road to quick growth, or just the path to eventual destruction.    Today we will dive into the sometimes overlooked consequences of Sub4Sub and whether or not it can really be as dangerous as people say.

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Lessons I've Learned from 30 Weeks in a Row of Publishing

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - August 23, 2019 10:33 - 44 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
From the point where this podcast was first conceived in August of 2018 to the the point where I published the 30th consecutive week of publishing the LimeLight DIY Podcast, there have been more than a few changes and more than a few lessons. We'll talk about podcast marketing, booking guests, a...

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YouTube Announces New Copyright Policy Changes - LLDIY EP # 30

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - August 16, 2019 10:36 - 23 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
On August 15 2019, YouTube announced changes to the Manual Content ID Claim process that shifts the burden of proof from video creators to copyright holders in an attempt to tamp down on excessive claims and abuse. How will this effect YOUR channel, what are your rights under the new policy, wha...

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How To Use YouTube Hashtags...and Should You Bother?- LLDIY Ep # 29

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - August 09, 2019 10:34 - 21 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
in mid 2018, YouTube announced that they would begin support for YouTube Hashtags - a new way for viewers to find specifically themed content easier and for creators to reach new audiences. Fast forward more than a year after the release of the hashtag program and confusion continues over how to...

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Top 5 YouTube Myths (Part 1) - LLDIY Ep # 28

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - August 02, 2019 09:00 - 20 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
It's hard enough to be a YouTube creator... competition is insanely thick, the amount of time and commitment required is considerable, and the rules that YouTube has to rank keep changing. To make it even more difficult, there are always the myths floating around that we have to decipher... what...

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Is Apple Looking To Fund Your Podcasts - LLDIY EP # 27

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - July 26, 2019 09:00 - 17 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
Rising to the challenge thrown down by recent arch rival Spotify who itself recently announced plans to invest a $500M into podcast companies, Apple is reportedly ready to begin investing into exclusive podcast content for their relaunched ITunes platform. What does this mean for independent pod...

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Nice Guys Finish First with Nate from Paging Mr Morrow - LLDIY Ep # 26

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - July 19, 2019 09:00 - 47 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
Nate from the fan favorite Paging Mr Morrow YouTube channel joins us today to chat about his fairly unique way of looking at his audience and how that has allowed him to become one of the better known "Disney Vloggers" in a sea of channels who are trying to recreate his success!

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5 Free Ways to Promote Your Podcast - LLDIY EP #25

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - July 12, 2019 10:31 - 29 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
Today is the first episode of the new format (no worries, we're not stopping the interviews, just diversifying) of LimeLight DIY - a long format deep dive on 5 FREE tactics that you can use to grow your own podcast! 

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Audience Questions - Expert Answers Part 2 - Greg's Game Room and Negrorlando - LLDIY EP # 24

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - July 05, 2019 09:00 - 24 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
Part Two of our Audience Questions / Expert Answers series focuses again on youtube, but this time it's less about "how to" and more about  "how not to", in this case how not to let the present system lead you astray from your original vision, how not to get depressed by watching other's have mo...

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LLDIY Ep # 23 :Making Unconventional Art That Pays the Bills with Rick Styczynski From 13X Studio

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - June 28, 2019 09:00 - 43 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
Some artists paint. Some sculpt. Some glue things together, and Rick Styczynski - owner of 13X Studios - has unleashed a series of hand decorated hockey masks into the world, and boy- have they ever made a splash! His masks have garnered him deals with Kevin Smith, Kane Hodder, and a handful of ...

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LLDIY Ep # 23 :Making Unconventional Art That Pays the Bills with Rick Styczynski From 13X Studio

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - June 28, 2019 09:00 - 43 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
Some artists paint. Some sculpt. Some glue things together, and Rick Styczynski - owner of 13X Studios - has unleashed a series of hand decorated hockey masks into the world, and boy- have they ever made a splash! His masks have garnered him deals with Kevin Smith, Kane Hodder, and a handful of ...

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LLDIY Ep # 22 - Nola Deej- How to Research Your YouTube Videos

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - June 21, 2019 09:00 - 41 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
Representing the strangely under documented city of New Orleans, NOLA Deej has quickly become a favorite vlogger, armchair historian, and independent film maker for his well researched and beautifully formatted YouTube videos documenting the mysterious and historical city!   Joining us today...

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LLDIY EP # 21 - Listener Questions , Guests Answer Part 1

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - June 14, 2019 09:00 - 23 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
We've been fortunate enough to get some great listener questions, and it's about time that we got around to answering them! We've enlisted Robb Alvey from Theme Park Review and Jackie from Super Enthused to answer some listener questions today ranging on topics from how to stand out from the cro...

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LLDIY Ep: 20 : Sorta'Sode - FOMO - How It Kills Our JuJu and How to Kick It's A$$

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - June 07, 2019 10:58 - 30 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
Taking an unexpected detour this week as we explore the phenomena of "FOMO" (Fear of Missing Out) and how it effects independent creators, how it hurts our ability to enjoy our own successes, and how to combat the mentality that drives some creators to self destruct.

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LLDIY Ep # 19 - Freelancing for Huge Companies w/ Dave "Montygog" Perillo

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - May 31, 2019 09:00 - 31 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
Chances are, even if you don't know Dave Perillo's name, you know his work. For the past several years, Dave (going under the alias of Montygog) has been creating retro style pop culture artwork that has become popular across the entire planet. Today Dave joins us to share how artists can create...

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LLDIY Ep # 18 - Growth Tips for a Million + Subscriber YouTube Channel w/ Robb Alvey

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - May 24, 2019 09:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
Robb Alvey is no stranger to thrill seeking. As the host of the enormously popular Theme Park Reviews channel on YouTube, Robb is considered to be THE authority on roller coasters and thrill rides by fans and experts alike. In this episode of LimeLight DIY, Robb will share his thoughts on what i...

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LLDIY Ep #17 - SortaSode - Why Do YouTubers Self Destruct?

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - May 17, 2019 09:00 - 11 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
A special unplanned "Sorta'sode" episode of LimeLight DIY as we dive into the inexplicably self-destructive behavior of some YouTubers once they have reached the top. Shane Dawson, ProJared, Logan Paul, and James Charles all seemed to self destruct at the top of their games, but what caused them...

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LLDIY Ep # 16 -Building a Traditional Business Around Your Platform w/ David from Cinemasickness

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - May 10, 2019 09:00 - 52 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
Of of the questions that comes up more often than nearly any other is how an independent creator can make money off of a YouTube channel, podcast, or other platform. Today's guest David Eisenhauer from Cinemasickness has not only build a thriving YouTube channel, but also a "real" business that ...

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LLDIY # 15 - Blazing the Uncharted Trail with Deshawn from Negrorlando

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - May 03, 2019 09:00 - 51 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
If there is one thing that most creators have in common, it's a desire to break the mold and to try something different. The problem is that society doesn't often rewards us for sticking with the same old same old.    That frustration - to yearn to do something different but to be expected t...

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LLDIY # 14 - Mark Thompson from Sauce Stache - Alternatives to YouTube for Video Makers

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - April 26, 2019 09:00 - 59 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
While some creators were complaining that there's no room for new blood at the top, Sauce Stache creator and host Mark Thompson was blazing his own trail. Hosting a cooking show made for epicureans and laymen alike, Mark is a self taught dynamo, cooking up success and sampling from the many dish...

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LLDIY Ep # 13 - When It's Time to Try Something Else W/ Greg from Greg's Game Room

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - April 19, 2019 01:21 - 47 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
We all start off passionate about our platform but what happens when that passion just isn't enough any more? what happens when you have put legitimate blood, sweat, and tears into a project that just doesn't seem to be giving you enough return on your investment anymore?   Greg from Greg's ...

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LLDIY # 12 - Strategies for Building an Active Community with NTL Vlogs

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - April 12, 2019 09:00 - 39 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
Michael and Becca from NTL Vlogs jump on this week's podcast to delve deep into how they grew their channel's community (the NTL Family) into the active, tight knit, and fast growing group that it has become. If you a YouTuber, Podcaster, Writer, Blogger, Filmmaker or performer who is looking to...

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LLDIY EP # 11 : SortaSode - What I Have Learned After Publishing My First 10 Episodes

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - April 05, 2019 09:00 - 28 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
It's been 2 months since I first published 3 episodes of LimeLight DIY, and creating 10 episodes has actually taught me quite a bit- if you are a podcaster, a youtuber, writer, or any other sort of independent creator, hopefully you can learn a few things from my story as well!

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LLDIY Ep # 10 - Tom Schwab of Interview Valet - Growing Your Brand As a Podcast Guest

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - March 29, 2019 09:00 - 50 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
Tom Schwab quite LITERALLY wrote the book on getting booked on podcast and today he's with us to talk about  what YOU can do to get yourself booked on more podcasts as well!   The man behind Interview Valet, a published author on the subject, and a frequent guests on some of the worlds bigge...

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LLDIY # 9 - How to Grow A Podcast Across Multiple Platforms with David Spano of Game Fix

LimeLight DIY - The Podcast For Independent Creators - March 22, 2019 14:09 - 53 minutes ★★★★★ - 15 ratings
On today's episode, David Spano of The Game Fix Show will walk us through what it takes to break into the big leagues professionally (David produces Sports Radio at a major market station in Cleveland as well as engineers broadcasts for the Cleveland Browns), how Game Fix has grown from a tiny ...

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