Latest Pastor chris brooks Podcast Episodes

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Making Up Instead of Breaking Up - Conflicted: Part 4 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - November 20, 2023 13:48 - 35 minutes
Have you ever been caught in a conflict with someone? Maybe it got heated and things were said, and you walked away thinking, “I’m done with them.” In today’s society, it can be easy to walk away from moments of conflict with a flight response, to cancel that person rather than reconcil...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

Conflicted: Part 3 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - November 15, 2023 18:19 - 32 minutes
When we are in Christ, we are called to look different from the world. In that, how we act, speak, and treat others should not be like how the world does. More importantly, we must treat our family of Christ with respect and intentional care. We are to treat them with the same love that...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

Hindrance or Helpful - Conflicted: Part 2 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - November 06, 2023 13:37 - 30 minutes
Our actions matter. How we speak, act, and represent ourselves, holds much weight. When we are representing Christ, we should act and speak in ways of giving life, love, encouragement, and correction when needed. We are continuing in our new series, Conflict[ed]: Pursuing Peace in a Can...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

Embracing Inability - Conflicted: Part 1 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - October 31, 2023 13:40 - 37 minutes
Conflict is inescapable. It intertwines itself into every part of our lives. In our relationships, conflict will always come because of our fallen nature. But in a world that always looks to put others down and cancel each other, Jesus calls us to a better way, a peaceful way. Today, we...

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Healing for the Hurting - Thy Kingdom Come: Part 7 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - October 25, 2023 19:20 - 37 minutes
Several times, in the New Testament, Jesus’ healing ministry is on display where His power and authority are magnified. In our daily walks today, Jesus still has the same power and dominion over death and sickness. At times, He may not answer our prayers or fulfill our wishes regarding ...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

Thy Kingdom Come: Part 5 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - October 10, 2023 01:09 - 37 minutes
Have there been times when you’ve been ridden with anxiety? Anxiety can be all-consuming, making you feel hopeless, alone, and never-ending. In times when our anxiety gets the better of us, it can seem like God is not near or make you wonder why He won't just remove all the feelings you...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

The Unexpected Advance of Jesus' Reign - Thy Kingdom Come: Part 4 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - October 04, 2023 19:04 - 33 minutes
There is a popular children's tune, “this little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine.” It is likely you have heard it. This sweet song holds much truth and power. In scripture, Jesus tells us to not hide the light inside of us, but to illuminate it in this dark world. Today, we wil...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

The Seed is the Word - Thy Kingdom Come: Part 3 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - September 25, 2023 12:40 - 35 minutes
What is the soil of your heart? Are you obedient to the words of scripture? Would you say your heart is fertile? These are all questions that may arise as we listen to the parable of the sower in Mark chapter 4. Jesus teaches this parable to a large crowd of people, and He brings a call...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

Choose Ye This Day - Thy Kingdom Come: Part 2 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - September 18, 2023 12:46 - 37 minutes
Giving up control can be difficult. When we are asked to surrender and follow someone else’s leadership or plan, it can be hard to trust that they are leading in the right direction. The same is true in our relationship with Christ. It is hard to fully submit and surrender our lives, gi...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

The King is Here - Thy Kingdom Come: Part 1 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - September 11, 2023 12:35 - 34 minutes
Special arrivals are thrilling. We wait with great expectation and joy. Rather it’s a return of a loved one or seeing a person of influence visit your city. Arrivals are mixed with excitement and chaos. In our new message series, Thy Kingdom Come: His Reign in Our Lives, we will see the...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

Passing the Baton - Elijah: Part 5 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - September 06, 2023 14:28 - 40 minutes
Our world functions from our labor. We work each day to provide for our families. We encourage hard work and to do a job well done. We put a lot of emphasis on our career and how it will carry us. In the same way, we work hard at our job, we have a similar call as followers of Christ; t...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

Elijah: Part 4 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - August 28, 2023 12:39 - 38 minutes
Have you ever felt ravaged by sorrow for yourself? Ever felt defeated and bundled in a ball of self-pity? In a society that is fixated on ourselves, it’s likely you’ve felt this way before. Even Elijah, a man of great faith, fell into a pit of depression caused by his self-pity. Today, ...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

The Prayer of a Righteous Person - Elijah: Part 3 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - August 21, 2023 12:28 - 42 minutes
When you pray do you ever feel like God doesn’t hear you? Have you ever wondered how you can pray in an effective way? God's word says that a righteous person's prayer is powerful. In Christ, your prayers are heard and received by God. They are filled with power, as we are His and fille...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

A Man Like Us - Elijah: Part 2 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - August 14, 2023 15:10 - 41 minutes
Have you ever been tricked into believing something that was untrue? Or maybe have paid for a duped item? It can be common among all the stories on social media and cheap items sold online. But what is the cost of getting fooled by a fake god? What is the impact on our lives if we devot...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

Elijah, A Man of Faith - Elijah: Part 1 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - August 07, 2023 03:26 - 35 minutes
Sometimes it is a struggle trusting God, taking Him at His word, and believing that what God wants is best for me. This comes from wanting to be in control. Because in control of life, one can be confident everything will happen how they want it to. We have just launched a new series, E...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

Asking for a Friend Part 3 - How can we Defend our Faith?? Abdu Murray

Woodside Bible Church Troy - July 31, 2023 15:33 - 40 minutes
Have you ever been met with the question; “why are you a Christian?” The outside world loves to ask that question, for curiosity or possibly to prove you wrong. It can be very intimidating to feel like all the pressure to defend your faith and want to do it perfectly. Fears may sneak in...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

Is Anxiety a Sin? - Asking for a Friend: Part 2

Woodside Bible Church Troy - July 24, 2023 22:52 - 38 minutes
Is anxiety or being anxious, a sin? Anxiety is an issue of giving weight to the things we care about. If we give the proper weight to the proper things, then our anxiety over them is not sin. But if we give improper weight to things, our anxiety could be the kind that Jesus instructs us...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

Asking for a Friend Part 1: Who is Jesus?

Woodside Bible Church Troy - July 17, 2023 17:18 - 35 minutes
Is anxiety or being anxious, a sin? Anxiety is an issue of giving weight to the things we care about. If we give the proper weight to the proper things, then our anxiety over them is not sin. But if we give improper weight to things, our anxiety could be the kind that Jesus instructs us...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

The Great Return - Revelation: Part 7 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - July 10, 2023 14:29 - 36 minutes
We prepare for tests, parties, job interviews, house projects, and difficult conversations. Preparation is a part of our lives. But how often do we think about preparing for paradise? In Revelation: All Things New, we’ll discover a glorious description of the end of all things and the g...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

The True Eternal City - Revelation: Part 6 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - July 02, 2023 21:30 - 33 minutes
Do you think often about heaven? Does the desire to be there ever overcome you? For most of us heaven is a long-off dream that has very little substance to us. When we think about heaven, we may picture dreams of ethereal clouds and harps and angels’ wings. Or perhaps more modern versio...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

All Things New - Revelation: Part 5 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - June 26, 2023 14:31 - 32 minutes
We all love a good story! Maybe even more specifically, one with a hero and a happy ending! It’s the classic adventure we sometimes relate and reflect within our own lives—we face antagonists, weakness, trial or even death—and then we come out of the abyss victorious, resurrected, chang...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

Looking Up to Our Father: Father's Day Message - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - June 19, 2023 13:02 - 31 minutes
If someone were to ask you what the word “father” means to you, your answer may be vastly different than the person next to you. In fact, everyone may have a slightly different view based on your relationship with your father or if you are a father. Our world has deeply impacted our vie...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

The End of Evil - Revelation: Part 4 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - June 12, 2023 13:18 - 33 minutes
Who gets the last word? In so many aspects, we see that the last word comes from a place of authority. In a court case, the jury makes the decision. At work, your boss makes the final decision. In a game, the referee makes the call. At church, we learn that God is the ultimate power and...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

Welcome to the New Millennium - Revelation: Part 3 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - June 05, 2023 13:19 - 31 minutes
For many Christians worldwide, the threat of persecution is a constant reality in their following of Jesus. While we do not have those same experiences in the West, it is important to remember what our brothers and sisters face in other parts of the world. Imagine waking up daily under ...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

The Return of the King Revelation: Part 2 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - May 30, 2023 01:20 - 41 minutes
What will it be like when Jesus returns at his second coming? Have you ever thought about that? What’s the impact of his return, and what should our response be? Today we continue our message series! In Revelation: All Things New, we’ll discover a glorious description of the end of all ...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

Praise Our God - Revelation: Part 1 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - May 22, 2023 20:03 - 35 minutes
In recent years, Christianity has faced some of its biggest challenges in the Western world. Churches are in decline. Personal evangelism is a thing of the past. Sin is rampant. Our current “scientific” and secular culture has shown the foolishness of faith, and on and on it goes. So, h...

Woodside Bible Church Troy artwork

Why God Brings Us Together - Mother's Day Message - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - May 15, 2023 01:37 - 34 minutes
This Sunday, we celebrate Mother’s Day and all the women that have sacrifice their time and energy to care for each and every one of us. These relationships are so important. Whether you had a mom in your life or feel the pain of that absence, we understand life is better with people ar...

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I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body - Essentials: Part 9 - Woodside Bible Church Troy Campus

Woodside Bible Church Troy - May 08, 2023 17:51 - 37 minutes
Today we conclude our series The Essentials:  Why Truth Matters.  In this series we are going to seek to lay down and identify the essential truths, the basic doctrines of the Christian faith growing through together one of the oldest affirmed creeds of the Christian church, The Apostle...

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I Believe in the Forgiveness of Sins - Essentials: Part 8 - Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy - May 01, 2023 13:37 - 35 minutes
Isn’t it interesting how we naturally want mercy and forgiveness for ourselves when we mess up but want swift justice for anyone that harms us? This is the tension that we live in daily and it’s a tension that we navigate unfairly every day. The only person that perfectly balances forgi...

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