Latest Parsha in-depth study Podcast Episodes

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Vayeira | Antisemitism

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - November 09, 2022 20:00 - 9 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
In this week's Torah podcast: First, we explore what life was like in the cities of Sodom and Amorah, and their outlook on kindness. Developing a concept from a Medrash in Yalkut Shemoni we examine the Jewish people's illustrious history, from Avraham Avinu until today.  Antisemitism throughout...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Lech-Lecha | Justice Is Served

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - November 03, 2022 00:00 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
In this week's Torah talk, we discuss the upbringing and achievements of Avraham Avinu. Diving into the Bracha Hashem gave him and Avraham's response, we uncover one way Avraham viewed this world and how that altered his thought-and should alter ours. Is basic faith considered righteousness? W...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Noach | Scotch On The Rocks

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - October 27, 2022 18:00 - 5 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
This week's Torah Podcast discusses why Noach was severely punished for planting a vineyard. Building on Rav Elchonan Wasserman's answer, we explore one genuinely novel and valuable insight. Good Shabbos! Support the Show. Join The Motivation Congregation WhatsApp community for daily motivatio...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Bereishis | At The Center Of The World

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - October 21, 2022 09:00 - 6 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
The first Torah podcast of this new parsha cycle discusses how the world runs and relies on Tefillah, Prayer. Citing a Rashi, a Gemara, and insight from Rav Shimon Schwab, it all culminates with one inspiring point. When was the foliage created? Why aren't my efforts working? Support the Show...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas V'zos Haberachah | Jewish Leadership

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - October 14, 2022 09:00 - 5 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
In this week's Torah Podcast, we discuss two essential Jewish leadership qualities that Moshe Rabbeinu exemplified throughout his life. What did Moshe's funeral look like? Why do we pay our Rabbi's? Support the Show. Join The Motivation Congregation WhatsApp community for daily motivational ...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Haazinu | Disgusting Error

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - October 06, 2022 21:00 - 4 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
In this week's Torah Podcast, we dive into the study of our past and future and why knowledge of previous errors and proper contemplation of the outcomes of our actions is our greatest asset. Support the Show. Join The Motivation Congregation WhatsApp community for daily motivational Torah con...

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Dvar Torah on Yom Kippur

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - October 03, 2022 11:00 - 4 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Two seemingly contradictory halachos, a Rambam and Brisker Rav, lead us to one fascinating insight. Support the Show. Join The Motivation Congregation WhatsApp community for daily motivational Torah content! ------------------ Check out our other Torah Podcasts and content! SUBSCRIBE to The ...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Vayelech | The Worst And Best Thing In The World

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - September 30, 2022 02:00 - 6 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
A gutten erev shabbas! In this week's edition of The Torah Podcast, we discuss the Mitzvah of Hakhel, and why babies must be brought. Our vort culminates with the idea that will leave you refreshed and inspired in your Avodas Hashem. Working without seeing the fruits of your labor Continuing A...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Netzavim | The Most Important Word In Our Vocabulary

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - September 21, 2022 18:00 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Our parsha begins on Moshe Rabbeinu's final day on this earth and continues to describe the renewal of the covenant. In this Dvar Torah, we discuss why a new covenant was needed and expound upon Ramban's famous essay on the nature of lust.   How to overcome cravings, desires, and, urges  The m...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Netzavim | The Most Important Word In Our Vocabulary

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - September 21, 2022 18:00 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Our parsha begins on Moshe Rabbeinu's final day on this earth, and continues to describe the renewal of the covenant. In this dvar Torah we discuss why a new covenant was needed and expound upon the Ramban's famous essay on the nature of lust.   How to overcome cravings, desires and, urges  Th...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Ki Savo | Mission Statement

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - September 14, 2022 03:00 - 12 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
In this week's original insight on the parsha, we discuss the fascinating commandment found in the fourth aliyah and explore the root and depth of the mitzvah. Join us as we unearth one of the essential ideas taught by the mussar masters—a timely vort for the month of Elul. Good Shabbas! Creati...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Ki Seitzei | All Or Nothing

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - September 07, 2022 01:00 - 9 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
In this week's Dvar Torah, we discuss a vital tactic we can use in our fight against the yetzer hara. We explore a critical insight for Chodesh Elul and uncover the pshat that lives beneath the first narrative discussed in our parsha. Gut Shabbas! You are missing your workout and eating that do...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Shoftim | Causation

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - August 31, 2022 18:00 - 9 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
In this special edition of The Torah Podcast, we dive deep into the idea of cause and effect. In a short Dvar Torah, we discuss why the cause of any action is more important than the outcome. Based on a pasuk in our Parsha and Rashi's commentary, we unearth a valuable and practical tool you can ...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Shoftim | Causation

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - August 31, 2022 18:00 - 9 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
In this special edition of The Torah Podcast we dive deep into the idea of cause and effect. In a short dvar Torah we discuss why the cause of any action is more important than the outcome. Based on a pasuk in our Parsha and Rashi's commentary we unearth a valuable, and practical tool you can st...

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Dvar Torah Parshas Re'eh | Highway To Heaven

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - August 26, 2022 02:00 - 8 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
In this short Dvar Torah on the parsha, we discuss the importance of remaining on the path of righteousness. We all make mistakes, but it's about losing the battle and winning the war. Moshe Rabbeinu clues us into the Derech/path towards Hashem; it is here that we merit divine assistance. Incre...

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke artwork

Dvar Torah on Parshas Eikev | Top Shelf Fear

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - August 17, 2022 00:00 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
This short Dvar Torah on the parsha discusses a fascinating Eben Ezra, the fifth commandment, and motor vehicle accidents. A foundational Torah insight is drawn from this week's parsha.    The fear hierarchy. Step one on our climb to our spiritual summit.   Support the Show. Join The Motiva...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Vaeschanan | Right And Just

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - August 10, 2022 19:00 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
We are commanded in this week's parsha to go above the letter of the law and to make compromises at the proper time. Simply put, to be a mentch and do the right thing. In this short Dvar Torah, we discuss knowing if you are truly doing what's right and just. How to be a mensch. I am finding th...

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke artwork

Dvar Torah on Shabbas Nachamu | Something To Celebrate

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - August 10, 2022 17:00 - 6 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Shabbos Nachamu, the Shabbos following Tisha B'Av, brings comfort and happiness. It shares a deep connection to Tu B'av, which spurs only more of these same feelings. This leaves us with one question: What is comfort? What solace have we found since the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash. In this...

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke artwork

Dvar Torah on Shabbas Nachamu | Comfort And Solace

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - August 10, 2022 17:00 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Shabbos Nachamu, the Shabbos following Tisha B'Av, brings with it comfort and happiness. It shares a deep connection to Tu B'av which spurs on only more of these same feelings. This leaves us with one question: What is the comfort? What solace have we found since the destruction of the Beis Hami...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Vaeschanan | Knack For It

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - August 10, 2022 01:00 - 6 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
In today's episode: Parshas Vaeschanan is packed with iconic pesukim. Perhaps the most recognizable is the commandment "to love God." In this episode, we decipher the path and proper way to attain the "love of God." Then we explore how Rav Yerucham Levovitz explained the pasuk. How to serve Has...

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Tisha Ba'av 2022 | We've Got A Problem

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - August 07, 2022 13:00 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
In today's episode, we reflect on what we have lost on this sad day. The evil inclination set his sights on our temple and wiped it out. How can we beat him and rebuild that holy edifice, the Beis Hamikdash? One huge problem Do we have a chance to beat him? The only way to succeed  Support t...

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Tisha Ba'av | Feel The Pain

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - August 05, 2022 20:00 - 6 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
In this episode: This Tisha Ba'av feel the pain of what we have lost. We still suffer from the aftershocks of the Churban. Mourn and wail over our loss, and show Hashem how badly we want it back. Do we truly recognize what we have lost?  How can I mourn something I never knew? Why we lost ever...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Devarim | Acceptance

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - August 03, 2022 02:00 - 5 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
The last book of the Torah begins with Moshe's last testament and final will—words of reproach and encouragement to his nation. Oddly enough, there is nothing about the future. Instead, all the Mussar is focused on the past. In this episode, we discuss a different way to view the study of mussar...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Devarim | Acceptance

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - August 03, 2022 02:00 - 5 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
The last book of the the Torah begins with Moshe's last testament and final will. Words of reproach and encouragement to his nation. Oddly enough there is nothing about the future, but instead all the Mussar is focused on the past. In this episode we discuss a totally different way to view the s...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Mattos & Masei | Mourning Together

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - July 29, 2022 20:00 - 3 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Joining together in sorrow explains that Rambam enables us to release our desire for revenge. One communal cause, no matter the cause-unites. The Rambam's connection between the Cohen Gadol and Cities of refuge Why does someone NEED to go to galus?  Is Galus a Zechus? Support the Show. Join...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Mattos & Masei | Mourning Together

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - July 29, 2022 20:00 - 3 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Joining together in sorrow, explains the Rambam enables us to release our desire for revenge. One communal cause no matter the cause-unites. The Rambam's connection between the Cohen Gadol and Cities of refuge Why does someone NEED to go to galus?  Is Galus a Zechus? Check out our other Podc...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Mattos & Masei | Potent Power Of Prayer

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - July 27, 2022 18:00 - 5 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
In this week's Parsha, we unearth a timeless insight from the Mishna in Makkos. The Alter of Kelm offers his classic and iconic approach to explain the Mishna. This practical insight inspires, uplifts, and clarifies how we can get our prayers answered.  Would you stay in jail if they had a good...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Mattos & Masei | Gadlus Ha'adam

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - July 27, 2022 17:00 - 4 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
In this week's Parsha, we learn about Vows and Oaths. In this episode, we explore their essence and extract a valuable lesson. Man is Godly, and your power of speech and your ability to create a  new Mitzvah turns you into a celestial being.  Mindset for battle against the Yetzer Harah How can...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Pinchas | The Entire Torah In One Verse

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - July 22, 2022 12:00 - 4 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Consistency is key. Reb Shimon Ben Pazi's answer to the question "which verse in the Torah is the most all-encompassing" will shock you. Hint: it's not what you think. How can the Torah be pressed into one verse? Which verse is it? Support the Show. Join The Motivation Congregation WhatsApp ...

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