Latest Parsha in-depth study Podcast Episodes

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Tisha B'Av 2023: The Murder of Leiby Kletzky

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - July 27, 2023 08:00 - 6 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
As we solemnly observe the day of Tisha B'av, we find ourselves grappling with a profound collective pain deeply woven into the historical fabric of the Jewish people. It's a time of deep sorrow and mourning, a time to shed tears for the heartrending stories of our people. We reflect on the trag...

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Shabbos Chazon - Parshas Devarim: The Overlooked Key to Triumphant Success

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - July 21, 2023 17:00 - 29 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
In this episode, we delve into the all neey sefer of Devarim. This week also carries the unique Shabbos called Shabbos Chazon based on the Haftorah we read.  This episode explores Moshe Rabbeinu's parting message to his holy flock and the veiled critique therein. We explore the root of sins an...

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FEEL THE BURN: Tisha B'av, The Nine Days, Closeness & Coziness with Hashem

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - July 20, 2023 04:00 - 5 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Ever wonder why even the youngest Jewish child can tell you the exact date of the destruction of Hashem's house? How is this incident, and the observance of Tisha B'av, deeply ingrained in the Jewish psyche? Prepare to unlock the answers and gain a profound understanding of the Jewish faith as w...

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Parshas Matos-Masei: Don't Talk The Talk

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - July 13, 2023 04:00 - 25 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
What happens when we unravel the intricate tapestry of oaths and vows within Judaism? Prepare yourself for an enlightening exploration into the profound halachos surrounding these deep commitments. But there's more. Have we ever wondered about the unique value that Jewish people bring to the mar...

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Matos-Masei - Weekly Parsha: BEIS MEDRASH OF WALL STREET

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - July 11, 2023 11:00 - 3 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Can you imagine that every dollar you earn and every transaction you make is a profound topic of Jewish law, a 'sugya'? Picture a life where the boundary between the secular and the sacred is blurred, where your work is not a diversion from Torah but an integral part. Our guest, Rabbi Elephant, ...

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Parshas Pinchas: The Valor of Pinchas and the Power of Gevurah

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - July 09, 2023 14:00 - 23 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Have you ever wondered how the strength of character can impact life-altering decisions? Prepare to be inspired by the bravery of Pinchas was a man who showcased remarkable courage and power in the face of chaos. We embark on a journey through his life, unfolding scenarios that challenge him to ...

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Mourning and Reflection: The 17th of Tammuz

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - July 06, 2023 04:00 - 4 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Have you ever wondered what led to the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash? This episode presents an in-depth exploration of the three weeks of mourning, known as Bein Hametzarim. During our intimate reflection, we delve into the tragedies and the sins that led to such devastation. Drawing wisdom ...

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Chukas-Balak: Layers of Intelligence and Inner Strength

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - June 30, 2023 11:00 - 19 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Ever wondered about the different layers of intelligence that exist in the world and how deeply they're interconnected? Are you ready to transcend your assigned category and soar to new potential heights? This is an episode you won't want to miss! We explore insightful teachings from Maamar Koic...

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Chukas-Balak: The Only Place To Find Honest & Helpful Advice (Bonus Episode)

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - June 28, 2023 12:00 - 3 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Are you yearning for some sincere advice on life and living? Ever considered that our worst enemies can sometimes become our best advisers? This week's double parashah episode contains narratives and profound lessons that might unravel the answer. We dissect everything from the enigmatic red hei...

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Lessons from Parshas Korach: Overcoming Limitations and Transforming Our Nature

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - June 23, 2023 04:00 - 33 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Are you ready to discover the powerful lessons from Parshah Korach and the rebellion he led in the wilderness? Join us as we explore the Torah's perspective on diagnoses of hyperactivity and anxiety. Together, we'll delve into the deeper meaning of the standoff between Moshe and Korach and discu...

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Unraveling Korach's Legacy: See What You Want (Bonus Episode)

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - June 21, 2023 19:00 - 4 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
This episode unravels the complex story of Korach, whose actions led to chaos and destruction and left a lasting legacy of destruction. We'll explore different perspectives from Rashi, Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz and R' Meir Chadosh to shed light on Korach's motivations and the lessons we can learn fr...

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Parshas Shlach - Unlocking Divine Assistance & Overcoming Obstacles

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - June 16, 2023 00:00 - 22 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Why did Hashem tell us to send spies if He had already promised us success in the battle? This thought-provoking question lies at the heart of the parashah of Shlach, and in this episode, we uncover the fundamental difference between being successful in serving Hashem and not maximizing our Koch...

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Parshas Shelach 2023 | Short Dvar Torah | Disastrous Debacle

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - June 14, 2023 13:00 - 5 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
What if the heartache and sorrow surrounding Tisha Ba'av could have been prevented with a straightforward lesson? Join us on this thought-provoking episode as we explore the tragic events of Tisha Bo'av and the infamous story of the Miraglim (spies) returning from their reconnaissance mission wi...

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Parshas Shlach 2023 | Short Dvar Torah | Disastrous Debacle

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - June 14, 2023 13:00 - 4 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
What if the heartache and sorrow surrounding Tisha Ba'av could have been prevented with a straightforward lesson? Join us on this thought-provoking episode as we explore the tragic events of Tisha Bo'av and the infamous story of the Miraglim (spies) returning from their reconnaissance mission wi...

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Behaaloscha – (Unfiltered) Sadistic Pride

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - June 09, 2023 04:00 - 15 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Have you ever considered how far people will go to escape obligations, even when it comes to serving God? In this eye-opening episode, we unpack Rashi's insight that the complaint in the Parshah of Baaloscha wasn't a complaint but more of an excuse to cause chaos and upheaval. We discuss fascina...

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Nasso - The Enigma of Abstinence: Balancing Spiritual Growth and Physical Pleasures

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - June 02, 2023 03:00 - 24 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Is abstinence a virtue to be embraced or a vice to be shunned? This intriguing episode unravels the enigma of abstinence, drawing inspiration from the Torah, Midrash, and Talmud. Together, we examine the reasoning behind the Nazarite's sin offering and the significance of abstaining from specifi...

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Honoring the Life and Legacy of HAGAON HARAV GERSHON EDELSTEIN ZTL: A Tribute to the Gadol Hador and Torah Luminary

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - May 31, 2023 04:00 - 15 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Discover the life and legacy of Rabbi Gershon Edelstein, a renowned Torah leader. Explore his teachings, contributions, and the impact he has made on the Jewish community worldwide. His wisdom, humility, and dedication to Torah learning have inspired millions of people around the world. In this ...

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Embracing the Joy and Significance of Shavuos: A Celebration of Being Chosen

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - May 25, 2023 13:00 - 4 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
As we prepare for the holiday of Shavuos, I can't help but think about my own experiences and the significance of this joyous occasion. From shopping for new Yom Tov clothing for the kids to setting up our learning schedules for the night, we go all in to celebrate this holy holiday. But sometim...

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Parshas Bamidbar | For the Sake of Pinstripes and Red Sox

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - May 18, 2023 23:00 - 21 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Parshas Bamidbar Dvar Torah - 2023 Welcome to this week's episode of The Weekly Parsha, where we delve deep into the meaning behind the ancient commandment for each tribe to display its unique flag.  Have you ever wondered why people are willing to sacrifice their lives for a piece of colored ...

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Parshas Behar-Bechukosai 2023 | The Most Famous Rashi In The Torah

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - May 12, 2023 02:00 - 21 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
In this week's episode of The Weekly Parsha, we discuss the well-known analysis of Rashi in his first comment on Parshas Bechukosai. Often a misconstrued, fuzzy topic, we seek to clarify and illustrate this critical mitzvah of "Ameilus BaTorah!" In this week's Parsha: Behar   Laws about resti...

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Parshas Emor | The Holy Splash Zone

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - May 05, 2023 01:00 - 18 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
This week's parsha, Parshas Emor, delves into various laws about the Kohanim, the commandment to establish and protect the Jewish holidays, and the observance of Shabbos. The parsha concludes with a narrative about a blasphemer. Join us as we explore the significance of the Jewish holidays and ...

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HaGaon HaRav Meir Hershkowitz ZT”L

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - May 02, 2023 11:00 - 4 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Baruch Dayan Ha'Emes: The Stamford Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Meir Hershkowitz, has returned his soul to his Maker. We mourn the loss of a Torah giant who devoted his life to studying and teaching the Torah. His legacy lives on through the thousands of Talmidim he has taught around the globe and the ge...

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Acharei Mos/Kedoshim | How to Change A Bad Habit, Cure Anxiety, and Learn For 18 Hours A Day

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - April 27, 2023 20:00 - 21 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Parshas Acharei Mos and Kedoshim are two of the most well-known Torah portions in the Jewish tradition, mainly due to their focus on sacrifice and atonement. The portion begins with God instructing Moses regarding the ritual of Yom Kippur, which requires the High Priest to enter the inner sanctu...

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Parshas Tazria Metzora | Bowling Ball Head

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - April 21, 2023 06:00 - 19 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
The Parsha of Tazria deals with the purification of mothers after childbirth and the identification and response to leprosy. In Metzora, purification rituals for people and homes afflicted with skin diseases are discussed, along with instructions on the laws of bodily fluid emissions. The topic...

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What Is Sefiras HaOmer All About? (Bonus Episode)

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - April 19, 2023 01:00 - 12 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Sefiras HaOmer is an extraordinary time of the year for all Jews. The countdown of Sefiras HaOmer begins on Pesach night when we count 49 days until Shavuos - The Giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. This period is filled with joy, excitement, and hope as we anticipate celebrating the receiving o...

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Parshas Shemini | You Have Been Chosen

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - April 14, 2023 15:00 - 19 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
In this week's Torah Podcast: Shemini, which is the Torah reading of the week and third in the Book of Leviticus. Parshas Shemini tells of the consecration of the Tabernacle, the deaths of Nadab and Abihu, and the dietary laws of kashrut (כַּשְׁרוּת‎). In this week's Torah podcast, we focus on a...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Shemini | You Have Been Chosen

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - April 14, 2023 15:00 - 20 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
In this week's Torah Podcast: Shemini, which is the Torah reading of the week and third in the Book of Leviticus. Parshas Shemini tells of the consecration of the Tabernacle, the deaths of Nadab and Abihu, and the dietary laws of kashrut (כַּשְׁרוּת‎). In this week's Torah podcast, we focus on a...

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First Date Seder

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - April 05, 2023 02:00 - 4 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Making the Pesach Seder fun and interactive is integral to connecting with our Jewish heritage and passing on traditions to future generations. The seder plate, which traditionally contains a roasted shank bone, matzah, maror (bitter herbs), charoses (a mixture of fruit and nuts), karpas (a vege...

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Parshas Tzav | Ashes of Glory

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - March 30, 2023 03:00 - 9 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
In this week's Torah Podcast: The Jewish mitzvah (commandment) of Terumas Hadeshen is a ritual that involves taking a small portion of ashes from atop the altar each day and setting them aside. Terumas Hadeshen teaches us about continuity, and setting aside part of the ash from the previous day ...

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Dvar Torah on Parshas Tzav | Ashes of Glory

The Weekly Parsha - With Michoel Brooke - March 30, 2023 03:00 - 11 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
In this week's Torah Podcast: The Jewish mitzvah (commandment) of Terumas Hadeshen is a ritual that involves taking a small portion of ashes from atop the altar each day and setting them aside. Terumas Hadeshen teaches us about continuity, and setting aside part of the ash from the previous day ...

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