In this week's Torah Podcast: The Jewish mitzvah (commandment) of Terumas Hadeshen is a ritual that involves taking a small portion of ashes from atop the altar each day and setting them aside. Terumas Hadeshen teaches us about continuity, and setting aside part of the ash from the previous day reminds us that while our service may change, it originates in yesterday's work. Through this mitzvah, we understand that even as time passes, something tangible remains to connect us to the past and guide us into the future. The Hotza'as Hadeshen also reminds us not to rest on our laurels and fall into complacency due to previous accomplishments. We must strive for excellence each day regardless of what has been accomplished in days prior and approach our service of Hasehm with passion and enthusiasm.

• Each day in the Mikdash, the Kohen's service began with the mitzvah of Terumas Hadeshen, by which a kohen separated and placed ash next to the altar.
• This mitzvah was not part of regular housekeeping as it required a kohen and was done ceremoniously.
• It served to remind those coming to serve Hashem that in service of Hashem, they need not reinvent the wheel.
• The mitzvah of Terumas Hadeshen taught continuity and building on the past, while Hotza'as Hadeshen taught the need to approach each day with new purpose and vigor.

Good Shabbos!

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