Latest Netaudio Podcast Episodes

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C'mmons baby! #91 (15.º aniversario)

C'mmons baby! - November 01, 2022 07:30
 Saúdos e benvindes a emisión especial, 15.º aniversario de C'mmons baby! Como mudaron os tempos nestes quince anos, eh? Ben, como sempre dixen acá, Cb! naceu o día dos defuntos e naceu xa morrido, por iso nunca vai morrer de todo, é un podcast non-morto e hoxe resucita, por un día máis, com...

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets artwork

Mixotic 300: Mixotic Allstars - The Final Curtain

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets - September 11, 2022 22:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
This is the last one! The great final is mixed by 14 well known Mixotic artists who contributed mind blowing sets during Mixotic's journey through the last 17 years. For this set every DJ selected one track that is special to him. Thanks to all artists for 300 sets full of emotion, drive, spirit ...

Free Music Archive presents Grey Area with Jason Sigal | WFMU artwork

Emergency Songs, Franz Kafka, Ganyang Nasionalisme, Music For Your Plants & more from Mar 24, 2011

Free Music Archive presents Grey Area with Jason Sigal | WFMU - February 17, 2021 06:02 - 50 minutes ★★★★ - 21 ratings
Monk Turner + Fascinoma - "Where's My Horse?" - Emergency Songs [Feature @ Free Music Archive] Hiiragi Fukuda - "TV Dinner" - The Stable At Dawn [DONATE to Red Cross @ Free Music Archive] Eric Boros - "Elindultam Hosszú Útra" - Betyárnóták [Eric Boros @ Free Music ArchiveSee Also: Vialka] Dr...

Free Music Archive presents Grey Area with Jason Sigal | WFMU artwork

Dust Shop, Jamed Curd, Mass Dist & more from Feb 25, 2011

Free Music Archive presents Grey Area with Jason Sigal | WFMU - February 17, 2021 06:02 - 59 minutes ★★★★ - 21 ratings
Music behind DJ: Lee Rosevere - "Backtime" - Backtime [back! Free Music Archive: Lee Rosevere"] Buk Buk Bigups - "Group Zeffe" - Big Big Fuckups [Free Music Archive] CAVE - "Machines & Muscles" - Butthash [ Free Music Archive] Delicate Steve - "Butterfly" - Wondervisions [ via Bad Panda ...

Free Music Archive presents Grey Area with Jason Sigal | WFMU artwork

Paul Boutin re: The Age of Music Piracy is Officially Over from Dec 20, 2010

Free Music Archive presents Grey Area with Jason Sigal | WFMU - February 17, 2021 06:02 - 1 hour ★★★★ - 21 ratings
GDFX - "excerpt" - Altered Ego [ Free Music Archive] Learning Music - "Larger (feat. Andrew Aged)" - LMM 3.8 - LARGER [Free Music Archive] Mac 68K - "Sum Beat" - Experimental Apple [ Music Composed in HyperCard] Set: Paul Boutin: "The Age of Music Piracy Is Officially Over" Will 2010 go...

Free Music Archive presents Grey Area with Jason Sigal | WFMU artwork

Computer Magic, Dark Country Magic, Teknodrama, Scum Anthem etc from Dec 14, 2010

Free Music Archive presents Grey Area with Jason Sigal | WFMU - February 17, 2021 05:57 - 42 minutes ★★★★ - 21 ratings
Computer Magic - "Hiding From Our Time" - Hiding From Our Time EP [Free Music Archive] Female - "Bugruf" - Jackoff [ Free Music Archive] Big Blood - "Reverse Hymnal" - Dark Country Magic [ Free Music Archive] Yeyo Moroder - "Mississippi Teknodrama" - Rex Is For Records - 5 Years Compilatio...

C'mmons baby! artwork

C'mmons baby! #090 (grande finale)

C'mmons baby! - November 01, 2020 18:15
Benvidas e benvidos á última emisión de C'mmons baby! Antes de nada clarexar que isto é unha conclusión, non un regreso. Quero tamén desculparme por tardar cinco anos en gravar iso -a vida non deixa vivir ás veces- e desculpas tamén polo son estraño, por momentos, da miña voz, mais non sei que ...

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets artwork

Mixotic 299: Substak - The World Will Not Be The Same Again

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets - May 18, 2020 22:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Well known Mixotic fellow Substak takes you deep down into dubby spheres one more time. Enjoy! Please visit for a linked playlist, a feedback form and artist info.

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets artwork

Mixotic 298: Tom Larson - Movement At Night Vol.2

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets - December 21, 2019 23:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Tom Larson has a special Christmas gift for you. It's a great journey through dubby netaudio classics, warm memories guaranteed! Please visit for a linked playlist, a feedback form and artist info.

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets artwork

Mixotic 297: Carlos Villagómez - Vemos Estos Nuevos Dioses Cada Vez Que Nos Miramos Al Espejo

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets - July 02, 2018 22:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Starting techy, then getting dreamy. Carlos Villagómez is opening a wide field of sounds to let you fly away. Please visit for a linked playlist, a feedback form and artist info.

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets artwork

Mixotic 296: MilŤo - Trees Above The Clouds

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets - March 25, 2018 22:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
This is a dreamy, dubby journey through a deeeeeep forest high above the clouds. Close your eyes and fly away! Please visit for a linked playlist, a feedback form and artist info.

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets artwork

Mixotic 295: Fick'L'Chap - Fick'In'Mix

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets - February 19, 2018 23:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Don't get fooled by this one: Starting dreamy and mellow Fick'L'Chap is adding more and more drive until you will dance on your table! Please visit for a linked playlist, a feedback form and artist info.

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets artwork

Mixotic 294: Eljot - There's More To Life Than This

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets - November 30, 2017 23:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Mixotic newcomer Eljot is providing you with some decent dub and tech house beats. Go with the flow! Please visit for a linked playlist, a feedback form and artist info.

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets artwork

Mixotic 293: In Vitro - Underdub

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets - May 29, 2017 22:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
This is hypnotic! In Vitro is sending you into his deep world of Underdub, close your eyes and let your mind float! Cover art by Glenn Sogge. Please visit for a linked playlist, a feedback form and artist info.

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets artwork

Mixotic 292: Substak - Lost Into The Unknown

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets - March 21, 2017 23:00 - 45 minutes ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Deeeeeepness, a dive far down, into caves filled with the echoes of dub techno sounds. This is the world Substak is taking you to. Please visit for a linked playlist, a feedback form and artist info.

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets artwork

Mixotic 291: Wout - No Style

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets - December 11, 2016 23:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Wout is taking you to a dreamy journey through ambient and dub sounds, close your eyes and fly away! Please visit for a linked playlist, a feedback form and artist info.

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets artwork

Mixotic 290: In Vitro - Feed The Milk

Mixotic - weekly electronic DJ sets - September 28, 2016 22:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Old Mixotic fellow In Vitro is sending techy and housy beats to you. He didn't forget to add some dubs to make you smile. Please visit for a linked playlist, a feedback form and artist info.

C'mmons baby! artwork

C'mmons baby! #89 (fillas da loba)

C'mmons baby! - November 02, 2015 17:00
Facemos oito anos de emisións. Este de hoxe non é un programa especial, é un programa inmortal. Queridos amigos, a natureza é cruel e salvaxe, só sobreviven os animais afoutos, como a loba; hoxe, día de defuntos, imos ouvear á lúa como quen venta o final. Aaauuuuuuhhhhhhh!! (duración: 23'20'')...

C'mmons baby! artwork

C'mmons baby! #88 (arregueifadas)

C'mmons baby! - June 01, 2015 07:30
Regueifar regueifarei, loguiño de comezar, temos hoxe no C'mmons baby! hiphopiño, un verso e tamén rap. Un xénero pouco tocado no programa do que ía sendo tempo xa de botar unha picada.(duración: 23'33''). baixar .mp3 / baixar .ogg Projeto Manada. Um por todos (LP Urbanidades, 2008 / Compilat...

C'mmons baby! artwork

C'mmons baby! #87 (afrancesadas)

C'mmons baby! - April 06, 2015 08:15
Como ovos batidos até homoxeneizar clara e xema, e pasados despois pola tixola, así andamos... afrancesando a música (duración: 17'23''). baixar .mp3 / baixar .ogg Rachel Baz. J'aime toi  (LP Ramenez-moi, 207) Half Asleep. (une histoire d’)Astronautes-marîns-pêcheurs (LP Subtitles For The Si...

C'mmons baby! artwork

C'mmons baby! #86 (meter a zoca)

C'mmons baby! - December 08, 2014 19:33
Na anterior emisión metín a zoca, dixen Dédalo onde debería ter dito Ícaro, e non vai ser a última vez que o faga. Hoxe mesmo esquecín dicir "...cuando el público hace caso" antes de poñervos un importante aviso da xente de proxecto dHábitat. (duración: 19'37''). baixar mp3 / baixar ogg   No...

C'mmons baby! artwork

C'mmons baby! #85 (sete anos, sete faixas)

C'mmons baby! - November 17, 2014 15:46
Celebramos o sétimo cabodano con demora e o anuncio de nova época e formato. Comentamos tamén o resultado da enquisa que lanzamos días atrás e obramos o que consideramos mellor (para ter máis ou menos contentos a todos). Estreamos nova sección: As faixas do faiado, recuperando aos The Dots. (du...

C'mmons baby! artwork

C'mmons baby!#65 (fios)

C'mmons baby! - October 27, 2014 11:32
Esta vai ser a última emisión de C'mmons baby! como foi até hoxe, o que veña despois está por ver. Cavilamos no futuro deste falangullo coa ilusión de inchar o peito de novos folgos e de que todo isto nos leve para adiante (duración 26'07"). Baixar o mp3 Metralletas Lecheras. Faire l'amour Ú...

C'mmons baby! artwork

C'mmons baby! #84 (non somos reis)

C'mmons baby! - July 05, 2014 14:52
Encetamos ciclo ourobórico en C'mmons baby! Abrimos unha serie de emisións que abriran co mesmo músico co que se pecha a emisión anterior. Entramentres, na España, hai novo rei, revalidado nun ciclo infinito coma un gif animado (duración: 25'15''). baixar mp3 / baixar ogg Las Buenas Noches. ...

C'mmons baby! artwork

C'mmons baby! #83 (unha voda e case un funeral)

C'mmons baby! - May 29, 2014 16:04
Tantos meses de ausencia e escollo para gravar este día que ando arrefriado para volver... non vos teño remedio. Encanamos coa emisión anterior e seguimos con guitarras, guitarras, guitarras para cargar as pillas (duración: 24'57''). baixar mp3 / baixar ogg Kine Hjeldnes. Cracks (Elude, EP 20...

C'mmons baby! artwork

C'mmons baby! #82 (proletarios e defuntos)

C'mmons baby! - November 21, 2013 16:07
Este é o especial 6º cabodano de C'mmons baby! que debería ter saído o 2 de novembro. Chegou tarde, mas chegou, chegou cheo de arrepiantes novas para o proletariado e fermosas historias de medo. Morte e amor loitando xuntos, Tánatos e Eros, cada un nunha aurícula dos teus ouvidos (duración 30'3...

C'mmons baby! artwork

C'mmons baby! #81 (capitalismalo)

C'mmons baby! - September 07, 2013 16:34
Chegamos con cinco meses de atraso, mais regresamos dispostos a demoler este sistema fedorento, a coller forzas para recuperar o ritmo perdido e construír un novo espazo. (duración 21'13"). baixar mp3 / baixar ogg Das Kapital. Demoler (Grecia, LP) William J. Le Petomane. You don't treat me ...

C'mmons baby! artwork

C'mmons baby! #80 (liberado)

C'mmons baby! - April 30, 2013 15:39
Regresamos despois do secuestro. Se cadra precisaba tempo para recuperarme da experiencia, mais nunca houbo C'mmons baby! secuestrado que non regresase, e aquí andamos de volta; dando conta dalgunhas novidades que saíran mentres estivemos ausentes (duración 18'45"). baixar mp3 / baixar ogg Ne...

C'mmons baby! artwork

C'mmons baby! #79 (secuestro no LAV13)

C'mmons baby! - February 18, 2013 18:48
Liberado xa, polos amabeis alumnos secuestradores, publico a crónica do que foi unha experiencia tan arrepiante como gostosa. Isto é o que deu de si o Obradoiro de radio e podcasting desta fin de semana en Vedra. Grazas a todos os alumnos (Belén, Concha, Susana, Cristina, Sonia, Cristina, Mónic...

C'mmons baby! artwork

C'mmons baby! #78

C'mmons baby! - January 09, 2013 17:25
Balbuce o ano 2013, mais imos despedir o 2012 con algúns vellos coñecidos (algúns sen lanzar nada novo desde hai ben tempo) que decidiron regresar con novas músicas a finais deste ano que marchou. Tamén anuncio o obradoiro sobre podcasting e radio en internet que vou dar no LAV 2013 de Vedra no...

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