Latest Maori woman Podcast Episodes

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Kawa - discernment

IndigenuityⓇ - April 28, 2022 08:31 - 18 minutes
Tikanga and Kawa are so important. I’ve been a Kawa-fearing wahine for most of my life. Discernment is as important, something that has caused me to depart from Kawa in recent years. Because I’m now keeping Ngā ahurea Māori safe for my mokopuna.

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I must choose

IndigenuityⓇ - April 23, 2022 12:06 - 7 minutes
When we share ourselves in this social media, we hold back layers in order to maintain boundaries that keep us safe. I must now choose what I spend my time on and who. --- Send in a voice message:

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Let’s refocus

IndigenuityⓇ - February 20, 2022 20:57 - 15 minutes
It’s been 2 years of distraction since the first lock down. In that same time house prices have almost double in some areas. Let’s get back to our action plans of first home, occupy whenua and investments. As indigenous people our mokopuna should not be tenants in their own country --- Send i...

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'The investment in the modern state of Aotearoa'

IndigenuityⓇ - December 07, 2021 09:54 - 41 minutes
My first Guest speaker Te Taru White. My dad speaking about his time during the Fiscal Envelope days, settling Treaty grievances for the government in the 1990s. I'm fortunate I was raised around this choice koroua. Geological Engineer Former General Manager of TPK,  Former Kaihautū of Te Pap...

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That was awkward - getting over herself

IndigenuityⓇ - December 03, 2021 07:44 - 17 minutes
Today I was a shakey awkward mess as I did my first live on social media for over a year. Reflecting on self importance sucks shet. Vulnerability is not a flavour I enjoy. However, neither is a banquet of bullshit facades. Time to get over myself --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters...

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The Divide & Conquer

IndigenuityⓇ - December 03, 2021 07:09 - 19 minutes
I’d heard about divide & conquer as a strategy. Imagine however my surprise to experience it myself. Surprised because … if I remember correctly … I was the only one who turned up to the last Māori land court hearing, I was there when the judge ordered my succession to whenua left in part to me, ...

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Read along with me Part 1

IndigenuityⓇ - November 03, 2021 05:38 - 11 minutes
Reading through some of my email communications with the Case Manager at the Māori Land Court.  --- Send in a voice message:

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Maori Land Monday - The Patriarchy

IndigenuityⓇ - August 16, 2021 04:00 - 22 minutes
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Solution Interlude - The solution before the problem

IndigenuityⓇ - August 11, 2021 04:00 - 11 minutes
Next week's episode is about the Patriarchy and my problem with it. I don't want to be a whinger, name and shamer, bleating about mamae without offering a solution.  So each week I will share with you a shorter interlude the gets to the point, the solution, for how I overcome a problem - before...

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Maori Land Mondays - Back after 12 months away

IndigenuityⓇ - August 09, 2021 07:00 - 27 minutes
A kaupapa to keep sharing with my followers on how I self represented in the Māori Land Court. My goal is to break the whānau cycle of holding secrets for poor whānau ethics, greed and intra-oppression (the oppressed now opress) and instead share the experience for others to follow the solution...

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Ep 12. Credit Rehab 1 - Improving your Credit Score

IndigenuityⓇ - November 11, 2019 08:44 - 15 minutes
Mainstream lenders/banks like ASB, BNZ,ANZ, Westpac need your credit score above 400 otherwise it's likely that they will automatically decline you. Whakarongo mai...

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Ep 11. Credit Scores - Understanding Scores & Reports

IndigenuityⓇ - October 26, 2019 11:26 - 11 minutes
Expanding from last episode slightly in preparation for How to Rehab Your Credit. The impact of having a pakaru credit score can lead to people feeling like they will be held back from financially progress, homeownership and being free of debt. Have a listen first before you make that assumption....

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Ep . 10. Credit Scores - Fines & Credit Scores don't go together

IndigenuityⓇ - October 18, 2019 06:29 - 5 minutes
Credit ScoresIt may sound simple to some of you, but many people will avoid checking their credit scores because they believe they have bad credit. After a bit of investigation, I find that they have good credit, they just have lots of fines with the Ministry of Justice.

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Ep.9 Bad debt strategies

IndigenuityⓇ - October 14, 2019 23:00 - 10 minutes
Isn't all debt bad? No. Some debt can be useful, for example, a home loan, a car loan, a line of credit, a zero interest credit card, capital funding to start a business. It becomes BAD DEBT when it consumes you, it costs more than its worth, the interest rate is higher than the rate of return. O...

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Ep 8. Good with debt, but too many lines of debt

IndigenuityⓇ - October 14, 2019 03:33 - 4 minutes
Disclaimer: You should seek your own independent advice before making any financial commitments including debt repayment, or taking out debt. You are good with debt and managing your budget, but you have multiple lines of debt and the bank doesn't like it. Then this episode is about you. Mauri ora.

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Ep 7. Coming Next - Debt & Credit Scores

IndigenuityⓇ - October 14, 2019 03:20 - 3 minutes
Episode is an interlude. The next few episodes are about troubleshooting Debt (Serviceability & Bad Debt), and Credit Scores. As an analogy, Debt & Credit Scores are like a high sugar fatty diet. Tastes yum but gives you pirau (rotten) teeth and health if you don't manage it well. You can check o...

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Ep 6. Kiwisaver FAQs

IndigenuityⓇ - October 14, 2019 02:57 - 9 minutes
Kiwisaver can feel complex. Last episode you will have learned How To withdraw your Kiwisaver. And here are some more FAQs about Kiwisaver to help you buy your First Home. --- Send in a voice message:

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Ep 5. Kiwisaver documents

IndigenuityⓇ - October 14, 2019 02:10 - 8 minutes
This topic is in two parts (this is part 1). How To Use Kiwisaver starts with all the documents you require as part of your portfolio (Week 2). Once you collect all these documents in to your portfolio you are ready to start applying for your Kiwisaver withdrawal and apply for the Homestart Grant...

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Ep 3. CleanBanking - Financial Bootcamp begins

IndigenuityⓇ - October 14, 2019 01:27 - 4 minutes
Everyone must start here - from the High Income to the Low Income aspiring Home Owners. 'Clean Banking' is like going on a diet, purging yourself of habits and creating some fresh basic ones for good financial health. --- Send in a voice message:

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Ep4. Portfolio Magic - Be prepared

IndigenuityⓇ - October 14, 2019 01:13 - 2 minutes
Portfolios are a folder/envelope/book where you collect all of your essential documents for applying for a home loan. Same goes for business lending or anytime you are asking for money! These instructions are magic - trust me. If you are a nuisance for the Lender/Bank Manager/Broker, you may get ...

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Ep 2. Define your vision

IndigenuityⓇ - October 14, 2019 01:09 - 10 minutes
Defining your version will keep you going when the journey gets rough. Understand your vision before anything else. Finance, property, land law can be difficult. That is why there are well paid experts in these fields. Why would anyone need to specialise their career in something that is easy? Th...

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EP1. Why focus on whenua and home ownership?

IndigenuityⓇ - October 14, 2019 01:02 - 11 minutes
My long term business vision is for all Māori to be land owners...again. Because I believe that along with our reo and tikanga, whenua is also an essential part of who we are. It is what makes us Indigenous in the first place. Indigeneity is a location specific adjective; you are indigenous to a ...

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IndigenuityⓇ (Trailer)

IndigenuityⓇ - October 13, 2019 01:02 - 59 seconds
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