Latest Highperformancefather Podcast Episodes

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212. What Going ALL IN Means

High Performance Father Podcast - September 13, 2022 00:19 - 59 minutes
It's a saying that gets hurled around much more than it gets followed through on, so what does it actually mean? For a man who doesn't have life lined up how he wants, dive into an episode where we uncover the truth of what "ALL IN" means to help you identify where you can start applying yoursel...

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211. Respect, Trust & Being The Prize

High Performance Father Podcast - August 22, 2022 00:22 - 57 minutes
What is the pathway to being the prize in your life - to yourself and those you love and care about? Find out in this episode the 5 points towards being a valued investment. A valued investment in yourself first and then rippling out your leadership to others the way that we should with the pr...

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210. How To Create Better Outcomes

High Performance Father Podcast - July 27, 2022 03:53 - 1 hour
Outcomes are what we desire and think of a lot, but how do we actually find the outcomes we desire and make them better and actually achievable. Dive into the 4 step process which will create phenomenal change in your life right away and can be applied to your family and business so you aren't...

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209. 5 Steps To Building The Kingdom

High Performance Father Podcast - July 21, 2022 04:53 - 54 minutes
The greatest legacy a man can leave is defined purely by the type of kingdom he builds when he's here. Dive into an episode that shares the 5 Steps towards building your Kingdom in a way that lifts you to the highest level as a man and leader in your life, which directly affects your children ...

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208. Keeping Your Emotions In Check

High Performance Father Podcast - June 28, 2022 01:25 - 47 minutes
Emotions are a constant part of human life. They are woven together like the turtle with his shell, but too often we have the wrong interpretation of what they are and find ourselves with no control, serving them instead of leveraging emotions to drive a higher level of living. Find out in thi...

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207. The "Self Made" Myth

High Performance Father Podcast - June 15, 2022 04:13 - 42 minutes
This is a unique episode that helps men identify how much their network circle changes when they become a father, but also the pitfalls to look out for when walking through life the “lone wolf” or a “self made” man with a dangerous mentality that follows.   Tune into the 5 reasons why it’s d...

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206. Technology & Families With Psychologist Brad Marshall

High Performance Father Podcast - June 08, 2022 01:37 - 52 minutes
Brad Marshall is the Unplugged Psychologist. As Director of the Internet Addiction Clinic at Kidspace he’s helped hundreds of families struggling with internet, screen and gaming addiction. Providing awareness of why the problem exists and practical strategies and solutions is why he is very s...

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205. Life Cycle Of A Father, Husband & Man

High Performance Father Podcast - June 03, 2022 01:48 - 58 minutes
Too often as men we get stuck in the wrong cycle OR don't understand that success in itself is a continuous cycle. DIve into an episode where we model the life cycle of butterflies and how closely this connects to your life as a husband, father and man, where you might be dropping the ball and...

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204. Edge Of Death To High Performance Father

High Performance Father Podcast - May 26, 2022 00:19 - 1 hour
One of the most inspirational stories you will ever hear. On the brink of taking his own life to now being unrecognisable, Mike Killington is the embodiement of what a High Performance Father truly is. Kick back and enjoy an absolute pearler of an episode

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203. Winning The Game Of Respect

High Performance Father Podcast - May 23, 2022 00:55 - 55 minutes
What is respect? Why is it important? Find out in this episode why respect might be lacking in your life, what that is leading to and most importantly what you can do about it. When you apply action here the natural byproduct will be one of leadership, love and respect - As a Husband, Father a...

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202. ALL IN On Fatherhood

High Performance Father Podcast - May 19, 2022 05:45 - 1 hour
In one of the most powerful episodes to date, we interview John Kirkland who is a member of High Performance Father and also very experienced with helping fathers over the years with his involvement in The Fathering Project. Find out the perspectives and pathways to go ALL IN as a Father in li...

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201. How To Back Yourself In Today's World

High Performance Father Podcast - May 17, 2022 02:27 - 54 minutes
The weight of the world can sit on our shoulders, crippling us as men who feel like they don't have the energy or opportunity to rise up and win.  In this episode we go through 10 key points that are the embodiement of the Winners circle in HPF and how we win, and how you can too...

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200. Mrs Ranieri

High Performance Father Podcast - May 12, 2022 23:43 - 1 hour
Join us in a special edition for our 200th episode where we bring Mrs Ranieri on the show to discuss all things parenthood and marriage from a females perspective. It comes with a healthy roasting too at Al's expense, one not to miss out on!

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199. Opportunity Cost

High Performance Father Podcast - May 10, 2022 04:17 - 53 minutes
Everything comes at a price in life, one of the greatest prices though is the price of the great things that could have been but never were. We call this Opportunity Cost. Find out how to adjust your perspective to capture the opportunities we all have and what it can turn into for yourself an...

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198. Why Marriages Fail

High Performance Father Podcast - April 28, 2022 04:11 - 1 hour
Marriage is more than a piece of paper. It plays a pivotal role in ones identity, the environment of the household and the exposure, standards and examples of man and woman set for the children each and every day.   Find out the 2 core parts to why they fail, how to avoid this and how to ...

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197. Becoming The Chief

High Performance Father Podcast - April 26, 2022 05:29 - 58 minutes
Expanding on our very popular episode The Viking & The Panda, Becoming The Chief is about sitting right in the middle of those 2, knowing which one to draw from and when.   As a husband, father and man, these are all different demands for the Chief, knowing the ins and outs is a learnable SK...

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196. When The Wheels Fall Off

High Performance Father Podcast - April 22, 2022 05:50 - 57 minutes
Not "if" but WHEN the wheels fall off in life, the make or break to a man and his family is how he sees it and the actions he takes from that point on. But it takes a little more depth that being "positive" and taking "action", find out how to respond to the guarantees of adversity that life b...

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195. How To Stop Sweating The Small Stuff

High Performance Father Podcast - April 18, 2022 02:18 - 50 minutes
Sweating the small stuff happens daily and unfortunately many of us become unaware of this. What this leads to is not only alienating those we love and care about but also our own self destruction and limitations. Dive into how to spot the small stuff you're wasting precious liufe on and what ...

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194. Removing Self Sabotage As A Husband, Father & Man

High Performance Father Podcast - April 07, 2022 05:16 - 54 minutes
Often we sabotage that which we love and care about in the people around us and opportunities we eventually lose. But where does this come from? Ironically enough it starts with you self sabotaging, from the inside out. Find out how to spot this sneaky destroyer of lives and 2 things you can d...

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193. What Children Need From Their Fathers

High Performance Father Podcast - April 05, 2022 02:41 - 1 hour
The chaos of life leaves us assuming what our children need and racing towards finishing the day as best as  we can, only to get up for another day of madness. Stop, be here and now and dive into an episode that covers 6 key words that will help you realign with your childrens needs and how yo...

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192. The Problems Men Face & How To Solve Them

High Performance Father Podcast - March 31, 2022 03:36 - 59 minutes
Problems are a part of life. They never disappear, they simply change. Find out how you can identify problems to solve and problems todissolve your responsibility of and the greatest way to handle them in this powerful episode that helps Fathers get control of their life again...

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191. A Man & His Stories

High Performance Father Podcast - March 29, 2022 02:24 - 52 minutes
We all have stories, all of us. The break down comes when we forget to recognise the stories we've created that become the path of pain for ourselves and those around us. Find out with 2 key points HOW to identify your stories and WHAT you can do to rewrite your life and the path you're on tow...

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190. What Men Need In Men

High Performance Father Podcast - March 23, 2022 22:16 - 49 minutes
Too often we find ourselves accepting our environment when it’s one of deceit and destruction that doesn’t work for you at all. Dive into the power of having the right environment, what to look for and the core elements that make it right so you can have the champion energy around you that you...

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189. The Missing Link To A Mans Success

High Performance Father Podcast - March 21, 2022 02:23 - 48 minutes
Throught the chaos of life and providing and supporting and sacrificing where we can, as men we fall down in one key area from which all our efforts and whether we make it or break hinge around. Find out what that one thing is and how you can leverage it to 10x your results and connection in l...

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188. Give The Man Some Space

High Performance Father Podcast - March 15, 2022 03:45 - 58 minutes
The chaos, stress and speed of the world leaves little "time" for anyone to give back to themselves.   Or maybe its a reorganising of priorities thats needed, coupled with a greater understanding of how much value you can give to the world, your family and loved ones by giving some time a...

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187. Re-wiring Your Outlook

High Performance Father Podcast - March 09, 2022 05:08 - 1 hour
Every wondered how often your outlook on something has not only damaged the situation but become a repeatable pattern of future frustration and disappointment? Get clear on how and why this happens, then dive into Al's head and thoughts to fortify a mindset of steel and rewiring that turns lif...

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186. What Women Want

High Performance Father Podcast - March 03, 2022 03:21 - 1 hour
No doubt it can feel like women are a mystery to us at times, but in this phenomenal session where both husband AND wife are encouraged to listen to, we have an incredible guest Katrina who has worked with many women and talks all things intimacy and connection. We peel back the unspoken layer...

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185. Cutting The Poison That Crushes Men

High Performance Father Podcast - March 01, 2022 23:07 - 49 minutes
As men in this world we find ourselves naturally drawn into the bullshit and dramas that present on the daily. Hard part though is these patterns eventually become a sharpening of the axe which turns on yourself and leads to a poison inside that ruins the man and everything he loves and cares ab...

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184. How To Own Life As A Man Should

High Performance Father Podcast - February 24, 2022 03:58 - 1 hour
Taking ownership and responsibility of your life doesn't come down to perspective alone. It's your decisions that you need to make yourself, the perspectives you can adopt through others eyes, and the choices to invest the right energy into yourself. Find out how this can become the life a m...

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183. When Shit Hits The Fan

High Performance Father Podcast - February 22, 2022 05:38 - 53 minutes
Whether you instigate it or are on the receiving end, it’s never a great thing when shit hits the fan. Find out how to identify when this is about to happen and how you can lead yourself and family out of a poor pattern so many experience to be the “norm” inside of life. From here, clarity a...

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