Latest Full time musician Podcast Episodes

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Studio Tour! A Walk Through My Creative Space

From Musician To Artist - December 20, 2023 20:00 - 20 minutes
Hey, welcome to my recording space at Dotted Eight Studio! In this video, I'm taking you behind the scenes of where the magic happens. No frills, just a down-to-earth tour of my setup and process. Free Songwriting Workshop 🔍 What to Exp...

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The Key to Writing More Dynamic (and interesting) Songs

From Musician To Artist - December 17, 2023 13:00 - 11 minutes
Are your songs missing something? In this video, we dive deep into the art of songwriting and reveal the two most common mistakes songwriters make. These simple fixes can transform your songs, making them more dynamic and engaging. Wheth...

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What Makes the Difference? 200 Streams vs. 20,000 Streams

From Musician To Artist - December 13, 2023 13:00 - 12 minutes
Have you ever wondered why some artists succeed with just a small but dedicated fanbase while others struggle despite massive streams? Join me on a journey through the music industry as we explore the power of genuine audience engagement. 🚀 Free Songwriting Workshop - https://www.frommusicianto...

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From Simple Idea to Released Master | Songwriting Production Walkthrough

From Musician To Artist - December 10, 2023 13:00 - 19 minutes
In this video, witness the transformation of a simple song idea into a full realised masterpiece! 🎵 Join me as I take you through the creative journey from initial concept to a professionally released song. 🎶 🎁 Ready for more? Dive into our 3-part Songwriting Workshop series, where I'll guide y...

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Can Chat GPT Really Help Me Write the Perfect Artist Bio? For FREE!

From Musician To Artist - December 06, 2023 13:00 - 20 minutes
Are you an independent music artist looking to leave a lasting impression on your Spotify, Instagram, and music profiles? Look no further! In this 21-minute video, we dive deep into the revolutionary world of AI-powered content creation. Join me as I explore the incredible potential of Chat GPT ...

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The Perfect Songwriting Process for Musicians

From Musician To Artist - December 03, 2023 20:00 - 8 minutes
Welcome to the ultimate guide for aspiring songwriters and musicians! In this 9-minute video, we'll delve into the art of transforming inspiration into captivating songs, and we'll show you how to effectively manage your creative process within the real world. Key Points Covered: 🎵 Finding Insp...

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Writing a Full Song In Just 60 Minutes!

From Musician To Artist - November 30, 2023 20:00 - 25 minutes
In this video, I'll be taking on the challenge of writing a complete song from scratch in just 1 hour, and I'll show you how you can do it too. Free Workshop -  From Singer to Songwriter -

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Why is Morgan Wallen's 'Last Night' So Catchy?? Songwriting Breakdown

From Musician To Artist - November 09, 2023 20:00 - 15 minutes
Unlock the secrets to crafting a chart-topping hit with Morgan Wallen's 'Last Night'! In this video, we take an in-depth look at the proven songwriting techniques that made 'Last Night' a #1 hit. - Your FREE Songwriting Crash Course. F...

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How Miley Cyrus Wrote 'Flowers' - A Songwriting Breakdown

From Musician To Artist - November 07, 2023 20:00 - 19 minutes
In this episode, we'll take a deep dive into the songwriting techniques used in Miley Cyrus' hit song "Flowers." We'll break down the song's structure, chord progressions, and lyrics to understand why it's such a powerful and catchy tune.

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How to Start Your Next Song: 4 Unique Approaches

From Musician To Artist - November 06, 2023 03:00 - 16 minutes
Learn how to kickstart your songwriting process with these 4 creative techniques!  FREE Songwriting Crash Course - From Singer to Songwriter -  In this video, we'll show you h...

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Master the Basics of Music Theory for Songwriting in Just One Podcast

From Musician To Artist - July 07, 2023 22:00 - 13 minutes
As a songwriter, understanding the basics of music theory can make a world of difference in your writing. FREE Songwriting Workshop - Learn this simple framework to write better songs  In this video, we'll cover the essential concepts yo...

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Unlock the Secrets to Writing Great Songs Every Time: A Comprehensive Songwriting Framework Workshop

From Musician To Artist - July 04, 2023 05:00 - 18 minutes
Are you tired of struggling to write great songs? Let me send you parts 2 & 3 of this workshop for free Do you want to learn a step-by-step framework that will help you consistently write amazing songs, from start to finish? Look no furt...

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Be Smart About Releasing Your Music in 2023

From Musician To Artist - June 19, 2023 07:00 - 3 minutes
Make the most of your motivation, the best way to release your music in 2023 is to plan it out ahead of time, when motivation is at its peak! Download the music release plan template Once we've released the music we move on to the next thing. we no longer fee...

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Did You Get As Many Streams As You Expected?

From Musician To Artist - September 09, 2022 05:00 - 4 minutes
We're so proud of our music and we obviously expect it to stream well, right? But.. have you actually written down expectations? If you haven't, how do you if it's going to plan.If you have, then you'll know you're either below your music target and you need t...

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This Is The Best Way To Release Your Music In 2022

From Musician To Artist - August 24, 2022 21:00 - 5 minutes
It's hard to find the best way to release your music in 2022. Gone are the days when you can just record your song or video and put that out a a single release. While I think we should have a 'main' release, we should also be utilising the multiple content release strategy. FREE ARTIST RESOURCE...

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Did You Know You Can Practise Releasing Your Music? AND GET BETTER!

From Musician To Artist - August 17, 2022 21:00 - 3 minutes
We can actually improve on releasing music! It's a creative expression just like our music, but so often we see it is a black and white concept, either it works or it doesn't, I'm either good at it, or I'm not. In this episode I chat about how we should be releasing often, because like everythin...

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Create A Central Place To Engage Your Music Fans

From Musician To Artist - August 10, 2022 21:00 - 6 minutes
We want to turn likes in music fans, subscribes into ticket sales, in order to do this we need a central place to engage our music fans, a home base for your audience.  FREE songwriting checklist at We're good at throwing content out and tailoring that to spe...

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Giving People A Reason To Listen To Your Music!

From Musician To Artist - August 03, 2022 21:00 - 5 minutes
Why we shouldn't aimlessly promote our music, we need to give people a reason to click through and listen to our music, we need to identify the value our music brings and speak to that. In this video I chat about effective ways to promote your music, focusing on your new track offering some sort...

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How You Can Easily Find New Fans For Your Music

From Musician To Artist - July 27, 2022 21:00 - 4 minutes
Platforms like TikTok and YouTube are set up to easily find you new fans for your music, they're based on algorithms, which means they are working for you to find the people interested in your music. I love imagine dragons, so every time I open up one of these platforms I have imagine dragons co...

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Quick Songwriting Tips To Help You Write Lyrics

From Musician To Artist - July 20, 2022 21:00 - 4 minutes
Writing lyrics can be hard! I've got some tips to help make it a bit easier for you. So you can spend less time frustrated at lyrics writing, and more time in preparing the release of your new song. This video has 3 or 4 tips that I think will really help you write song lyrics, I've made them ni...

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Write A Hook Into ALL Your Melodies! Let Me Explain

From Musician To Artist - July 13, 2022 21:00 - 4 minutes
Maybe you know how to write a hooky melody, or you at least know your melody needs a hook. In this episode I chat about writing multiple hooks in your melody, make sure all your melodies are hooky, this gives you a super interesting song, and a bunch more opportunity to have your song connect wi...

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How I Go About Writing Chord Progressions - SONGWRITING TIPS

From Musician To Artist - July 06, 2022 21:00 - 4 minutes
What chord structure should you use? how do you write chord structures? I unpack these questions in this episode, and honestly.. It's such much easier than we think! We put way too much pressure on ourselves when It comes to chords Songwriting download - The ...

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How Do I Write a Song With Good Structure?

From Musician To Artist - June 29, 2022 21:00 - 4 minutes
Songwriting structure, how do yo you write a song with good structure? In this video I lay out how I go about creating good structure in my songwriting.  Songwriting download - You'll notice that I place a huge amount of importance on song structure, I think ...

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Songwriting tip! It's all about the VIBE

From Musician To Artist - June 22, 2022 21:00 - 4 minutes
Creating the vibe during your songwriting stage will help you point you in the right direction. I believe it will help you to finish writing your songs, not just start writing your songs. I've been songwriting like this for a while now, and the clear direction it provides makes it a really valua...

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Songwriting Tip! Use a DAW.. Here's why

From Musician To Artist - June 15, 2022 21:00 - 3 minutes
I've been using a DAW for my songwriting for years, It's easily the best way to write songs, In this video I explain some of the benefits of using a DAW for your song writing, and I hope that as a result you see a huge improvement in your songs, and ultimately make the songwriting process a ton ...

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The Best Way To Share Music Files Online

From Musician To Artist - June 10, 2022 23:00 - 6 minutes
I want to show you the best way to share you music files online, so that you never get caught out having to scroll your own YouTube channel or Spotify profile to madly try and copy links send of to a potential label or venue. In this video I show you a couple of simple ways to have all your link...

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Get Endless Inspiration For Song Lyrics Using This Simple Technique

From Musician To Artist - June 07, 2022 03:00 - 13 minutes
Coming up with lyric ideas! how do you come up with fresh lyrics over and over? I have a simple technique that will get you endless inspiration for new lyrics, allowing you to tap into the kind of deep emotion that your audience can really connect with, and ultimately write better songs. SONGWR...

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Write Lyrics Like This! It Will Improve Your Songwriting

From Musician To Artist - March 02, 2022 05:00 - 12 minutes
Writing good lyrics is one of the most important skills in songwriting, and working on that skill of writing lyrics will make you a better songwriter. In this video I unpack a popular song by Billy Joel, and look at the clever way he writes lyrics to connect with his audience, its about giving t...

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Make This The Best Year For Your Music

From Musician To Artist - December 31, 2021 01:00 - 5 minutes
How to make this the best year for your music, I love the start of a new year, you can look forward and set goals for what you want to achieve! The perfect opportunity to make some decisions about where you want to go as a music artists, and plan out what steps you need to take to get there. I ...

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Maximising Your Music Videos With Sam Holland

From Musician To Artist - December 22, 2021 20:00 - 12 minutes
I'm talking talking videos with Sam Holland, how to maximise and idea and get maximum traction from it. The secret is really in quantity, making sure you expand your idea into multiple pieces of content! As music artists, music videos are the best way for us to do this. Check out Sams channel h...

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