Latest Fstyle Podcast Episodes

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127. Pullout Game Optional

FredTalk - April 08, 2023 13:24 - 39 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
A man with 7 baby mommas attempts to set boundaries, Shakira's ex-husband and ex-mother-in-law are on demon time, and more relationship news curated from IG 

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126. Seemingly Innocent Habits That Make You A Toxic Person??

FredTalk - March 25, 2023 14:45 - 31 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
A breakdown of an article written by Bustle on habits that seem innocent but actually make you a toxic person 

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125. Phallic Phorward

FredTalk - March 18, 2023 11:00 - 35 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
Average penis size is up, Tiger Woods city boy extraordinaire, lady pedo, Diplo in denial 

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124. Y'all Got Hoes?

FredTalk - March 04, 2023 16:34 - 26 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
My interaction with a member of the Mormon Church, short king allies, Step-dad and step-daughter start a family, women gets kidnapped at her wedding, passport bros 

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123. Jew Stuff with Harrison Friedman

FredTalk - February 25, 2023 12:30 - 41 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
Banished from the Israeli Defense Force, his dad runs a porn store, sobriety, weak men, and Jew stuff 

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122. Why Marriages Don't Last pt.1

FredTalk - February 18, 2023 12:30 - 24 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
A riff on some IG responses to the question "Why don't marriages last nowadays?" 

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121. Creating Music with Malibu P

FredTalk - February 15, 2023 23:00 - 53 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
Malibu P drops in and we talk about his creative process while making music, and of course we get his perspective on relationships

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120. Horny Unicorn

FredTalk - February 11, 2023 13:00 - 22 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
Netflix is gaslighting us, man kicks game in a unicorn costume, dude sets very reasonable  dating standards, and woman nurses cheating husband back to health.....

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119. Women Explained In 2 Minutes, A Review| Dolocast 35

FredTalk - February 04, 2023 12:00 - 30 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
I review some relationship advice titled "Women Explained In 2 Minutes" posted by a certain IG dating "guru" 

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118. Love Is Blind Season 3 Review | Dolocast 34

FredTalk - November 12, 2022 02:00 - 50 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
A breakdown/character study of each couple from Love Is Blind season 3

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117. Ask Me Anything Responses | Dolocast 33

FredTalk - November 07, 2022 21:07 - 33 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
My responses to an AMA on relationships, life, how to be a better man, and more!

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116. The Romcom Don | Dolocast 32

FredTalk - October 25, 2022 00:30 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
A short rant on Halloween being the best holiday, and I crown myself "The Romcom Don" as I reminisce on the movie 10 Things I Hate About You

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115. Best Friends with Spencer Bland and Jordan Scott Huggins

FredTalk - October 16, 2022 00:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
Spencer and Jordan will be headlining Goodnights on October 27th! We talk getting closer to God, stepping away from God, best friend trials and tribulations, wedding sex, therapy, and their podcast Bop or Flop follow them on IG @boporfloppod @spencerspicy @akayoungbeefy

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114. Modern Relationships and Love with Cristina Max

FredTalk - October 06, 2022 14:14 - 55 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
Pulling out of 3 engagements, is romantic love real?, the power of understanding yourself, and more! Follow Cristina on IG @cristinamax

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113. Adam Levine is a Schmuck

FredTalk - September 28, 2022 21:34 - 42 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
Comedy! The guys are back and we cover Adam Levine's black Air Force One energy, a lady brings a gun to a water fight, books are overrated.

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112. Opium Dens Seem Cozy with Aaron Ransom, Jordan Cornish, and Angel Perez

FredTalk - September 18, 2022 23:12 - 49 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
Hanging out with my friends just being silly, join us for a good laugh and thinking through some stupid questions!

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110. Lights Out with Aaron Ransom and Jordan Cornish

FredTalk - August 31, 2022 19:51 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
Would you rather be tall with a high pitch voice or short with a deep voice?, stories from our comedy trip to NYC, attractive mediocre people, and then we breakdown down another petty moment this time coming from Europe! Support our sponsor at and sign-up for their stock watchl...

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109. Your Daddy Andrew Tate Banned From Social Media |Dolocast 31

FredTalk - August 20, 2022 02:52 - 18 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
A rant on internet misogynists, social media father figures, and the sneaky F Boy. Support our sponsor at and sign-up for their stock watchlist to get a daily e-mail on the 5 stocks to watch that day.

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108. Man Plays Video of Cheating Wife at Wedding | Dolocast 30

FredTalk - August 13, 2022 13:07 - 21 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
Breakdown of a Chinese man that plays video of his cheating wife at their wedding, and hypocrisy ensues as the feds run up on Donald Trump. Support our sponsor at and sign-up for their stock watchlist to get a daily e-mail on the 5 stocks to watch that day.

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90s Television and Creating a Comic Book with Jesse Keppler

FredTalk - August 04, 2022 20:37 - 51 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
We talk 80's & 90's television, and Jesse's creative process for the next issue of his comic book Robo. Help my boy Jesse out by checking out the links below! Kickstarter Campaign (Until Aug 19th):

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The Ideal Man? with Aaron Ransom

FredTalk - July 26, 2022 02:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
We talk about the red pill society, infidelity, indecision, honesty in dating, and more! Support our sponsor at and sign-up for their stock watchlist to get a daily e-mail on the 5 stocks to watch that day.  

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The Love Scientist with Keisha Bloise

FredTalk - May 31, 2022 13:33 - 45 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
Keisha and I talk religion, spirituality, listening to the signs of the universe, and her journey from 9-5 to entrpreneur! Support our sponsor at and sign-up for their stock watchlist to get a daily e-mail on the 5 stocks to watch that day.

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Jordan Peterson Hates On Plus Size Model Yumi Nu | Dolocast 29

FredTalk - May 25, 2022 19:17 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
Jordan Peterson gets caught lackin on Twitter and has to flee. My thoughts on Jordan Petersons response to the plus size SI model Yumi Nu.  Support our sponsor at and sign-up for their stock watchlist to get a daily e-mail on the 5 stocks to watch that day.

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Kevin Samuels Death, Madison Cawthorne Face Pumps His Own Cousin - Dolocast 28

FredTalk - May 15, 2022 10:44 - 18 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
My thoughts on Kevin Samuels and his backlash, and we look into Republican Congressman Madison Cawthorne face effin his cousin Support our sponsor at and sign-up for their stock watchlist to get a daily e-mail on the 5 stocks to watch that day.

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The Cynic Adopts Optimism with Jason Zaremba

FredTalk - May 08, 2022 14:37 - 54 minutes - Video ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
We talk stoic philosophy and how its helped Jason get out of a dark hole, what Jason has learned about himself from his recent break up, stand-up comedy, and Depp-Heard Support our sponsor at and sign-up for their stock watchlist to get a daily e-mail on the 5 stocks to watch tha...

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What Turns Men Off Pt.1 | Dolocast 26

FredTalk - April 28, 2022 12:00 - 19 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
Read the title. Thats what this episode is about :) Support our sponsor at and sign-up for their stock watchlist to get a daily e-mail on the 5 stocks to watch that day.

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Don't Let The World Dim Yo Light! with Ana Vincenti

FredTalk - April 24, 2022 12:47 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
Ana drops in to give some great perspective on the differences between French and American culture and how they look at race, politics, and relationships. We also talk about how genuinely positive people are perceived by most others, and we nerd out about Marvel towards the end.

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99. Friendship, Love, and Anime with Alex Montes

FredTalk - April 12, 2022 23:21 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
Young Shinobi Alex Montes drops in to talk heartbreak, shifting friend groups, and we talk about the human condition via a popular anime arc in Hunter x Hunter. Support our sponsor at and sign-up for their stock watchlist to get a daily e-mail on the 5 stocks to watch that day.

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98. My Close Friend Has Cancer | Dolocast 25

FredTalk - April 02, 2022 14:30 - 12 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
One of my inner circle friends has cancer and his response has been uncomfortable to some, and a wake up call for others. Join our IG Live this Monday April 4th to ask questions to a man that has 12-18 months to live according to doctors. Follow his journey on the YouTube channel Hitchhikers G...

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97. Will Smith Was Out of Pocket | Dolocast 24

FredTalk - March 29, 2022 10:10 - 10 minutes ★★★★★ - 89 ratings
Reaction to Will Smith smacking Chris Rock  Support our sponsor at and sign-up for their stock watchlist to get a daily e-mail on the 5 stocks to watch that day.

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