Latest Foster youth Podcast Episodes

Welcome Home  artwork

Episode 4: Self Therapy

Welcome Home - October 06, 2021 00:00 - 24 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
As I continue my passion for speaking I realize that I am at a creative block when I dont understand myself fully. When growing we tend to priotize the negative in our head other than the postive and i relizec i have fallen into the ways. So why not treat this week with some good old fashion se...

Welcome Home  artwork

Episode 3: The New Reality

Welcome Home - September 09, 2021 15:00 - 41 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Life has been full of constant disapoint for Ayanna and BOY does it keep on coming. This episode is catching you up on the ups and downs of summer. We all have to keep moving foward and growing although we see no point in doing so. In this episode, I discuss losing family members, ending romantic...

Welcome Home  artwork

Episode 1: Grand in the Beginning, Hell at the End

Welcome Home - May 20, 2021 23:15 - 42 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Sweet ole high school. Everyone's favorite part of life. Our hormones fluctuate, faces and bodies change, we're all just trying to find oursleves. What's not to love? Some of you, like myself, may have moved way too much to enjoy high school, while others stayed at their school for 4 years. Regar...

Welcome Home  artwork

You Said WHAT!?

Welcome Home - April 22, 2021 06:00 - 53 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
We all love a good story. What about one with an abusive father, deceased mom, multiple group homes, crazy foster homes and a really reckless? Great story right! We will touch base on emotional and physical abuse, Also get a look into the LA county foster system and how I’ve coped with it all.

Braid Mission artwork

6/26/16: How to Say a Healthy Goodbye

Braid Mission - June 28, 2016 20:45 - 18 minutes
We have much to learn from the story of Elijah's ascent and how he takes a healthy departure from someone he has mentored.

Braid Mission artwork

6/19/16: Growth in Good Soil

Braid Mission - June 19, 2016 18:52 - 14 minutes
This week we found great relief in hearing Jesus's parable of the sower and being reminded that the good news can only take root on ground that is ready to receive it.

Braid Mission artwork

6/12/16: How To Show Great Love

Braid Mission - June 13, 2016 04:24 - 18 minutes
Though the woman in this story is unnamed, Jesus lifts her up as an example of the type of love that is born out of our own healing.  More information about the CEB Women's Bible.

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6/5/16: Returned to Relationship

Braid Mission - June 05, 2016 05:16 - 16 minutes
Having the important relationships in our lives restored and healed might be the greatest miracle we could ask for.

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5/29/16: Only Say the Word

Braid Mission - May 29, 2016 04:58 - 15 minutes
In work with foster youth, as in most acts of healing and teaching, we may not ever see the miraculous taking place in front of our eyes. But if, like the centurion in this week's story, we believe in the possibility and the authority of healing, we will see the results. 

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5/22/16: Hope Does Not Disappoint

Braid Mission - May 22, 2016 06:22 - 22 minutes
  The Apostle Paul believed in a deep hope that transcends what we know in this world, a hope that was held in community. We have found that same hope reflected and shared in our Cards of Hope program to send birthday and holiday cards to youth in group homes.

Braid Mission artwork

5/15/16: Mutual Adoption

Braid Mission - May 15, 2016 16:00 - 22 minutes
We have learned at Braid that "family" is much more than biology, and often the relationships we choose have the most to teach us about what it means to be family.

Braid Mission artwork

5/8/16: Invitation to the Fountain

Braid Mission - May 07, 2016 17:14 - 18 minutes
How can the church offer a standing invitation to wholeness in a world that tells us we have to ask for help? Read Ethan's post on the Braid blog.

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5/1/16: Do You Want To Be Well?

Braid Mission - May 02, 2016 22:17 - 20 minutes
How do we answer Jesus's invitation to healing that isdeeperthan all we desire?

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4/24/16: Chicken, Egg, or Holy Spirit?

Braid Mission - April 24, 2016 20:01 - 22 minutes
As we hear the story of Peter encountering the Holy Spirit where he least expected it, we wonder which comes first: the Spirit's presence, or our invocation of it?

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4/3/16: Sharing Our Wounds

Braid Mission - April 03, 2016 05:29 - 15 minutes
In the story of "Doubting Thomas," the evidence of Jesus's trauma makes him recognizable to one of his closest followers and friends after the resurrection. What does this mean for those of us who represent the body of Christ? With special guest Charlotte Wilson 

Braid Mission artwork

Easter 2016: Remembering Resurrection

Braid Mission - March 27, 2016 04:44 - 19 minutes
We all experience cycles of death and resurrection over and over in our earthly journeys. In our Easter podcast, we reflect on the communities of love and support that help us emerge from the tombs of difficulty and trauma into new life.

Braid Mission artwork

3/20/16: Celebrating the Extremes

Braid Mission - March 21, 2016 01:16 - 17 minutes
As the church begins its remembrance of Jesus's last days before his death, we wonder how fully celebrating the joyful and triumphant moments of life inspires and enables us to walk into darker and more challenging moments as well.

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3/6/16: The Prodigal Parent

Braid Mission - March 06, 2016 05:05 - 17 minutes
As we reflect on Jesus' parable of the prodigal son, we explore what it might look like if the roles were reversed, as they often are for foster youth who are reunited with their parents.

Braid Mission artwork

2/28/16: "We Are"

Braid Mission - February 28, 2016 17:00 - 21 minutes
With God's encouragement, Moses found his voice, his sense of identity, and capabilities he never dreamed of. We reflect on the work of our friends at California Youth Connection and all the ways we empower each other in community. 

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2/14/16: Keep Remembering Your Belovedness

Braid Mission - February 14, 2016 20:30 - 20 minutes
On this St. Valentine's Day, we offer a re-broadcast of our show from February last year, "Remember Your Belovedness," in which we honored the memory of one of our first friends in San Francisco and what she taught us about claiming God's love for us.

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2/7/16: We Are All Moses

Braid Mission - February 07, 2016 02:35 - 20 minutes
In his letter to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul gives us all permission and courage to step into the presence of God and be transformed.

Braid Mission artwork

1/31/16: The Greatest of These

Braid Mission - January 31, 2016 05:11 - 24 minutes
We remember one of Rebecca's heroes in ministry and the challenges of following Saint Paul's prescription for unconditional love.

Braid Mission artwork

1/24/16: One Body

Braid Mission - January 26, 2016 00:12 - 21 minutes
Especially in light of this week celebrating the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, we reflect on Paul's words to the Corinthians about the interconnectedness of all members of our community and the essential contribution of every part of the body.

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1/17/16: Setting the Stage for Miracles

Braid Mission - January 16, 2016 21:25 - 15 minutes
In our first podcast of the new year, we reflect on the story of Jesus turning water into wine and the role we all have to play in God's work of transformation and healing.

Braid Mission artwork

Christmas 2015: O Come Let Us Adore Him

Braid Mission - December 24, 2015 16:38 - 17 minutes
As we hear the Christmas story this year, we reflect on the shepherds who respond to the angels' message and show up just to befriend and adore the most important child in the world, and we give thanks for all the shepherds who are part of Braid's ministry.

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12/6/15: Finding the Center

Braid Mission - December 10, 2015 22:05 - 20 minutes
We reflect on the labyrinth as a helpful metaphor for our work at Braid in helping each other find the center in a world that is full of twists and turns.

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11/29/15: Waiting for Hope

Braid Mission - November 30, 2015 02:21 - 17 minutes
For many people – including most foster youth – holidays are times of grief and loneliness. We reflect on how difficult it is to anticipate Christmas when it is not the joyful and hopeful season our culture and our church say it should be.

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11/22/15: Jesus & Karl

Braid Mission - November 24, 2015 06:24 - 18 minutes
What if we imagined Jesus' second coming like the approach of San Francisco's famous fog (fondly known as Karl)? And what if we were agents of that right now?

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11/15/15: Shaking Our Foundations

Braid Mission - November 16, 2015 16:10 - 16 minutes
We consider what it means to hear Jesus' warnings about the destruction that will usher in a new age from a city that has been defined by natural disasters. 

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