Latest Finding order in chaos Podcast Episodes

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[Finding God in All Things] Day 10 – The One and Only Path

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - February 23, 2024 22:00 - 12 minutes
In the Gospel of Mark, chapter 10, verses 17 to 22, it is written: “As he (Jesus) was setting out on a journey, a man ran up and knelt before him, and asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good but God ...

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[Finding God in All Things] Day 9 – The Safest Investment

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - February 22, 2024 22:00 - 12 minutes
How absurd it is for us Christians to find ourselves becoming God's greatest adversaries. There seems to be no conflict between choosing what you desire, and choosing what God desires. But the heart of the matter is this: what we think is good is often very different from what God think...

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[Finding God in All Things] Day 8 – The True Rival of the Lord

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - February 21, 2024 22:00 - 11 minutes
Did the song "Need You Every Minute" that we used to reflect on and connect with our relationship with God yesterday give you a special, fresh, and warm feeling? I hope yesterday's experience allowed you to savour the realization that our personal relationship with God can be much like ...

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[Finding God in All Things] Day 7 – Need You Every Minute

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - February 20, 2024 22:00 - 13 minutes
A week ago, at the beginning of the retreat, I asked everyone a question: Do you desire to find God in all things? I wonder what your answer was. If you have been following this retreat, I believe your answer is yes. But when you think about the theme of this retreat, "Finding God in Al...

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[Finding God in All Things] Day 6 – The Beginning of an Amazing Journey

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - February 19, 2024 22:00 - 10 minutes
In the first five days of the retreat, we mentioned that if we are not aware of our need for God, it is difficult for us to have the motivation and desire to establish a relationship with Him, especially since God is not someone we can see or touch. This awareness and awakening can be a...

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[Finding God in All Things] Day 5 – Love Speaks from the Heart

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - February 18, 2024 22:00 - 13 minutes
Sometimes, we feel ignored or excluded by others not because they intentionally alienate us, but rather due to a mistaken impression they have about us. This misconception is often based on a flawed understanding of our preferences, likes, dislikes, or needs. Such misconceptions can eas...

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[Finding God in All Things] Day 4 – “Am I a Part of It?”

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - February 16, 2024 22:00 - 11 minutes
Like many of us, you may have had the following experience: You knew that in your circle of friends, an event that you valued very much and looked forward to was coming up, but in the end, you found out you were not invited. The feeling of not being valued, being excluded, being given t...

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[Finding God in All Things] Day 3 – Lord, I Need You!

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - February 15, 2024 22:00 - 13 minutes
“A friend in need is a friend indeed” does not only apply to human relationships, but it is also reflected in our relationship with God. God is faithful and His love for us never changes. Yet we only acknowledge God’s faithfulness when we are in need. Whenever we encounter adversity, su...

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[Finding God in All Things] Day 2 – “Do you need me?”

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - February 14, 2024 22:45 - 13 minutes
The theme of "Finding God in All Things" for this year's retreat actually poses an important question to us: "Do we need God?" Or conversely, it is God asking us, "Do you need me?" This is a question worth pondering. In the process of growing up, we are taught to be "independent", to t...

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[Finding God in All Things] Day 1 – Do you desire to find God in All Things?

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - February 13, 2024 23:00 - 12 minutes
In the past two years, amid the upheaval of wars and social unrest, the world appears unfamiliar and hostile compared to our previous experiences. People are growing more anxious and restless. We may wonder: Why is God so elusive? Has He turned His gaze away from us? Is He indifferent t...

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[I Thirst] Day 40 – The Perfect Image of Christ

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - April 07, 2023 23:00 - 11 minutes
According to the Gospel of John, the first question Jesus asked when He began His ministry was "What are you looking for?" (John 1:38). After Jesus died and resurrected, He said to Mary of Magdala, who was looking for Him in the tomb, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking fo...

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[I Thirst] Day 39 – Holding On, Letting Go

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - April 06, 2023 23:00 - 15 minutes
Today, we, together with the universal church, remember with a heavy heart how our Lord Jesus Christ willingly walked a path of betrayal and extreme humiliation, and was nailed to the cross for us. It was the will of the Father, and the Son willingly obeyed, all because of love! Becaus...

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[I Thirst] Day 38 – No Holding Back

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - April 05, 2023 23:00 - 11 minutes
We need to acknowledge that we are easily deceived, especially by ourselves. For example, we are easily deceived by our own "outward behaviour." As we were growing up, for different reasons and motivations, we learned to do some "window dressing" to gain people's recognition and praise,...

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[I Thirst] Day 37 – A Hardened Heart Is a Withered Heart

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - April 04, 2023 23:00 - 12 minutes
Some of you may feel a little uneasy when following this retreat, and may think that you are not as bad as described in the contents of the retreat. "I am not that stubborn, not that proud, not that shameless, not treating God that poorly..." Please do not be mistaken. The purpose of th...

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[I Thirst] Day 36 – A Hardened Heart

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - April 03, 2023 23:00 - 9 minutes
"Feeling thirsty" is a state of being "unsatisfied", a state of "waiting", and a "signal" to us to take action to quench our thirst. No matter how difficult the action may be, it is something within our control, something we can take initiative and act on to relieve our “thirst”. For ex...

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[I Thirst] Day 35 – An Unquestioning Heart

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - April 02, 2023 23:00 - 12 minutes
We have officially entered the Holy Week and also the final phase of our Lenten retreat. Whether you have been accompanying us for the past 34 days of the retreat or have just begun the journey, we invite you to cherish this last stage of preparation for Easter, and through our Lord Jes...

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[I Thirst] Day 34 – The Price Of Freedom

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - March 31, 2023 23:00 - 9 minutes
As we are about to enter the Holy Week - the holiest time of the year, let us prepare ourselves so that we will be in the best spiritual state and have the most awakened heart to accompany our Lord Jesus to enter Jerusalem, into the darkest and most painful moment of His life. Jesus bo...

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[I Thirst] Day 33 – Determining the Anchor of Our Lives

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - March 30, 2023 23:00 - 9 minutes
Our life is a continuous process of seeking, and depending on the goals we pursue, we will have different desires. As we age and go through different stages in life, our goals also change, and these goals we pursue shape the trajectory of our lives. It can be said that our life goals af...

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[I Thirst] Day 32 – Who Is Most Dependable?

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - March 29, 2023 23:00 - 8 minutes
The most important inspiration from yesterday's reflection is that even if we encounter great challenges and obstacles in our lives, they will not lead us to a dead end because God will not allow that to happen! Just as St. Paul the Apostle wrote in 1 Corinthians 10:13, “No testing has ...

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[I Thirst] Day 31 – The Key to Abundant Life

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - March 28, 2023 23:00 - 10 minutes
The key point of yesterday’s retreat was that if we don't want to be weighed down by the endless desires in our lives, we need to prioritize our desires. The key is to put our "thirst for God" as the top priority, then our other desires will be put in the right order easily. Amazingly,...

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[I Thirst] Day 30 – Reprioritize Our Desires

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - March 27, 2023 23:00 - 8 minutes
Everyone has different needs in life. It is natural and normal to have desires for what we need, and there is nothing wrong with it. However, the more desires a person has, the more time one spends on them. If those desires lead us closer to God, the time spent on them is valuable. But ...

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[I Thirst] Day 29 – Leaving Behind the Water Jar

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - March 26, 2023 23:00 - 11 minutes
Everyone must have had this painful experience before, that is when the person you love doesn't understand you —— doesn't understand your pain, your difficulties, your feelings, your struggles —— this kind of pain is indescribable. The more you love that person, the harder it is to bear...

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[I Thirst] Day 28 – Love Makes Us Qualified

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - March 24, 2023 23:00 - 9 minutes
Although we know that we shouldn't make any more excuses and turn down God's invitation, there may still be fear in our heart.  It is normal in our human nature to feel frightened, anxious, confused and uncertain, when we receive the invitation from God. Even the Blessed Virgin Mary was...

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[I Thirst] Day 27 – “Unworthy” Excuses

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - March 23, 2023 23:00 - 10 minutes
In yesterday's reflection, we asked if the concept of the "perfect father-son team" resonated with you. We believe that many of you may not have been able to relate to it, as you may not believe that you could become a perfect team with our Heavenly Father. This is understandable. First...

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[I Thirst] Day 26 – I Am Not a Nobody

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - March 22, 2023 23:00 - 6 minutes
Yesterday, we talked about the "perfect father-son team." Does it resonate with you in any way? Do you think that this perfect team could only describe the relationship between the Heavenly Father and His Son? The truth is that our Heavenly Father also desires to establish this kind of ...

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[I Thirst] Day 25 – The Perfect Father-Son Team

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - March 21, 2023 23:00 - 10 minutes
In today’s Gospel, from the dialogue between Jesus and the Jews who wanted to kill Him, we learn about how Jesus related to and interacted with His Father, as described in the Gospel of John, Chapter 5, verses 19 to 20: Jesus said to them, “Very truly, I tell you, the Son can do nothin...

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[I Thirst] Day 24 – Master, Where Are You Staying?

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - March 20, 2023 23:00 - 7 minutes
The next day John again was standing with two of his disciples, and as he watched Jesus walk by, he exclaimed, “Look, here is the Lamb of God!” The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus. When Jesus turned and saw them following, he said to them, “What are you looking...

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[I Thirst] Day 23 – Self-imposed Barricades

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - March 19, 2023 23:00 - 11 minutes
In this retreat a few days ago, it was mentioned that our Heavenly Father doesn’t want to let go of us. No matter how much we want to forsake Him, He still desires to be with us. In fact, our lives cannot be complete without our Heavenly Father and without knowing our individual calling...

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[I Thirst] Day 22 – A Fatal Attitude

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - March 17, 2023 23:00 - 8 minutes
In yesterday's reflection, we started to look into the future positively and anticipate opening a new chapter in our lives. However, in this process, there are still many temptations and challenges. First, we need to clarify that although we have repeatedly emphasized that we need to m...

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[I Thirst] Day 21 – Winning at the Starting Line

Farmer of Hearts - Finding God in All Things - March 16, 2023 23:00 - 10 minutes
At the blink of an eye, we are already on the 21st day of Lent, which also marks the beginning of the second half of the Lenten season. Thank you for your continued participation and journeying with us. May the second half of this retreat symbolize our entry into the second half of our ...

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