In yesterday's reflection, we started to look into the future positively and anticipate opening a new chapter in our lives. However, in this process, there are still many temptations and challenges.

First, we need to clarify that although we have repeatedly emphasized that we need to meet with God, to return to His side, to obtain the "instruction manual" for our lives, and then continue to move towards a clear goal, it does not mean it is a single encounter with our Heavenly Father or seeking a “once for all” answer. Since having God as our “teacher" means regarding God as our Master, and we are His apprentices.

Jesus prayed before taking any action, to discern the will of the Heavenly Father and to seek His guidance. This habit allowed Jesus to focus and carry out the Father's will precisely, rather than based on His personal desires and preferences. Because Jesus knew that the Father's will and ways are the best, He would not go down the wrong path by following the Father, and He would have more confidence in moving towards clear goals, without wasting any time.

Therefore, we need to understand that learning to "stay awake" in our lives is important, but more importantly, it is essential to learn from Jesus how to continuously "stay awake”. Only in this way can we truly live with dignity, avoid straying away from the right path due to our unclear vision, biased perspectives, and our decisions being constantly influenced by external factors.

In this process, our greatest enemy is "pride." That is when we believe that just by ourselves, we have enough wisdom and ability to make every decision and take action, and we are the masters of our lives.

As in today's Gospel, the Pharisee was very proud and self-righteous, spoke with arrogance before God, despised everyone else and acted as if God was nothing (cf. Luke 18:9-14). This attitude is detestable to God, and such people foolishly give up obtaining wisdom from God. In contrast, the humble tax collector, although a sinner, won the favour of God through his humility. His humble attitude opened doors for God to enter to fill his shortcomings so that he went home justified rather than the Pharisee. As Jesus says in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 18 verse 14, "For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, but all who humble themselves will be exalted.” This is the way of God!

So, as we embark on a new chapter in life, let us learn from Jesus and humbly return to the Father's side every day, accepting His wisdom and blessings, and moving forward with confidence and steadfastness.

Now, please honestly examine your own attitude and behavior before the Heavenly Father, whether you are more like the Pharisee or the tax collector in the Gospel.

Today's prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for pointing out to me in today's reflection that my relationship with You should not be built upon an utilitarian mentality, nor should I be like the Pharisee who is complacent and self-righteous, believing that I have no problem, and thus, no room for improvement. You have reminded me that pride is my greatest enemy to “stay awake”, and it is also the attitude that most displeases You! Please help me to come humbly before You every day, listen to and follow Your instructions, and to be the ambassador of Your love and peace.

The Collection of The “5L2F moment” Acts of Love

Fountain of Love and Life intends to collect the acts of love from the Farmers of Hearts all over the world and offer them as spiritual bouquets to our Lord Jesus Christ who died for us on the Cross.

We encourage you to respond to our invitation and share with us the fruits of your “5L2F Moments” acts of love. We will offer all the fruits of the charitable acts collected in this Lent to our Heavenly Father in the solemn mass of Easter, in return for the grace of our Lord Jesus who sacrificed His life to redeem us! Please visit and share with us your “5L2F Moments” acts of love.

On every Sunday during this Lent, we will post on our social media selected sharing from those who consented to have them published, so that these testimonies of how God touches us will continue to inspire and encourage others and multiply the impact of these “Five-Loaves-And-Two-Fishes Moments”. Thanks again for your sharing! God bless!

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