Latest Familytime Podcast Episodes

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

How To See Beyond

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - March 20, 2023 22:02 - 14 minutes
Life is becoming more like the movies. At least some of the dystopian ones!  And those don't typically end well! So what do we do as parents to keep our families and our homes from turning into rabid nightmares? This is where joy lives! Become a Parenting Hero: Go to  https://revolutionaryfa...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

Is There Hope For The "Problem Child"

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - March 07, 2023 17:48 - 17 minutes
Sometimes we equate having children to having problems!  And that can actually be part of the the issue - how we see our own children. Of course all children have problems.  All adults do as well! Yet somehow we get in our heads that our kids should be doing better than we ever did as kids. Or ...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

Smashing Structures On A Learner's Permit

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - February 28, 2023 00:12 - 23 minutes
Is it OK to push our kids to do better? If so, when? How? Is it OK to allow our kids to fail? If so, when and how do we that? And how in the world do we strike a balance between those two extremes? This is where joy lives! Become a Parenting Hero: Go to ...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

Disturbing Disrespect

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - February 21, 2023 12:00 - 19 minutes
The predominant me-first culture of our society today is destroying character, and it is happening the fastest with our children. So what can we do as parents to prevent our kids from turning into whiny wet noodles? This is where joy lives! Become a Parenting Hero: Go to  https://revolutiona...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

The Fight Is Real

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - February 14, 2023 02:03 - 17 minutes
According to Kimberly Ells in The Invincible Family, "the endgame of all these [worldly] tactics is to convince the woman and society that children do not need their mothers or fathers. The goal is to convince women and men that raising their own children is a waste of their time, their money, a...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

Cancer & Connection

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - February 08, 2023 00:17 - 10 minutes
It has been a long time since we were kids.  Sometimes we forget how hard it could be day to day, especially as teenagers. But what's worse is that the world is a much darker and harder place now for our kids than it was for us growing up. When we lose sight of that and expect our children to ...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

Reconnecting After a Clash

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - January 31, 2023 03:46 - 17 minutes
Life with other humans can be challenging.  When we throw kids into the mix it can be next to impossible! As parents we're supposed to be the role models - so what do we do when we lose it? And what can we do to maintain our connection to our children when they lose it? This is where joy live...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

13 Lives - Defeating the Deepest Despair

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - January 24, 2023 04:14 - 13 minutes
We can fix that!  This is the simplest of tools that literally takes only minutes a day that can put you on the same level as a well-trained Buddhist monk buried alive in a submerged cave.   Seriously.   Take your parenting to the next level and give up despair along the way! This is where jo...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

Perhaps The Biggest Mistake We Ever Made

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - January 10, 2023 03:04 - 19 minutes
We really felt like we were doing the right thing.  In fact we would frequently stop and double check ourselves.  And yet we totally blew and it cost us dearly for many years.   Not good. But totally avoidable! This is where joy lives! Become a Parenting Hero: Go to  https://revolutionaryfa...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

Chores? Connection? Or Both?

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - January 02, 2023 16:00 - 18 minutes
What do you do when you ask the kids to do something - and it doesn't get done? Nag?  Bark?  Yell?  Punish? We've all been there.  Frustrated with the mess and the lack of responsibility.  And we've probably all resorted to snapping at our kids.  We sure have. But we can switch from being the...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

Developing Character In Our Families

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - December 26, 2022 21:10 - 21 minutes
We all want our children to grow up with excellent character, but did you know that your family can develop superpowers with your family character?  And then our children's character grows exponentially!  Super fun! This is where joy lives! Become a Parenting Hero: Go to  https://revolutionar...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

But I Thought My Child Was Doing OK?

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - December 19, 2022 15:41 - 17 minutes
Are there warning signs that our son or daughter is struggling with their own identity?   Is it possible that as parents we sometimes mistake positive performance or even confidence as an indicator that our child's foundation is solid?  When in fact, deep down they are actually struggling? We'...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

Video Games During Sunday Service!

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - December 12, 2022 23:28 - 16 minutes
What the dickens!!!  Could we make parenting any harder?  Really! Sometimes it is all we can do to keep from losing it, or worse.  So what do we do when our children our blowing it - AND we have taught them better than that??? This is where joy lives! Become a Parenting Hero: Go to  https://...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

Lost In The Woods!

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - December 05, 2022 14:00 - 14 minutes
We want our families to win!  In a recent family adventure we learned again the power of vision.  Malala's father also used that same superpower in helping her to overcome incredible odds.  This is how we get our families across the finish line happy and victorious! This is where joy lives! Be...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

What To Do When Your Kid Is In Over Their Head

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - November 28, 2022 18:10 - 13 minutes
We want our kids to learn and grow and become.  Yet sometimes when they are pushing the boundaries it is easy to inadvertently shut them down or make them feel like they aren't capable or good enough. When we shift our focus to what they are already doing well, we build beautiful belief (for us...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

How To Hold On To Our Teens Without Pushing Them Away

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - November 22, 2022 20:44 - 18 minutes
This is a hard pill to swallow, but the reality is that our instinctual/natural response to our teens (or any of our kids for that matter) when they are really struggling is to push them even further away from us. Not what any of us want as parents. In this episode we tell a truly mind-blowing...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

How Amazing Could It Be?

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - November 14, 2022 22:13 - 14 minutes
We just wanted a place to sleep and to go to church in the morning—sometimes our vision for our family is just survival. And yet if we had known the destination, the hard part would have been so much easier.  What can we accomplish when we see a bigger picture?   What can our "ordinary" family...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

Touching The Hand Of God

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - November 07, 2022 19:56 - 15 minutes
We all know that as parents we sometimes fall short. We all have our struggles, our weaknesses and our total screw-ups.  We go back and forth between fighting off perfectionism and then wanting to quit.  It can be a real mess. So what can we do as parents to make sure that we don't pass those ...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

Lincoln Logs, Legoes and Worth

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - October 31, 2022 18:35 - 15 minutes
In this episode we cover a few strategies to help our kids feel the truth of their greatness. As a species, we are naturally self-deprecating.  We beat ourselves up.  Over the biggest and even the smallest things. This is true of our children as well, and especially for our teens.  That means ...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

I Thought I Knew How To Parent!

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - October 24, 2022 23:37 - 22 minutes
When kids turn into teenagers it can be an ugly experience.  Everything that used to work for us as parents seems to no longer have any value.  And each day that goes by our teens seem to drift farther and farther away.  We use our recent experience in Rome as a backdrop for finding some answers...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

Paralyzed By Fear

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - September 14, 2021 04:10 - 16 minutes
There are a million things to be afraid of, but as parents, fear gets amplified a million times over since we are responsible for another human being (or two or three)! What if my child doesn't make any new friends? What if my child fails her class? What if my child doesn't get in to college?...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

Correction Without Condemnation

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - September 06, 2021 19:49 - 17 minutes
Our natural inclination in fulfilling our parenting duty to correct and instruct our children often includes the inclusion of criticism. Whether it be intended or not, verbal or not, our children feel our disapproval and disappointment at a core level. Haim Ginott claims that: Parental critic...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

The Curse of the Covid Overdose (Too Much Screen Time)

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - August 31, 2021 16:09 - 13 minutes
Managing our kids is oh so much easier when we bring devices into the picture. That has been especially true during this covid-era. The fact of the matter though is that our children will actually be happier when we as a family have boundaries to guide our usage. This is where joy lives! Bec...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

Getting Rid Of Whining & Moaning

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - August 20, 2021 04:20 - 16 minutes
Perhaps the most annoying part of parenting is putting up with the persistent complaining that seems to come with children. Is it possible to put that perpetual aggravation behind us? For good? It may seem like a pipe dream, but the reality is there is a lot we can do to reduce the rate of mo...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

Humpty Dumpty - Part 2

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - August 11, 2021 11:00 - 11 minutes
At times our families can look and feel a lot like the old nursery rhyme about Humpty Dumpty.  Someone has fallen, made a real mess out of things, and it seems like there is no hope for happiness ever again. Even though the little ditty that we can all repeat from memory ends dismally, as Paren...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

When The World Turns Upside Down

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - August 07, 2021 23:42 - 12 minutes
Our world isn't getting any easier. Challenges, chaos and confusion are the norm. It feels like we can't make it on our own - and that is largely true. Except for... This is where joy lives! Become a Parenting Hero: Go to Enter your name and email addres...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

I quit

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - July 29, 2021 16:50 - 20 minutes
Do you ever get to the point where  you literally feel like you can no longer even find the strength to breathe? Parenting is the hardest thing we will ever do in this lifetime—and just when we start to feel like we're on top of it—out of nowhere a storm so severe hits that we are immediately k...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

Driving 3 days straight only to get MRSA

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - July 21, 2021 12:00 - 14 minutes
One of our old family traditions consisted primarily of driving days on end across the US to "spend time with family" to then turn around and drive for days on end again, except on the return trip now there's nothing to look forward to so it feels even longer.... Is that kind of sacrifice and h...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

A 98% Chance of Permanent Brain Damage

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - July 15, 2021 15:48 - 15 minutes
We just got to witness firsthand the miracle that hope and belief brought about in the life of our dear friend's newborn son. Find out how it relates to you and your child as well. This is where joy lives! Become a Parenting Hero: Go to Enter your name and...

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes artwork

My Butt As A Dog's Best Friend

Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes - July 07, 2021 22:09 - 12 minutes
As parents we love to pretend like we're all that. That we've totally got everything under control. Well, the more that we can face  the music and admit our imperfections, the better equipped our kids will become to face life! To make the point, we tell a rather embarrassing story.  Don't mis...

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