Latest Disease cure Podcast Episodes Health and Wellness artwork

How To Save Money And Live Better Just By Organizing Your Clutter: An Interview With Elizabeth Hagen Health and Wellness - July 30, 2012 18:04 - 52 minutes ★ - 1 rating
Believe it or not, your messy desk could be costing you serious money every year. Not only does clutter make you feel stressed out and overwhelmed, but it also slows down your productivity. In fact, the average person spends an hour a day just looking for stuff. So in this 45-minute audio, you’l... Health and Wellness artwork

Amazing Secrets Of Motivation That Will Enable You To Achieve Any Goal! An Interview With Tamara Lowe Health and Wellness - July 30, 2012 17:56 - 39 minutes ★ - 1 rating
Tamara Lowe, motivational speaker and author of the best-selling book "Get Motivated" has discovered amazing secrets to motivation which are so powerful you can use them to achieve even the loftiest of goals. In fact, these motivational secrets are so potent you can even use them to motivate othe... Health and Wellness artwork

The Cancer Conspiracy - What Your Doctors Don't Want You To Know! An Interview With Suzanne Somers Health and Wellness - July 30, 2012 17:49 - 24 minutes ★ - 1 rating
A cancer diagnosis can instill fear in the heart of even the bravest person. There are so many different types of cancer, and so many known and potential causes of the disease. What, then, should you do if you receive a cancer diagnosis? Shouldn't you follow your oncologist's instructions? Suzann... Health and Wellness artwork

How To Use The Power Of Your Own Curiosity To Teach Your Brain To Be Successful: An Interview With Todd Kashdan Health and Wellness - July 30, 2012 17:42 - 29 minutes ★ - 1 rating
Anxiety is normal. If someone or something makes us intimidated, we get clammy hands and racing hearts. It’s completely natural, and not a bad response. But success can only come when you stop making the decision to avoid situations where you feel uncomfortable, and decide to open up to them inst... Health and Wellness artwork

Genetics Scientists Uncover The Final End to All Diets! An Interview With Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo Interview Health and Wellness - July 30, 2012 17:34 - 24 minutes ★ - 1 rating
Thanks to a powerful new diet designed to work with your unique body chemistry. Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, naturopathic physician and author of the best-selling diet book "Eat Right 4 Your Type", has made his amazing diet program even better. His new book, "Change Your Genetic Destiny" builds on his o... Health and Wellness artwork

Why Some People Are Always Happy, And How You Can Be One Of Them! An Interview With Marci Shimoff Health and Wellness - July 30, 2012 17:27 - 28 minutes ★ - 1 rating
Marci Shimoff was not born happy. In fact, the author of the book "Happy For No Reason" says she was a fussy baby and an unhappy child. Her father, however, was exactly the opposite. He was always happy. Marci asked her father why he was always happy, and he could not explain why. Fortunately, Ma... Health and Wellness artwork

Your Quick Reference Guide To Stress-Free Parenting: An Interview With Dr. David Swanson Health and Wellness - July 30, 2012 17:21 - 14 minutes ★ - 1 rating
Are you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, stressed-out? Those words don’t need to describe parenting, but often times, they do. Even the best parents give in when their children are whining, begging, throwing tantrums, or just plain making them feel guilty for saying "no." But now you have help for... Health and Wellness artwork

Judy Converse Interview: Yes, Your Special-Needs Child Needs To Be On A Special Diet Health and Wellness - July 30, 2012 17:15 - 30 minutes ★ - 1 rating
Getting your kid’s nutrition right is especially important if you have a special-needs child. Otherwise, you’ll just be making things harder on your child (and yourself). But according to Judy Converse, dietician and author of Special-Needs Kids Eat Right, the biggest hurdle parents face when it... Health and Wellness artwork

5 Simple Changes To Make Today That Will Help Prevent Heart Disease, Diabetes, And Cancer: An Interview With Jeff Novick Health and Wellness - July 30, 2012 17:08 - 43 minutes ★ - 1 rating
According to Jeff Novick, famous dietician, author, and health expert, people in the United States spend way too much time and energy hyping "early detection" as a way to cure disease when that kind of care does nothing to reduce the risk for disease -- it just let’s you know you have it sooner. ... Health and Wellness artwork

Stop Suffering Now The Only Rx You’ll Need For Whatever You’re Suffering From -- Depression, Migraines, Dementia, Chronic Fatigue, PMS, ADD: An Interview With Dr. Mark Hyman Health and Wellness - July 30, 2012 17:01 - 20 minutes ★ - 1 rating
Most of us walk around in kind of a sluggish state. We never really feel 100%, whether it’s because of depression, not sleeping right, or maybe we’re just having a hard time focusing and functioning. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. What if there was an easy drug-free fix that could give you ... Health and Wellness artwork

The Secret To Curing Alcoholism - Stop Trying So Hard: An Interview With David Sinclair On His New Breakthrough Method Health and Wellness - July 30, 2012 16:52 - 43 minutes ★ - 1 rating
David Sinclair PhD stumbled onto his innovative research as a student in the late 1960s. He noticed that detoxed lab rats jumped at the chance to guzzle alcohol even though they’d been clean and sober for weeks. That research showed there was a definite "craving" for the drug that didn’t just go ... Health and Wellness artwork

The Secret To Finding A SoulMate At Any Age: An Interview With Arielle Ford Health and Wellness - July 30, 2012 16:45 - 21 minutes ★ - 1 rating
It doesn’t matter if you’re 24, 44, or 104; you can find your perfect match -- even if you’re sure all the good ones are taken. Arielle Ford, author of The Soulmate Secret, found her true love at the age of 44. And in this audio, you’ll hear how she did it and how she’s helped countless others do... Health and Wellness artwork

The Big Green Purse: Easy Concrete Steps For Going Green On A Budget With Diane MacEachern Health and Wellness - July 30, 2012 16:36 - 28 minutes ★ - 1 rating
Although you may think your house is clean and safe, according to Diane MacEachern, author of The Big Green Purse, toxins are everywhere. From the plastic we store our food in to the very products we use to make things cleaner, the chemicals in everyday household items may be making us sick. So,... Health and Wellness artwork

The Amazing Story Of How One Child Recovered From Autism: An Interview With Leeann Whiffen Health and Wellness - July 27, 2012 20:03 - 30 minutes ★ - 1 rating
Leeann Whiffen's son Clay was about 16 months old when she started noticing a change in his behavior. His normal, happy disposition and language skills were suddenly replaced with a lack of eye contact and severe tantrums. It didn’t take long for doctors to diagnose Clay with autism. And soon aft... Health and Wellness artwork

Dr. Alan Greene Interview: How To Raise A Healthy Child In A Toxic World Health and Wellness - July 27, 2012 19:56 - 24 minutes ★ - 1 rating
In 1988, autism was diagnosed in about 1 out of 10,000 people. Now, it’s about 1 in 100. Asthma has quadrupled since the 1980s, and ADHD has increased by more than 150%. Although some increases are expected as awareness of a disorder goes up, numbers don’t lie and these numbers are astronomical. ... Health and Wellness artwork

How To Stop Screwing Yourself Out Of Success: An Interview With Legendary Life Coach Debbie Ford Health and Wellness - July 27, 2012 19:48 - 24 minutes ★ - 1 rating
If you’re like most people, you’ve probably been unconsciously punishing yourself for the regrets and failures in your life -- essentially screwing yourself out of happiness and success without even knowing it. But in this audio, you’ll hear how to stop that cycle once and for all from Debbie Fo... Health and Wellness artwork

Dr. Ned Hallowell: ADHD AND LOVE -- Real Help For Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Children That Will Keep The Whole Family On Track Health and Wellness - July 27, 2012 19:34 - 15 minutes ★ - 1 rating
For a child with ADD/ADHD, even the simplest of tasks can be a huge struggle. And parents may find themselves worn down and frustrated with kids who seem "spacey" or "hyper" while needing constant reminders just to stay on track. But according to Ned Hallowell, psychiatrist and author of Superpa... Health and Wellness artwork

Finally, A Treatment Plan For Dyslexics That’s Not Just A Band-Aid For Their Symptoms: An Interview With Ron Davis Health and Wellness - July 27, 2012 19:26 - 37 minutes ★ - 1 rating
The average person reads by "thinking in sounds" at a pace of about 2-8 words per second. The average dyslexic doesn’t think in sounds. They think by picturing images at a rate of 32 images per second! Because they think at this much faster pace, when they come across a word they don’t have an i... Health and Wellness artwork

All About The Little-Known Method More Than Half The Teachers In "The Secret" Use To Rise To The Top Of Any Situation: An Interview With Hale Dwoskin Health and Wellness - July 27, 2012 19:14 - 25 minutes ★ - 1 rating
Have you ever noticed how some people can use adversity (no matter how bad it is) as a stepping-stone to greatness, time and time again? Well, there’s actually a method they use to do that. It’s called the Sedona Method, and in this audio, you’ll hear all about it. Hale Dwoskin, one of the famed... Health and Wellness artwork

Jim Abrahams Interview: Finally! Maybe An Easy Cure For Epilepsy Health and Wellness - July 27, 2012 18:29 - 26 minutes ★ - 1 rating
In the early 1990s, Jim Abraham’s one-year-old son, Charlie, started having violent, terrible seizures. Doctors couldn’t figure out why, so they did what doctors do. They medicated him. Again. And again. With strong drugs and devastating side effects, but no stop in the seizures. Then, doctors de... Health and Wellness artwork

Legendary Nutrition Expert Gary Null Explains The Truth About Why Americans Are Uncomfortable Being Healthy Health and Wellness - July 27, 2012 18:23 - 32 minutes ★ - 1 rating
During a spur-of-the-moment speech in Arizona, Gary Null asked the audience if anyone was into peace and making the world a better place. Of course, everyone raised their hand until he asked how many had ever volunteered at a shelter. Then, no one responded. According to Gary, it’s that kind of ... Health and Wellness artwork

A 5-Step Plan For Surviving Cancer And Most Other Health Problems Health and Wellness - July 27, 2012 18:17 - 32 minutes ★ - 1 rating
Sandy Powers got breast cancer. But because she also had liver problems, she wasn’t able to follow her mastectomy up with the necessary radiation therapy. So she researched and devised a 5-step plan for health instead, and told her doctors she’d see them in six months. The doctors thought she was... Health and Wellness artwork

Roy Eskapa Interview: A New (And Better) Approach For Treating Alcoholism Health and Wellness - July 27, 2012 18:12 - 41 minutes ★ - 1 rating
Roy Eskapa, PhD, introduces the Sinclair Method -- How To Drink Your Way To Sobriety: About 1.8 million people die from alcoholism every year, yet until recently, there still wasn’t a good method for treating the disease besides detox, rehab, and abstinence. Helplessly addicted people are told e... Health and Wellness artwork

Steve Sisgold Interview: The Shocking Reason Why You Never Get What You Want Health and Wellness - July 27, 2012 18:03 - 22 minutes ★ - 1 rating
Steve Sisgold, author of the book "What's Your Body Telling You", was raised to be a polite child and not express everything he felt. Most of us were raised with similar beliefs, and in turn pass them on to our children. In this interview, Steve Sisgold reveals the truth about what really happens... Health and Wellness artwork

Thyroid Disease - Do You Have It? Are You Sure You Don’t? Health and Wellness - July 27, 2012 17:55 - 22 minutes ★ - 1 rating
Many middle-aged women are affected by thyroid disease. Amazingly, many of these women do not even realize it. These women and their doctors often regard symptoms like hot flashes, fatigue, and weight gain as normal things that happen to women of their age. Mary Shomon, the author of The Menopaus... Health and Wellness artwork

The Biggest Crime Against Women May Be Coming From Your Doctor: Is Your Mammogram Killing You? Health and Wellness - July 27, 2012 17:26 - 37 minutes ★ - 1 rating
According to Dr. Len Saputo, physician and author of Return To Healing, doctors have to conduct 1,900 mammograms in order to save one life. But, they will cause two cancers from the mammogram’s radiation in the process. And they will misdiagnose 30% of the people, meaning many women will receive ... Health and Wellness artwork

Why Haven’t People Suffering From Heart Disease And Diabetes Been Told These Things? Health and Wellness - July 27, 2012 17:17 - 21 minutes ★ - 1 rating
Dr. Duke Johnson, author of The Optimal Health Revolution, just couldn’t sit by and watch health book after health book being published with advice so bad it was likely killing people. So, he decided to write his own, based on real research and truth. According to Dr. Johnson, serious health pro... Health and Wellness artwork

What Every Mother-To-Be Needs To Do To Prevent Postpartum Depression: An Interview With Dr. Shoshana Bennett Health and Wellness - July 27, 2012 17:07 - 19 minutes ★ - 1 rating
Postpartum depression can hit any new mom. It’s not hereditary, and there are no real determining factors to let doctors know who will get it and who won’t. This scary disorder can turn even the happiest of women into shells of their old selves -- lost, scared, and guilt-ridden with frightening t... Health and Wellness artwork

How To Live To 100 And Feel Great The Entire Way: An Interview With Suzanne Somers Health and Wellness - July 27, 2012 16:53 - 27 minutes ★ - 1 rating
When Suzanne Somers was going through menopause, she felt terrible. She was moody, sweaty, sleepless, tired and just wasn't feeling herself. The doctors wanted to prescribe medications to treat each of her symptoms, but Suzanne didn't want to go that route. That’s when she discovered a better wa... Health and Wellness artwork

How To Prevent Heart Disease Without Pills, Procedures, Or Pricey Diet Plans -- An Interview With Dr. Michael Ozner Health and Wellness - July 27, 2012 16:44 - 35 minutes ★ - 1 rating
Heart disease can happen to anyone. In fact, it’s the number one killer for both men and women. While scientists used to believe the disease was caused by clogged pipes, they now know "plaques" form in the arteries from lifestyle choices like fatty diets and lack of exercise. If one of those plaq...

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